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Cl. ............................. .. 435/2571; 435/2573; Né tránh LLp (58) lĩnh vực cơ? cation tìm...... 435/257.1, 435/2529 (74) luật sư, đại lý hoặc F irmiEdwards Angell Palmer & (57) TÓM TẮT _ _ 435/2573 ' 2529 điều trị spirulina bởi một quá trình bao gồm Xem apphcanon? le cho hoàn thành tìm hlstory' đặt spirulina đã không được trước đây nhiệt-khử trùng, (56) tham chiếu Cited vi khuẩn axit lactic và đường trong nước, sau đó nuôi các vi khuẩn axit lactic cung cấp spirulina được điều trị trong đó các Chúng tôi cấp bằng sáng chế tài liệu đặc biệt hương vị và mùi của spirulina được giảm thiểu, trong 5,276,977 A * 1/1994 Cysewski...... 34/371 mà activeingrediemssuch asphycocyanin remainimact, và đó có một mức độ giảm của các vi khuẩn khác hơn Vi khuẩn axit lactic tài liệu bằng sáng chế nước ngoài JP 63-157963 6/1988 JP 7-289201 11/1995 10 Claims, N0 Drawings 1 PROCESS FOR TREATING SPIRULINA BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a process for treating spirulina. The distinctive odor and taste of spirulina are minimized in treated spirulina obtained by the inventive process, making the treated spirulina highly suitable for use in products such as beverages and foods. 2. Description of Related Art Spirulina is a food product Which is rich both in nutrients characteristic of green and yelloW vegetables and nutrients inherent to itself, and Which enables nutrients that tend to be underrepresented in a normal diet to be easily ingested. Spirulina is generally supplied in the form of a dry poWder (bulk spirulina poWder). Bulk spirulina poWder is typically manufactured by harvesting Wet algae Which has been industrially groWn and produced on a large scale in an arti?cial outdoor pond designed for that purpose, then con centrating, Washing and drying the harvested algae as needed. HoWever, because spirulina poWder produced by such a method has a characteristic odor and taste, Within the food industry, it is used only in a very limited number of products, primarily health foods and specialty feeds for animals. Methods for reducing the characteristic odor and taste of spirulina include the production process described in JP-A 7-289201, Which involves adding a tea leaf extract to a cultured spirulina suspension, then drying the spirulina to a poWder. HoWever, the spirulina poWder obtained by this prior-art production process continues to retain the odor and taste characteristic of spirulina. In the food products industry in general, to maintain proper hygiene, there exists a desire to further reducing the number of undesirable bacteria such as Escherichia coli in food. For example, JP-A 63-157963 discloses a method for loWering the level of foreign bacteria in food that involves the high-temperature sterilization of an aqueous suspension composed primarily of chlorella prior to cultivating the chlorella. This prior-art publication describes an example in Which chlorella, nonfat dried milk and lecithin Were dis persed in distilled Water, and the dispersion Was passed through a high-temperature sterilizer and sterilized at about 130° C. A bacterial culture Was then added and fermentation Was carried out to a predetermined acidity, folloWing Which the fermented material Was cooled to a temperature at Which fermentation ceases, giving a food product. Although the level of foreign bacteria in the food product obtained by such a process is reduced, because the process includes treatment at a high temperature, desirable active ingredients Within the food are lost. Hence, spirulina suspensions and poWders thereof Which have little of the odor and taste characteristic of spirulina, contain feW foreign bacteria, and retain Without loss active ingredients that are desirable in food products have not hitherto been achieved. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is therefore an object of the invention is to provide a spirulina treatment process Which is capable of producing treated spirulina that has little of the odor and taste charac teristic of spirulina, contains feW foreign bacteria, and retains the active ingredients. By mixing spirulina With lactic acid bacteria and culturing the lactic acid bacteria, We have found it possible to decrease US 7,326,558 B2 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 2 the characteristic spirulina odor and taste, loWer the level of foreign bacteria by the antibacterial action of substances such as organic acids (e.g., lactic acid and acetic acid) and bacteriocin produced during culturing of the lactic acid bacteria, and impart bene?cial lactic acid bacteria and metabolites thereof to spirulina or spirulina-derived compo nents While at the same time retaining the active ingredients of spirulina. Treated spirulina obtained in this Way is readily amenable for use in health foods and other food-related products. Accordingly, the present invention provides a process for treating spirulina, Which process includes the steps of plac ing spirulina that has not been previously heated and ster ilized, lactic acid bacteria and sugar in Water, then culturing the lactic acid bacteria. The spirulina is used in an amount of preferably 1 to 20 parts by Weight per 100 parts by Weight of the spirulina, lactic acid bacteria and Water combined. The number of lactic acid bacteria at the start of lactic acid bacteria cultivation is preferably from l>per gram of spirulina (solids basis), in Which case the lactic acid bacteria are typically cultured at a pH of 6 to 8 for a period of 8 to 24 hours. The spirulina used may be spirulina poWder or live spirulina. The lactic acid bacteria used are preferably lactic acid bacteria Which belong to a genus such as Pediococcus or Laclobacillus. The sugar is used in an amount of preferably 0.5 to 20 parts by Weight per 100 parts by Weight of the spirulina, lactic acid bacteria, Water and sugar combined. Preferred use may be made of galactooli gosaccharide as the sugar. The inventive treatment process provides treated spirulina in Which the characteristic spirulina taste and odor are minimized, in Which active ingredients such as phycocyanin remain intact, and Which contains a reduced level of bacteria other than lactic acid bacteria. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THEINVENTION The invention is described more fully beloW. “Spirulina,” as used herein, refers to tiny spiral algae of the class Cyanophyceae, order Nostocales, family Oscilla toria and genus Spirulina. Examples include Spirulina plat ensis, Spirulina maxima, Spirulina geilleri, SpirulinaSiamese, Spirulina major, Spirulina subsalsa, Spirulina
princeps, Spirulina laxissima, Spirulina curla and Spirulina
spirulinoides. Of these, Spirulina plalensis, Spirulina
maxima, Spirulina geilleri and Spirulina Siamese are pre
ferred betWeen they can be arti?cially cultivated and are
readily available.
Spirulina exists in a variety of forms, including live
spirulina, dry spirulina, and treated spirulina prepared by
mechanical treatment or some other type of treatment pro
Live spirulina can be obtained by using methods such as
centrifugal separation and ?ltration to harvest spirulina
groWn in Water. Live spirulina can be used directly in the
state in Which it has been harvested from the production
pond, although it is preferably Washed With Water or physi
ological saline.
Examples of dry spirulina include live spirulina obtained
by the method described above that has been subsequently
freeze dried or spray dried.
Treated spirulina prepared by mechanical treatment or
some other type of treatment process include those obtained
by subjecting live spirulina to ultrasonication or to mechani
cal treatment such as homogenization. The treated spirulina
may be subsequently subjected to drying treatment.
The spirulina used in the inventive treatment proce
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