1 Module 01 – 3 Tenets of Straight Line Persuasion2 Module 02 – Art Of dịch - 1 Module 01 – 3 Tenets of Straight Line Persuasion2 Module 02 – Art Of Việt làm thế nào để nói

1 Module 01 – 3 Tenets of Straight

1 Module 01 – 3 Tenets of Straight Line Persuasion
2 Module 02 – Art Of Prospecting, 5 Keys To Sales Mastery
3 Module 03 – Mastering Tonality, Capture Attention in 4 Seconds
4 Module 04 – Being A Visionary, True Secret To Success
5 Module 05 – Inner Game Of Sales, Forces That Create Lasting Results
6 Module 06 – The S.L.P. System, Master Formula For Controlling The Sale
7 Module 07 – Art Of Qualifying, Asking The Right Questions
8 Module 08 – The Presentation, Power Of The Three 10′s
9 Module 09 – Power Of Language, Cutting Through To The Close
10 Module 10 – Becoming A Person Of Influence, Create Customers For Life
Jordon Belfort is one of the main leading character played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie “The Wolf of Wall Sreet”. The real Jordon Belfort in real life is a motivational speaker, an author & is also having his famous “The Straight Line Persuasion System” Training & Coaching Program which is retailed at 1999$ bucks.

I was intriguad & skeptic about his Sales System developed by him, which has been used by everyone who wants to better understand sales & marketing psychology. I have been going through the course since past week and have been utilizing my time by creating notes of the whole series of videos which his coaching program included in the package.

Here’s the note & review for the system made by yours truly. At the end of this post you will also find an option to download the PDF of this same notes:

Module 01 – 3 Tenets of Straight Line Persuasion
Persuading is about allowing people to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from taking action they should be taking
- Beliefs

- Fear

- Persuading is empowering people

Straight Line Selling is Goal Orientated Selling
It’s to get people to buy things they should buy
- Everyone have limiting beliefs from making decisions

The key to selling is to maintain the control of the sale
3 Keys To Success In Sales

Desire to be really wealthy
- Why do you want this

Take advantage of an opportunity when it knocks on your door
A commitment to work your ass off
Persuading is about allowing people to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from taking action they should be taking
- Beliefs

- Fear

- Persuading is empowering people

Straight Line Selling is Goal Orientated Selling
It’s to get people to buy things they should buy
- Everyone have limiting beliefs from making decisions

The key to selling is to maintain the control of the sale
3 Keys To Success In Sales

Desire to be really wealthy
- Why do you want this

Take advantage of an opportunity when it knocks on your door
A commitment to work your ass off
Closing Model
Consultative Selling
These models are bullshit but you should be closing from the start
There is nothing wrong with influencing people
For the next 60 days embrace this system & stretch and work twice as hard
There are windows that open for a short time and when they do work twice as hard
Do not pressure a client to do something they should not do
Do not pressure a client to do something they should not buy
The Straight Line System

It’s Goal Orientated Selling vs Random Conversations
You have to look at the end result first which is to close and make money
3 Tenants Of The Straight Line System

Develop Instant Rapport
- Both conscious & unconscious

- It’s not small talk

- It’s about them recognising that you care and are an expert and can help them achieve their goals

- It never ends

Gather Intelligence
- There are specific questions you need to ask

- You need to listen a lot more than talk

Controlling the sale by keeping it on the straight line
- The straight line is the perfect sale but they will try to get you off the line

- You need to keep them as close to the line and when you are off the line you do only two things:

- Develop rapport

- Gather intelligence

- You must control the line


1) Set your goals just above what you think is possible and make them bigger and brighter

2) Use Positive Think Language Patterns

- Self talk

- The first person you must sell is you

3) Find your “WHY”

4) Shed all programming that sales is evil

Examples of Great Persuaders

Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
Oprah Winfrey
Key Points

You must vanquish your fear of failing or looking stupid in the process.
Sometimes you have to look foolish in the name of progress.
There is no embarrassment in struggling – the embarrassment is in quitting
All people care about is how much heart you have when you do something
Never blame externally – look and examine why internally
- We do this because of fear and it stops us from moving forward

The only thing that stops you from getting what you want in life is the bullshit story you tell yourself why you can’t
- be honest with yourself

3 Things To Take Advantage Of An Opportunity

Where you are
Where you want to go
How to get there
2 Types of People

Those who get everything in life
- The influencers

The other 95% that don’t
- Creature of circumstance

- You should see things as they are not worse than what they are

- Instead see them better than they are and go for that

At this point he states you might be sceptical because

you are now consciously incompetent

2 Actions

What are your “why’s?”
- What would you do with the money?

Module 02 – Art Of Prospecting, 5 Keys To Sales Mastery
Prospecting is not just about finding people who are interested in buying your product or service, but about weeding out the people who are not interested or who don’t qualify.
- Looking for the nugget

Never try and turn non buyers into buyers
4 Archetypes

There are people who are ready
- Great group

People not quite ready and still shopping
- Good group

People who are curious
- Not good

People who could be dragged and still won’t buy
- Not good

You need to qualify people quickly
You must use a script
The Art of Sifting

You MUST be quick, elegant, and non-alienating.
You MUST use a script.
Keep your powder dry
- Keep your best stuff until you need it

- People have inner blocks and beliefs to buying

The action threshold

Is an unconscious set point past which the person will take action
It’s the sum of all the good things
It’s the sum of all the negative things
Limiting beliefs
People run movies on the negatives and positives of buying
The Action Threshold is the unconscious set point that somebody has to be motivated to in order to take action.
The Sales Funnel

Work backwards from how much you want to hear
If you want to make $200,000
- Thats $4k a week which is 2 sales

- That is 6 pitches

- That needs 8 appointment

- That needs 40 calls with the decision maker – connects

- That needs 24 dials per day

The only thing you can control for sure is the dials
First Impression

You have only 4 seconds on the phone to communicate
- Enthusiastic as hell

- Sharp as a tack

- A figure of authority

This shows you a person who can give them control of their lives and help them achieve their goals
1/24th of second in person and you will be judged
- The way you are dressed

- The way you carry yourself

People will make a mental picture of you on the phone

This is what people want
You want to be perceived instantly as an authority figure
The Lot Chart

I want to earn £1,000,000
I need
Module 03 – Mastering Tonality, Capture Attention in 4 Seconds
Tonality is the hidden part of persuasion because it speaks to someone on an emotional level
It helps develop rapport on an unconscious level
FIRST SCRIPT: You have 4 seconds …

Hi, is John there?
Hi, John! This is , calling from Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida. How’s it going today?
Great! Now, if you recall, you attended a seminar last Thursday night over at the Marriott Hotel, with one of our top Forex traders, James Arnell. Does that ring a bell?

It must capture the friend to friend tone
While you are listening and watching the exercise on the video, pay attention and take note of the following tonal distinctions:
1) Use up-tones to pace and lead.

2) Raise your voice at the end of “Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida” to infer a micro-agreement.

- If you say it low it communicates that you don’t care

- By raising your voice it communicates – “right you recall don’t you?”

- They will then go to remember it

3) Use a tone of “mystery” at “Now if you recalL”

- Now they try and recall

- Narrow your eyes when you do this

4) How’s-it-going-today (contracted) says, “I really want to know!”

5) The power of the pause, not before “at the Marriott Hotel.”

6) Five beats is the “kill zone” of the pause in the script.

- Withoneofour – said as one word

- Group words together and stand others out

7) Raise your tone to say, “Does that ring a bell?”

8) The words, “One of our top traders” are grouped/said together.

9) Use hypnotic patterns.

SECOND SCRIPT: And one last chance

Charisma is about tonality
Okay, great. Well, the reason for the call today is that you’re one of the last of the group who hasn’t actually enrolled yet, and if you have sixty . seconds, I’d like to share an idea with you. You got a minute?

While listening to and watching the exercise on the video, take note of the following tonal distinctions:
1) Use transition words: Well, now, and but.

- Ok great - enthusiastic

2) Slight drop in tone at “Well, the reason for the call” implies you have a secret and scarcity.

3) Emphasize that it’s scarce; that there’s not a lot around. Your tone must be congruent with this!

4) Use transition words to go up and down i
Từ: -
Sang: -
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1 mô-đun 01-3 giáo lý của đường thẳng Persuasion2 mô-đun 02-nghệ thuật khảo sát, 5 Keys để bán hàng làm chủ3 mô-đun 03-Mastering thanh khiết, nắm bắt sự chú ý trong 4 giây4 mô-đun 04-đang là một tầm nhìn chiến lược, sự thật bí mật để thành công5 mô-đun 05-bên trong trò chơi của bán hàng, lực lượng tạo ra kết quả dài6 mô-đun 06-hệ thống S.L.P., Thạc sĩ công thức cho việc kiểm soát việc bán7 mô-đun 07-nghệ thuật của vòng loại, hỏi những câu hỏi đúng8 mô-đun 08-trình bày, sức mạnh của ba số 10Mô-đun 9 09-sức mạnh của ngôn ngữ, cắt qua để đóngTạo ra 10 mô-đun 10-trở thành một người của ảnh hưởng, khách hàng cho cuộc sốngJordon Belfort là một trong những nhân vật hàng đầu chính đóng bởi Leonardo DiCaprio trong bộ phim "Wolf tường Sreet". Bất Jordon Belfort trong cuộc sống thực là một loa motivational, tác giả và cũng có của mình nổi tiếng "Thẳng dòng Persuasion hệ thống" đào tạo và chương trình huấn luyện mà là retailed tại 1999$ bucks.Tôi đã intriguad & hoài nghi về hệ thống của ông bán hàng phát triển của ông, đã được sử dụng bởi tất cả những người muốn hiểu rõ hơn về tâm lý học bán hàng và tiếp thị. Tôi đã đi qua các khóa học từ trong tuần vừa qua và đã sử dụng thời gian của tôi bằng cách tạo ra các ghi chú của bộ phim video chương trình huấn luyện của mình bao gồm trong các gói phần mềm.Dưới đây là ghi chú & xem xét lại cho hệ thống được thực hiện bởi bạn thật sự. Ở phần cuối của bài đăng này, bạn cũng sẽ tìm thấy một tùy chọn để tải về PDF này ghi chú tương tự: Mô-đun 01-3 giáo lý của đường thẳng PersuasionThuyết phục là về cho phép mọi người để vượt qua những trở ngại mà ngăn cản họ thực hiện hành động họ nên dùng-Niềm tin-Sợ hãi-Thuyết phục là trao quyền cho ngườiThẳng đường bán là mục tiêu định hướng bánNó là để có được người để mua những thứ họ nên mua-Tất cả mọi người có hạn chế tín ngưỡng từ đưa ra quyết địnhĐiều quan trọng để bán là để duy trì sự kiểm soát của mua bán3 keys tới thành công trong kinh doanhMong muốn được thực sự giàu có-Tại sao bạn muốn điều nàyTận dụng lợi thế của một cơ hội khi nó gõ cửa của bạnMột cam kết để làm việc của bạn ass offThuyết phục là về cho phép mọi người để vượt qua những trở ngại mà ngăn cản họ thực hiện hành động họ nên dùng-Niềm tin-Sợ hãi-Thuyết phục là trao quyền cho ngườiThẳng đường bán là mục tiêu định hướng bánNó là để có được người để mua những thứ họ nên mua-Tất cả mọi người có hạn chế tín ngưỡng từ đưa ra quyết địnhĐiều quan trọng để bán là để duy trì sự kiểm soát của mua bán3 keys tới thành công trong kinh doanhMong muốn được thực sự giàu có-Tại sao bạn muốn điều nàyTận dụng lợi thế của một cơ hội khi nó gõ cửa của bạnMột cam kết để làm việc của bạn ass offĐóng mẫuTư vấn bánCác mô hình này là nhảm nhí nhưng bạn nên đóng cửa từ đầuKhông có gì sai với ảnh hưởng đến ngườiCho 60 ngày tiếp theo ôm hôn này hệ thống & kéo dài và làm việc gấp đôi khó khănKhông có cửa sổ mở trong một thời gian ngắn và khi họ làm việc gấp đôi khó khănDo not pressure a client to do something they should not doDo not pressure a client to do something they should not buyThe Straight Line SystemIt’s Goal Orientated Selling vs Random ConversationsYou have to look at the end result first which is to close and make money3 Tenants Of The Straight Line SystemDevelop Instant Rapport- Both conscious & unconscious- It’s not small talk- It’s about them recognising that you care and are an expert and can help them achieve their goals- It never endsGather Intelligence- There are specific questions you need to ask- You need to listen a lot more than talkControlling the sale by keeping it on the straight line- The straight line is the perfect sale but they will try to get you off the line- You need to keep them as close to the line and when you are off the line you do only two things:- Develop rapport- Gather intelligence- You must control the lineTHE 4 “MUSTS” OF MASTERING THE STRAIGHT LINE SYSTEM1) Set your goals just above what you think is possible and make them bigger and brighter2) Use Positive Think Language Patterns- Self talk- The first person you must sell is you3) Find your “WHY”4) Shed all programming that sales is evilExamples of Great PersuadersBill GatesWarren BuffetOprah WinfreyKey PointsYou must vanquish your fear of failing or looking stupid in the process.Sometimes you have to look foolish in the name of progress.There is no embarrassment in struggling – the embarrassment is in quittingAll people care about is how much heart you have when you do somethingNever blame externally – look and examine why internally- We do this because of fear and it stops us from moving forwardThe only thing that stops you from getting what you want in life is the bullshit story you tell yourself why you can’t- be honest with yourself 3 Things To Take Advantage Of An OpportunityWhere you areWhere you want to goHow to get there2 Types of PeopleThose who get everything in life- The influencersThe other 95% that don’t- Creature of circumstance- You should see things as they are not worse than what they are- Instead see them better than they are and go for thatAt this point he states you might be sceptical becauseyou are now consciously incompetent2 ActionsWhat are your “why’s?”- What would you do with the money?Module 02 – Art Of Prospecting, 5 Keys To Sales MasteryProspecting is not just about finding people who are interested in buying your product or service, but about weeding out the people who are not interested or who don’t qualify.- Looking for the nuggetNever try and turn non buyers into buyers4 ArchetypesThere are people who are ready- Great groupPeople not quite ready and still shopping- Good groupPeople who are curious- Not goodPeople who could be dragged and still won’t buy- Not goodYou need to qualify people quicklyYou must use a scriptThe Art of SiftingYou MUST be quick, elegant, and non-alienating.You MUST use a script.Keep your powder dry- Keep your best stuff until you need it- People have inner blocks and beliefs to buyingThe action thresholdIs an unconscious set point past which the person will take actionIt’s the sum of all the good thingsIt’s the sum of all the negative thingsLimiting beliefsPeople run movies on the negatives and positives of buyingThe Action Threshold is the unconscious set point that somebody has to be motivated to in order to take action.The Sales FunnelWork backwards from how much you want to hearIf you want to make $200,000- Thats $4k a week which is 2 sales- That is 6 pitches- That needs 8 appointment- That needs 40 calls with the decision maker – connects- That needs 24 dials per dayThe only thing you can control for sure is the dialsFirst ImpressionYou have only 4 seconds on the phone to communicate- Enthusiastic as hell- Sharp as a tack- A figure of authorityThis shows you a person who can give them control of their lives and help them achieve their goals1/24th of second in person and you will be judged- The way you are dressed- The way you carry yourselfPeople will make a mental picture of you on the phoneTrustCertaintyClarityConvictionCourageConfidenceThis is what people wantYou want to be perceived instantly as an authority figureThe Lot Chart

I want to earn £1,000,000
I need
Module 03 – Mastering Tonality, Capture Attention in 4 Seconds
Tonality is the hidden part of persuasion because it speaks to someone on an emotional level
It helps develop rapport on an unconscious level
FIRST SCRIPT: You have 4 seconds …

Hi, is John there?
Hi, John! This is , calling from Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida. How’s it going today?
Great! Now, if you recall, you attended a seminar last Thursday night over at the Marriott Hotel, with one of our top Forex traders, James Arnell. Does that ring a bell?

It must capture the friend to friend tone
While you are listening and watching the exercise on the video, pay attention and take note of the following tonal distinctions:
1) Use up-tones to pace and lead.

2) Raise your voice at the end of “Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida” to infer a micro-agreement.

- If you say it low it communicates that you don’t care

- By raising your voice it communicates – “right you recall don’t you?”

- They will then go to remember it

3) Use a tone of “mystery” at “Now if you recalL”

- Now they try and recall

- Narrow your eyes when you do this

4) How’s-it-going-today (contracted) says, “I really want to know!”

5) The power of the pause, not before “at the Marriott Hotel.”

6) Five beats is the “kill zone” of the pause in the script.

- Withoneofour – said as one word

- Group words together and stand others out

7) Raise your tone to say, “Does that ring a bell?”

8) The words, “One of our top traders” are grouped/said together.

9) Use hypnotic patterns.

SECOND SCRIPT: And one last chance

Charisma is about tonality
Okay, great. Well, the reason for the call today is that you’re one of the last of the group who hasn’t actually enrolled yet, and if you have sixty . seconds, I’d like to share an idea with you. You got a minute?

While listening to and watching the exercise on the video, take note of the following tonal distinctions:
1) Use transition words: Well, now, and but.

- Ok great - enthusiastic

2) Slight drop in tone at “Well, the reason for the call” implies you have a secret and scarcity.

3) Emphasize that it’s scarce; that there’s not a lot around. Your tone must be congruent with this!

4) Use transition words to go up and down i
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1 Module 01 – 3 Tenets of Straight Line Persuasion
2 Module 02 – Art Of Prospecting, 5 Keys To Sales Mastery
3 Module 03 – Mastering Tonality, Capture Attention in 4 Seconds
4 Module 04 – Being A Visionary, True Secret To Success
5 Module 05 – Inner Game Of Sales, Forces That Create Lasting Results
6 Module 06 – The S.L.P. System, Master Formula For Controlling The Sale
7 Module 07 – Art Of Qualifying, Asking The Right Questions
8 Module 08 – The Presentation, Power Of The Three 10′s
9 Module 09 – Power Of Language, Cutting Through To The Close
10 Module 10 – Becoming A Person Of Influence, Create Customers For Life
Jordon Belfort is one of the main leading character played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie “The Wolf of Wall Sreet”. The real Jordon Belfort in real life is a motivational speaker, an author & is also having his famous “The Straight Line Persuasion System” Training & Coaching Program which is retailed at 1999$ bucks.

I was intriguad & skeptic about his Sales System developed by him, which has been used by everyone who wants to better understand sales & marketing psychology. I have been going through the course since past week and have been utilizing my time by creating notes of the whole series of videos which his coaching program included in the package.

Here’s the note & review for the system made by yours truly. At the end of this post you will also find an option to download the PDF of this same notes:

Module 01 – 3 Tenets of Straight Line Persuasion
Persuading is about allowing people to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from taking action they should be taking
- Beliefs

- Fear

- Persuading is empowering people

Straight Line Selling is Goal Orientated Selling
It’s to get people to buy things they should buy
- Everyone have limiting beliefs from making decisions

The key to selling is to maintain the control of the sale
3 Keys To Success In Sales

Desire to be really wealthy
- Why do you want this

Take advantage of an opportunity when it knocks on your door
A commitment to work your ass off
Persuading is about allowing people to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from taking action they should be taking
- Beliefs

- Fear

- Persuading is empowering people

Straight Line Selling is Goal Orientated Selling
It’s to get people to buy things they should buy
- Everyone have limiting beliefs from making decisions

The key to selling is to maintain the control of the sale
3 Keys To Success In Sales

Desire to be really wealthy
- Why do you want this

Take advantage of an opportunity when it knocks on your door
A commitment to work your ass off
Closing Model
Consultative Selling
These models are bullshit but you should be closing from the start
There is nothing wrong with influencing people
For the next 60 days embrace this system & stretch and work twice as hard
There are windows that open for a short time and when they do work twice as hard
Do not pressure a client to do something they should not do
Do not pressure a client to do something they should not buy
The Straight Line System

It’s Goal Orientated Selling vs Random Conversations
You have to look at the end result first which is to close and make money
3 Tenants Of The Straight Line System

Develop Instant Rapport
- Both conscious & unconscious

- It’s not small talk

- It’s about them recognising that you care and are an expert and can help them achieve their goals

- It never ends

Gather Intelligence
- There are specific questions you need to ask

- You need to listen a lot more than talk

Controlling the sale by keeping it on the straight line
- The straight line is the perfect sale but they will try to get you off the line

- You need to keep them as close to the line and when you are off the line you do only two things:

- Develop rapport

- Gather intelligence

- You must control the line


1) Set your goals just above what you think is possible and make them bigger and brighter

2) Use Positive Think Language Patterns

- Self talk

- The first person you must sell is you

3) Find your “WHY”

4) Shed all programming that sales is evil

Examples of Great Persuaders

Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
Oprah Winfrey
Key Points

You must vanquish your fear of failing or looking stupid in the process.
Sometimes you have to look foolish in the name of progress.
There is no embarrassment in struggling – the embarrassment is in quitting
All people care about is how much heart you have when you do something
Never blame externally – look and examine why internally
- We do this because of fear and it stops us from moving forward

The only thing that stops you from getting what you want in life is the bullshit story you tell yourself why you can’t
- be honest with yourself

3 Things To Take Advantage Of An Opportunity

Where you are
Where you want to go
How to get there
2 Types of People

Those who get everything in life
- The influencers

The other 95% that don’t
- Creature of circumstance

- You should see things as they are not worse than what they are

- Instead see them better than they are and go for that

At this point he states you might be sceptical because

you are now consciously incompetent

2 Actions

What are your “why’s?”
- What would you do with the money?

Module 02 – Art Of Prospecting, 5 Keys To Sales Mastery
Prospecting is not just about finding people who are interested in buying your product or service, but about weeding out the people who are not interested or who don’t qualify.
- Looking for the nugget

Never try and turn non buyers into buyers
4 Archetypes

There are people who are ready
- Great group

People not quite ready and still shopping
- Good group

People who are curious
- Not good

People who could be dragged and still won’t buy
- Not good

You need to qualify people quickly
You must use a script
The Art of Sifting

You MUST be quick, elegant, and non-alienating.
You MUST use a script.
Keep your powder dry
- Keep your best stuff until you need it

- People have inner blocks and beliefs to buying

The action threshold

Is an unconscious set point past which the person will take action
It’s the sum of all the good things
It’s the sum of all the negative things
Limiting beliefs
People run movies on the negatives and positives of buying
The Action Threshold is the unconscious set point that somebody has to be motivated to in order to take action.
The Sales Funnel

Work backwards from how much you want to hear
If you want to make $200,000
- Thats $4k a week which is 2 sales

- That is 6 pitches

- That needs 8 appointment

- That needs 40 calls with the decision maker – connects

- That needs 24 dials per day

The only thing you can control for sure is the dials
First Impression

You have only 4 seconds on the phone to communicate
- Enthusiastic as hell

- Sharp as a tack

- A figure of authority

This shows you a person who can give them control of their lives and help them achieve their goals
1/24th of second in person and you will be judged
- The way you are dressed

- The way you carry yourself

People will make a mental picture of you on the phone

This is what people want
You want to be perceived instantly as an authority figure
The Lot Chart

I want to earn £1,000,000
I need
Module 03 – Mastering Tonality, Capture Attention in 4 Seconds
Tonality is the hidden part of persuasion because it speaks to someone on an emotional level
It helps develop rapport on an unconscious level
FIRST SCRIPT: You have 4 seconds …

Hi, is John there?
Hi, John! This is , calling from Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida. How’s it going today?
Great! Now, if you recall, you attended a seminar last Thursday night over at the Marriott Hotel, with one of our top Forex traders, James Arnell. Does that ring a bell?

It must capture the friend to friend tone
While you are listening and watching the exercise on the video, pay attention and take note of the following tonal distinctions:
1) Use up-tones to pace and lead.

2) Raise your voice at the end of “Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida” to infer a micro-agreement.

- If you say it low it communicates that you don’t care

- By raising your voice it communicates – “right you recall don’t you?”

- They will then go to remember it

3) Use a tone of “mystery” at “Now if you recalL”

- Now they try and recall

- Narrow your eyes when you do this

4) How’s-it-going-today (contracted) says, “I really want to know!”

5) The power of the pause, not before “at the Marriott Hotel.”

6) Five beats is the “kill zone” of the pause in the script.

- Withoneofour – said as one word

- Group words together and stand others out

7) Raise your tone to say, “Does that ring a bell?”

8) The words, “One of our top traders” are grouped/said together.

9) Use hypnotic patterns.

SECOND SCRIPT: And one last chance

Charisma is about tonality
Okay, great. Well, the reason for the call today is that you’re one of the last of the group who hasn’t actually enrolled yet, and if you have sixty . seconds, I’d like to share an idea with you. You got a minute?

While listening to and watching the exercise on the video, take note of the following tonal distinctions:
1) Use transition words: Well, now, and but.

- Ok great - enthusiastic

2) Slight drop in tone at “Well, the reason for the call” implies you have a secret and scarcity.

3) Emphasize that it’s scarce; that there’s not a lot around. Your tone must be congruent with this!

4) Use transition words to go up and down i
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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