the standards in this chapter are the statutory requirements for physical
characteristics that apply to the planning, design, construction and maintenance
for facilities at certified and registered aerodromes. The standards for aerodromes used by aircraft operating under GA and for
private operations under VFR are set out in Chapter 13. The standards set out in this chapter govern characteristics such as the
dimensions and shape of runways, taxiways, aprons and related facilities
provided for the safe movement of aircraft. Aerodrome sitting, including runway useability and number and orientation of
runways, aerodrome master planning and matters relating to economics,
efficiency and the environment at an aerodrome are not within the scope of these
standards. The standards in this chapter are intended for the planning and construction of
new or upgraded aerodrome facilities. Where an existing facility does not meet
these standards, DCA may approve the use of such facilities by an aircraft larger
than that which the facilities are designed for, with, or without, restrictions on the
operations of such aircraft. The aerodrome standards for glider facilities set out in Section 6.7 are applicable
to glider facilities provided at a certified aerodrome. The operations of glider
aircraft at certified aerodromes is only to be undertaken with prior formal approval
from DCA
Section 6.2: Runways
6.2.1 Location of Runway Threshold The threshold of a runway must be located:
(a) if the runway’s code number is 1, not less than 30 meters after; or
(b) in any other case, not less than 60 meters after the point at which the
approach surface meets the extended runway centre line.
Note: If obstacles infringe the approach surface, operational
assessment may require the threshold to be displaced. The obstacle
free approach surface to the threshold is not to be steeper than gradient
specified for the appropriate type and
code of runway as specified in
Chapter 7 A threshold is generally to be located at the extremity of a runway, but it may be
displaced permanently or temporarily to take account of factors which have a
bearing on the location of the threshold. Where displacement is due to an
unserviceable runway condition, a cleared and graded area of at least 60 meters
in length is to be provided between the end of the unserviceable area and the
Manual of Standard for Aerodromes/2009 PageVI- 1
displaced threshold. In such cases the requisite runway end safety area is to be