About scholarships if you can get the tuition waiver for the semester I’ll make sure you will get 700,000 KRW netto every month. If not, 1,000,000 KRW netto per month. The payment is solely for your personal living expenses. Many things in the lab are extra supported and also any expenditure you have done related with the official activities related to your study and research will be exactly (and no more) reimbursed. This is the principle in our lab. Due to the project schedules and other situations the money transmitted is not likely to be regular. There may be a little tax deduction. You do not have to be concerned with the detailed complication. A secretary will double check and make sure you will get the net payment arranged with me. The level can increase with the advancing years but I do not make a general rule. It depends. In fact, every student may have a different agreement and it is just between the student and me.