Course: COMP1648 Development Frameworks and Methods Contribution: 100% dịch - Course: COMP1648 Development Frameworks and Methods Contribution: 100% Việt làm thế nào để nói

Course: COMP1648 Development Framew

Course: COMP1648 Development Frameworks and Methods Contribution: 100% of course
99: Development Frameworks and Methods - Term 1 - MAC PDF file required
Greenwich Course Leader: Christine Du Toit Due date: 26th November 2015
This coursework will be marked anonymously
This coursework should take an average student who is up-to-date with tutorial work approximately 50 hours
Learning Outcomes:
Discuss the role and significance of how information technology can aid the business enterprise.
A. Critically evaluate the significance of a methodology/framework within an IS development environment.
B. Apply the principles, concepts and techniques of a RAD methodology to a given development environment.
C. Appreciate the issues impacting upon the future development and use of methods in industry.
D. Discuss professional and ethical issues relating to information systems development.

Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing or buying coursework from someone else and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the University.

All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must be referenced correctly according to the reference style you are using.

Your work will be submitted for electronic plagiarism checking. Any attempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence.

Coursework Submission Requirements
• An electronic copy of your work for this coursework should be fully uploaded by midnight (local time) on the Deadline Date.
• The last version you upload will be the one that is marked.
• For this coursework you must submit a single Acrobat PDF document. In general, any text in the document must not be an image (ie must not be scanned) and would normally be generated from other documents (eg MS Office using "Save As .. PDF").
• There are limits on the file size. The current limits are displayed on the coursework submission page on the Intranet
• Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password or corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions.
• Comments on your work will be available from the Coursework page on the Intranet. The grade will be made available in the portal.
• You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework.

The University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including details of penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties for Assessment Offences. See for details.

Detailed Specification
This coursework must be completed as an individual piece of work.

You must complete this assignment using the given case study – The Youth Action Case Study
Firstly, read the information given in the case study (which is attached to this coursework specification).

Then produce all of the deliverables detailed below.
Note that the case study contains a lot of information about Youth Action - read it carefully.

Note that you should NOT be referencing journals/book/websites within this coursework – your discussions should relate to what you have found in the case study and/or what you have learnt as a result of undertaking the given activities.
If you refer to information given in the case study, make sure that you reference it appropriately – don’t just copy text from the case study to support your arguments.

There are three sections to this coursework. Make sure that you complete all three sections.

Section A – Justifying DSDM as an appropriate development method (30%)
The consultant, Samuel Smith, has decided that the most effective way of developing an MIS for Youth Action would be to take a Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach using DSDM. However, management has raised a number of concerns about the use of this approach within his organisation and has asked you to justify your reasoning.

Based on the concerns he has raised, use the information given in the case study, and your knowledge of DSDM/RAD, to write a management summary justifying why this would be a suitable development approach to use. Mention both benefits and drawbacks and refer to examples in the case study.

Your answer to Section A should be in the region of 750-1000 words.

Section B – High level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation (40%)
Appendix C of the case study provides details (including minutes) of a Facilitated Workshop session run by the external consultants and attended by a number of the key staff in the organisation.
At the end of the session a list of ‘high level requirements’ was produced.

This list is inappropriate as a set of requirements for developing a system as a number of the requirements do not meet our criteria for a ‘high level requirement’.

Remember a high level requirement should be a functional requirement that can be delivered to the user as part of an incremental approach using a timebox (or number of timeboxes).

Using the information given throughout the case study to help you, complete the following:
B1. Review the ‘high level requirements’ list given by various attendees during the facilitated workshop.
B1.1 Identify any of the requirements that you feel are not appropriate high level requirements, giving your reasons for this.
B1.2 Rewrite the list to include between 8-10 high level requirements that you feel are required for building the system. Briefly, justify the need for each of your high level requirements against information you have gathered from the case study.
Your answer to B1 should be in the region of 750-1000 words

B2. Use the MoSCoW rules to prioritise the requirements in your updated ‘high level requirements list’.
B2.1. Produce an updated ‘high requirements list’ clearly showing the prioritisation you have given to each of your requirements.
There isn’t a word limit for this answer.

B2.2 Explain how you set about prioritising the requirements and justify your reasons for
The decisions that you made
Your answer here should be in the region of 500 words.

Section C – Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues (30%)
Samuel Smith, the consultant, also raised a number of legal, social, ethical and professional issues with management. They acknowledged those concerns but asked for further details relating to (a) the role of a Data controller and (b) the professionalism of any DSDM consultants employed for the duration of the project.

Using the information in the case study to help you, complete the following:

C1: Produce a management summary outlining the obligations of the Data Controller role within Youth Action. As a part of this, provide a practical example for each of the eight DPA principles, to illustrate a data protection issue that Youth Action may need to address.
The eight DPA principles (Fair, Specific, Adequate, Accurate, Retention, rights, Security, Transfer) have been discussed during class.
Your answer to this question should be in the region of 750 words.

C2: Produce a management summary outlining the purpose of the BCS Code of Conduct. As a part of this, provide a practical example for each of the four BCS Code of Conduct sections to illustrate a professional issue that a DSDM developer contracted to Youth Action may need to consider.
The four BCS Code of Conduct sections (Public Interest, Duty to Relevant Authority, Duty to the Profession, Professional Competence and Integrity) have been discussed during class.
Your answer to this question should be in the region of 500 words.

Grading and Assessment Criteria

70%-100% o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding current development methodology approaches.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation;
o Apply the MoSCoW rules sensibly, demonstrating a clear understanding of the need for incremental delivery.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data controller.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct.
o Bring original thought to the argument;
60%-69% o Demonstrate a good understanding of the issues surrounding current development methodology approaches.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation;
o Apply the MoSCoW rules sensibly, demonstrating a good understanding of the need for incremental delivery.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data controller.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct.
o Bring some original thought to the argument;
50%-59% o Demonstrate an acceptable level of understanding of the issues surrounding current development methodology approaches.
o Demonstrate an acceptable level of understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment.
o Demonstrate an acceptable understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation;
o Apply the MoSCoW rules in a sensible way demonstrating an acceptable level of understanding of the need for incremental del
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Khóa học: COMP1648 phát triển khuôn khổ và phương pháp đóng góp: 100% của khóa học99: khuôn khổ phát triển và phương pháp - hạn 1 - MAC PDF tập tin yêu cầuCác lãnh đạo khóa học Greenwich: Christine Du Toit do ngày: 26 tháng 11 năm 2015Khóa học này sẽ được đánh dấu nặc danhBẠN KHÔNG PHẢI ĐẶT BẤT KỲ DẤU HIỆU CỦA DANH TÍNH CỦA BẠN TRONG NỘP HỒ SƠ CỦA BẠNKhóa học này nên có một học sinh trung bình những người được Cập Nhật với hướng dẫn công việc khoảng 50 giờKết quả học tập:Thảo luận về vai trò và tầm quan trọng của làm thế nào công nghệ thông tin có thể trợ giúp doanh nghiệp kinh doanh.A. giới phê bình đánh giá tầm quan trọng của một phương pháp/khuôn khổ trong một môi trường phát triển IS.B. áp dụng các nguyên tắc, khái niệm và các kỹ thuật của một phương pháp RAD cho một môi trường phát triển nhất định.C. đánh giá cao các vấn đề ảnh hưởng đến khi sử dụng các phương pháp trong ngành công nghiệp và phát triển trong tương lai.Mất thảo luận về vấn đề chuyên nghiệp và đạo đức liên quan đến phát triển hệ thống thông tin.Đạo văn trình bày công việc của người khác như là của riêng bạn. Nó bao gồm: sao chép thông tin trực tiếp từ Web hoặc cuốn sách mà không tham khảo các tài liệu; đệ trình khóa học chung là một nỗ lực cá nhân; sao chép các khóa học khác của học sinh; ăn cắp hoặc mua khóa học từ người khác và gửi nó như là công việc của riêng bạn. Nghi ngờ đạo văn sẽ được điều tra và nếu tìm thấy đã xảy ra sẽ được xử lý theo các thủ tục đặt xuống bởi các trường đại học. All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must be referenced correctly according to the reference style you are using.Your work will be submitted for electronic plagiarism checking. Any attempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence.Coursework Submission Requirements• An electronic copy of your work for this coursework should be fully uploaded by midnight (local time) on the Deadline Date.• The last version you upload will be the one that is marked.• For this coursework you must submit a single Acrobat PDF document. In general, any text in the document must not be an image (ie must not be scanned) and would normally be generated from other documents (eg MS Office using "Save As .. PDF").• There are limits on the file size. The current limits are displayed on the coursework submission page on the Intranet• Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password or corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions. • Comments on your work will be available from the Coursework page on the Intranet. The grade will be made available in the portal.• You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework. The University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including details of penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties for Assessment Offences. See for details. Detailed SpecificationThis coursework must be completed as an individual piece of work.You must complete this assignment using the given case study – The Youth Action Case StudyFirstly, read the information given in the case study (which is attached to this coursework specification).Then produce all of the deliverables detailed below.Note that the case study contains a lot of information about Youth Action - read it carefully.Note that you should NOT be referencing journals/book/websites within this coursework – your discussions should relate to what you have found in the case study and/or what you have learnt as a result of undertaking the given activities.If you refer to information given in the case study, make sure that you reference it appropriately – don’t just copy text from the case study to support your arguments.DeliverablesThere are three sections to this coursework. Make sure that you complete all three sections.Section A – Justifying DSDM as an appropriate development method (30%)The consultant, Samuel Smith, has decided that the most effective way of developing an MIS for Youth Action would be to take a Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach using DSDM. However, management has raised a number of concerns about the use of this approach within his organisation and has asked you to justify your reasoning.Based on the concerns he has raised, use the information given in the case study, and your knowledge of DSDM/RAD, to write a management summary justifying why this would be a suitable development approach to use. Mention both benefits and drawbacks and refer to examples in the case study.Your answer to Section A should be in the region of 750-1000 words.Section B – High level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation (40%) Appendix C of the case study provides details (including minutes) of a Facilitated Workshop session run by the external consultants and attended by a number of the key staff in the organisation. At the end of the session a list of ‘high level requirements’ was produced. This list is inappropriate as a set of requirements for developing a system as a number of the requirements do not meet our criteria for a ‘high level requirement’.Remember a high level requirement should be a functional requirement that can be delivered to the user as part of an incremental approach using a timebox (or number of timeboxes). Using the information given throughout the case study to help you, complete the following:B1. Review the ‘high level requirements’ list given by various attendees during the facilitated workshop.B1.1 Identify any of the requirements that you feel are not appropriate high level requirements, giving your reasons for this. B1.2 Rewrite the list to include between 8-10 high level requirements that you feel are required for building the system. Briefly, justify the need for each of your high level requirements against information you have gathered from the case study. Your answer to B1 should be in the region of 750-1000 words B2. Use the MoSCoW rules to prioritise the requirements in your updated ‘high level requirements list’. B2.1. Produce an updated ‘high requirements list’ clearly showing the prioritisation you have given to each of your requirements.There isn’t a word limit for this answer. B2.2 Explain how you set about prioritising the requirements and justify your reasons for The decisions that you made Your answer here should be in the region of 500 words.Section C – Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues (30%)Samuel Smith, the consultant, also raised a number of legal, social, ethical and professional issues with management. They acknowledged those concerns but asked for further details relating to (a) the role of a Data controller and (b) the professionalism of any DSDM consultants employed for the duration of the project.Using the information in the case study to help you, complete the following:C1: Produce a management summary outlining the obligations of the Data Controller role within Youth Action. As a part of this, provide a practical example for each of the eight DPA principles, to illustrate a data protection issue that Youth Action may need to address.The eight DPA principles (Fair, Specific, Adequate, Accurate, Retention, rights, Security, Transfer) have been discussed during class.
Your answer to this question should be in the region of 750 words.

C2: Produce a management summary outlining the purpose of the BCS Code of Conduct. As a part of this, provide a practical example for each of the four BCS Code of Conduct sections to illustrate a professional issue that a DSDM developer contracted to Youth Action may need to consider.
The four BCS Code of Conduct sections (Public Interest, Duty to Relevant Authority, Duty to the Profession, Professional Competence and Integrity) have been discussed during class.
Your answer to this question should be in the region of 500 words.

Grading and Assessment Criteria

70%-100% o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding current development methodology approaches.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation;
o Apply the MoSCoW rules sensibly, demonstrating a clear understanding of the need for incremental delivery.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data controller.
o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct.
o Bring original thought to the argument;
60%-69% o Demonstrate a good understanding of the issues surrounding current development methodology approaches.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation;
o Apply the MoSCoW rules sensibly, demonstrating a good understanding of the need for incremental delivery.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data controller.
o Demonstrate a good understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct.
o Bring some original thought to the argument;
50%-59% o Demonstrate an acceptable level of understanding of the issues surrounding current development methodology approaches.
o Demonstrate an acceptable level of understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment.
o Demonstrate an acceptable understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation;
o Apply the MoSCoW rules in a sensible way demonstrating an acceptable level of understanding of the need for incremental del
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