

CONTRACT NO: 11242015

Nov. 24, 2015


This Document is a private communiqué; it is intended for limited use by the addressee. This Document and the information contained therein are provided for due diligence and informational purposes only. Any use of this Document without the written consent of the issuer Mr Kojo Bonsu, is an illegal act. This document is not a solicitation of any type.

This Trust Agreement (hereinafter referred to as ‘Agreement’) is made this 24th day of November, 2015 by and between;


1.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1.2Mr. Kojo Bonsu.
1st Amoako Anim road, House # 12/305.
Nsuem Tarkwa. Ghana.
(hereinafter referred to as ‘TRUSTOR‘)

xxxxxx & Kojo Bonsu shall individually be referred to as ‘Party’ and collectively as the ‘Parties’

A) WHEREAS, the TRUSTOR purchases and sells products and needs the use of the services of the TRUSTEE, and its support groups, some of these are listed herein; whereby in support of its product purchases and sales, TRUSTOR is capable and stands ready to place with TRUSTEE an initial cash amount of $ 15,000,000.00 to be deposited in the trust account as agreed (hereinafter referred to as ‘Asset’) provided from good, clean and clear non-criminal origin. TRUSTOR is hereby agreeing to transfer such asset into the trust account managed by TRUSTEE for the TRUSTOR, that is called from time to time "The Client".
B) WHEREAS TRUSTEE is an investor in the country of xxxx that as a course of business actively manages assets & holds assets in trust, for purposes of investments, project funding, financial services and financial solutions for Kojo Bonsu.
C) WHEREAS, the TRUSTOR & TRUSTEE desire to establish the duties and responsibilities of both parties in connection with above mentioned assets of the TRUSTOR as set forth herein and as set forth in certain other agreements as may be required.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, covenants and conditions contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

TRUSTOR hereby appoints and designates the TRUSTEE to accept the ASSET provided by the TRUSTOR, suchassets being provided, in an attempt to meet the TRUSTOR’s objective of investments for current and ongoing needs. Whereas TRUSTEE shall have full and complete authority, subject to the specific written instructions of the TRUSTOR, to deliver by international Wire Funds as described in this agreement all in order to meet the objectives of Mr Kojo Bonsu.Specific written instructions means that the Trustor must send to the Trustee signed instructions by Email or Facsimile prior to any actions being taken.
The TRUSTEE hereby accepts its appointment as "TRUSTEE“ for the TRUSTOR and agrees to supervise and direct the management of the funds that are placed in Trust in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and other related support documents as the need shall apply.
Whereby TRUSTEE, shall perform its duties hereunder with the care, skill, prudence and diligence, applied to such matters, used in the conduct of this product purchase and sale, which are supporting the needs of the TRUSTOR.

Whereas the parties agree that the TRUSTEE shallrepresent the interest of the TRUSTOR. These services include executing a variety of banking functions such as receiving Funds, Transfers into one or more Trust Accounts, transferring these funds internationally with full documentation as needed for speedy processing, holding funds and Assets in support of investments for TRUSTOR, arranging for the distribution of proceeds as requested in writing by TRUSTOR.

Such proceeds to be distributed by TRUSTEE, as instructed by TRUSTOR, these instructions sent by email or Fax, providing clear delivery instructions for the proceeds as they are provided by buyers of the client.
At all times the TRUSTEE shall act in a responsible manner exercising fiduciary discretion and representing the interests of the TRUSTOR and acting on behalf of TRUSTOR as instructed.
4.1: In those instances where the TRUSTEE is representing the interests of more than one client, then the TRUSTEE shall provide this disclosure, clarifying the limits and scope of her services to the other client as well as pointing out any potential conflicts of interest and accordingly securing the TRUSTOR’S pre-approval.

TRUSTOR warrants that its "Asset" are of good, legal origin and that TRUSTOR representative identified herein by name is duly authorized to execute this agreement. Further, TRUSTOR represents that it is ready, willing and able to transfer such asset(s) into the TRUST ACCOUNT of the designated TRUSTEE, or otherwise arrange for the transfer of such asset(s).
Following the assignment of TRUSTEE, thetransfer of the assets will be completed by TRUSTOR into the designated TRUST ACCOUNT with all possible speed. TRUSTEE will perform the services needed by the TRUSTOR for its product purchase and sales needs under the supervision of TRUSTOR as provided from time to time in written instructions delivered to TRUSTEE by the TRUSTOR
TRUSTEE will accept and immediately execute written instruction from the TRUSTOR with regard to all asset(s) deposited in the account of the TRUSTEE and entrusted to the TRUSTEE by the TRUSTOR.
The Trustee shall safeguard these Assets at all times to ensure the safety of the Assets (as listed and identified below) held by the TRUSTEE on behalf of the TRUSTOR.


the Trustor funds are coming from the bank listed below:



Trustee may establish Receiving Accounts at other banks and notify Trustor to have funds transferred to such banks.
In connection with obligations hereunder, the TRUSTEE, in its discretion, shall have the authority where relevant, to act, on behalf of the TRUSTOR to:
Place into an active management account the assets for purposes of meeting the TRUSTOR’s funding needs and Investment objectives.

a) From time to time as the need may arise open, maintain and close bank accounts (subject to the written approval of the TRUSTOR), and
b) Authorize the drawing of checks or other orders for the payment of monies in respect thereof;
c) Executing a variety of banking functions such as receiving Funds (herein the Asset(s)) and as needed financial instruments into one or more of the Trust Accounts, arranging bank credit against such instruments, pledging and assigning financial instruments to the bank to receive funding, transferring funds Internationally, receiving funds on behalf of the Trustor, all in support of making investments for Client.
d) Arrange for the placement of insurance on the cash funds contributed by TRUSTOR, protecting the TRUSTOR’s funds against theft and malfeasance.
e)Secure principal protection on the funds from a regulated financial services company with which Trustee works
f) Retain persons, firms or entities selected by the TRUSTEE in its discretion, to provide certain administrative services to the TRUSTOR if requested, including the retention of accountants and others to provide certain accounting, reporting and record-keeping services;
g) Effect all necessary registrations, notices or other filings with governmental or similar agencies;
h) Return the asset without penalty to client upon first written request, whereby such request shall only be made post 30 banking days after the delivery of the Asset to the trust account provided. Such request shall only be made in accordance with the terms of the LASA and its subsections, copy of these shall be attached to the Return of Assets Letter. All written request shall be processed in 7 (seven banking) days.

TRUSTEE will perform all necessary services subject to the approval of the TRUSTOR, basedonthe authority granted to her in accordance to the terms in thisagreement, and shall keep TRUSTOR informed of progress and developments, and respond promptly to TRUSTOR’s inquiries and communications.

8.1: TRUSTEE will maintain the Asset in good standings and with full responsibility at all times.

The parties hereto agree that compensation for the performance of duties, provided by TRUSTEE, the TRUSTEE shall be paid 20% of gross profits from investments with funds provided by TRUSTOR.
ARTICLE 10 - _ EXPENSES (if any)
The TRUSTOR shall bear its own organizational and operating expenses, including, without limitation, administrative expenses, legal expenses, expenses associated with its Loan management system, internal and external accounting, audit and tax preparation expenses, interest, taxes, costs and other expenses associated with the operation of the TRUSTOR. In addition, form time to time the TRUSTEE may provide various offering, accounting, legal and administrative services to the TRUSTOR, whereby the TRUSTOR, (if using any of these services) shall be charged an annual Administrative Fee of up to 00.25% annually of the TRUSTOR’s Net Asset Value to compensate the TRUSTEE for the cost and expenses associated with the provision of such services. It is the understanding of the parties hereto that TRUSTOR´s Funding shall be responsible for this Administrative Fee as applicable (if applied).

This Agreement shall remain in effect for one year and automatically renewed unless a written notice by either party is given to the other.

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TIN TƯỞNG THỎA THUẬNTRUSTOR&ỦY VIÊN QUẢN TRỊ KHÔNG CÓ HỢP ĐỒNG: 11242015 24 tháng 11 năm 2015TƯ NHÂN VÀ BÍ MẬTTài liệu này là một communiqué riêng; nó được thiết kế để hạn chế sử dụng bởi người nhận. Tài liệu này và các thông tin có trong ấy được cung cấp cho do siêng năng và mục đích thông tin. Bất kỳ việc sử dụng của tài liệu này mà không ý bằng văn bản của công ty phát hành ông Kojo Bonsu, là một hành động bất hợp pháp. Tài liệu này không phải là một chào mời của bất kỳ loại. Thỏa thuận tin tưởng này (sau đây gọi tắt là 'Thoả thuận') được thực hiện này ngày 24 tháng 11, năm 2015 bởi và giữa; BÀI VIẾT 1-CÁC BÊN 1.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxVà1.2Mr. Kojo Bonsu.1st Amoako Anim road, House # 12/305.Nsuem Tarkwa. Ghana.(dưới đây gọi là 'TRUSTOR') XXXXXX & Kojo Bonsu sẽ cá nhân được gọi là 'Bên' và tập thể như 'Bên'CHỨNG KIẾNĐIỀU 2 - _ LỜI MỞ ĐẦU A) trong khi đó, TRUSTOR mua và bán sản phẩm và nhu cầu sử dụng dịch vụ của Ủy viên quản trị, và các nhóm hỗ trợ của nó, một số người trong số này được liệt kê ở đây; theo đó để hỗ trợ cho các sản phẩm mua và bán hàng, TRUSTOR có khả năng và sẵn sàng để đặt với Ủy viên quản trị một số lượng tiền mặt ban đầu của $ 15,000,000.00 để được gửi trong tài khoản tin tưởng như là đồng ý (sau đây gọi là 'Tài sản') được cung cấp từ tốt, sạch sẽ và rõ ràng nguồn gốc không phải là tội phạm. TRUSTOR bằng văn bản này là đồng ý để chuyển tài sản như vậy vào tin tưởng tài khoản được quản lý bởi Ủy thác cho TRUSTOR, mà được gọi là theo thời gian "The khách hàng".B) trong khi Ủy thác là một nhà đầu tư trong nước xxxx mà như một khóa học kinh doanh tích cực quản lý tài sản & nắm giữ tài sản trong sự tin tưởng, cho mục đích đầu tư, dự án tài trợ, Dịch vụ tài chính và các giải pháp tài chính cho Kojo Bonsu. C) trong khi, TRUSTOR & TRUSTEE mong muốn thiết lập các nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm của cả hai bên liên quan với ở trên đề cập đến tài sản của TRUSTOR như được trình bày ra ở đây và như quy định trong thỏa thuận nhất định khác như có thể được yêu cầu. Bây giờ, do đó, trong việc xem xét các lời hứa, cam và điều kiện có trong tài liệu này và để xem xét tốt và có giá trị khác, nhận được và đầy đủ trong đó bằng văn bản thừa nhận, các bên hereto đồng ý như sau:ĐIỀU KHOẢN VÀ ĐIỀU KIỆNĐIỀU 3 - _ BỔ NHIỆM CỦA ỦY VIÊN QUẢN TRỊ; & Chấp nhận cuộc hẹn TRUSTOR hướng chỉ định và chỉ định ủy thác để chấp nhận các tài sản được cung cấp bởi TRUSTOR, suchassets được cung cấp, trong một nỗ lực để đáp ứng mục tiêu của TRUSTOR đầu tư cho hiện tại và đang thực hiện nhu cầu. Trong khi Ủy viên quản trị có quyền đầy đủ và hoàn chỉnh, tùy thuộc vào cụ thể văn bản hướng dẫn TRUSTOR, để cung cấp bằng quốc tế điện chuyển tiền như mô tả trong thỏa thuận này tất cả để đáp ứng các mục tiêu của ông Kojo Bonsu.Specific viết hướng dẫn có nghĩa là Trustor phải gửi đến Ủy viên quản trị ký hướng dẫn bằng Email hoặc Fax trước khi bất kỳ hành động nào được thực hiện.Ủy viên quản trị bằng văn bản này chấp nhận cuộc hẹn như "Ủy viên quản trị" cho TRUSTOR và đồng ý để giám sát và quản lý nguồn vốn được đặt trong sự tin tưởng phù hợp với các điều khoản của thỏa thuận này và các tài liệu hỗ trợ liên quan khác như sự cần thiết phải áp dụng trực tiếp. Theo đó ủy thác, sẽ thực hiện nhiệm vụ của mình dưới đây với chăm sóc, kỹ năng, sự khôn ngoan và thẩm định, áp dụng cho những vấn đề, được sử dụng trong việc tiến hành của sản phẩm mua và bán, mà đang hỗ trợ các nhu cầu của TRUSTOR.ĐIỀU 4 - _ PHẠM VI CÔNG VIỆC Whereas the parties agree that the TRUSTEE shallrepresent the interest of the TRUSTOR. These services include executing a variety of banking functions such as receiving Funds, Transfers into one or more Trust Accounts, transferring these funds internationally with full documentation as needed for speedy processing, holding funds and Assets in support of investments for TRUSTOR, arranging for the distribution of proceeds as requested in writing by TRUSTOR.Such proceeds to be distributed by TRUSTEE, as instructed by TRUSTOR, these instructions sent by email or Fax, providing clear delivery instructions for the proceeds as they are provided by buyers of the client.At all times the TRUSTEE shall act in a responsible manner exercising fiduciary discretion and representing the interests of the TRUSTOR and acting on behalf of TRUSTOR as instructed.4.1: In those instances where the TRUSTEE is representing the interests of more than one client, then the TRUSTEE shall provide this disclosure, clarifying the limits and scope of her services to the other client as well as pointing out any potential conflicts of interest and accordingly securing the TRUSTOR’S pre-approval.ARTICLE 5 - _ WARANTIES TRUSTOR warrants that its "Asset" are of good, legal origin and that TRUSTOR representative identified herein by name is duly authorized to execute this agreement. Further, TRUSTOR represents that it is ready, willing and able to transfer such asset(s) into the TRUST ACCOUNT of the designated TRUSTEE, or otherwise arrange for the transfer of such asset(s).Following the assignment of TRUSTEE, thetransfer of the assets will be completed by TRUSTOR into the designated TRUST ACCOUNT with all possible speed. TRUSTEE will perform the services needed by the TRUSTOR for its product purchase and sales needs under the supervision of TRUSTOR as provided from time to time in written instructions delivered to TRUSTEE by the TRUSTORTRUSTEE will accept and immediately execute written instruction from the TRUSTOR with regard to all asset(s) deposited in the account of the TRUSTEE and entrusted to the TRUSTEE by the TRUSTOR.The Trustee shall safeguard these Assets at all times to ensure the safety of the Assets (as listed and identified below) held by the TRUSTEE on behalf of the TRUSTOR. ARTICLE 6 – BANK ACCOUNTS INFORMATION the Trustor funds are coming from the bank listed below: TRUSTEE RECEIVING ACCOUNTXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTrustee may establish Receiving Accounts at other banks and notify Trustor to have funds transferred to such banks. ARTICLE 7 - _ AUTHORITY OF THE TRUSTEE In connection with obligations hereunder, the TRUSTEE, in its discretion, shall have the authority where relevant, to act, on behalf of the TRUSTOR to:Place into an active management account the assets for purposes of meeting the TRUSTOR’s funding needs and Investment objectives. a) From time to time as the need may arise open, maintain and close bank accounts (subject to the written approval of the TRUSTOR), and b) Authorize the drawing of checks or other orders for the payment of monies in respect thereof;c) Executing a variety of banking functions such as receiving Funds (herein the Asset(s)) and as needed financial instruments into one or more of the Trust Accounts, arranging bank credit against such instruments, pledging and assigning financial instruments to the bank to receive funding, transferring funds Internationally, receiving funds on behalf of the Trustor, all in support of making investments for Client. d) Arrange for the placement of insurance on the cash funds contributed by TRUSTOR, protecting the TRUSTOR’s funds against theft and malfeasance.e)Secure principal protection on the funds from a regulated financial services company with which Trustee worksf) Retain persons, firms or entities selected by the TRUSTEE in its discretion, to provide certain administrative services to the TRUSTOR if requested, including the retention of accountants and others to provide certain accounting, reporting and record-keeping services;g) Effect all necessary registrations, notices or other filings with governmental or similar agencies;h) Return the asset without penalty to client upon first written request, whereby such request shall only be made post 30 banking days after the delivery of the Asset to the trust account provided. Such request shall only be made in accordance with the terms of the LASA and its subsections, copy of these shall be attached to the Return of Assets Letter. All written request shall be processed in 7 (seven banking) days. ĐIỀU 8 - _ TRÁCH NHIỆM CỦA ỦY VIÊN QUẢN TRỊ Ủy viên quản trị sẽ thực hiện tất cả các dịch vụ cần thiết tùy thuộc vào sự chấp thuận của TRUSTOR, basedonthe thẩm quyền cấp cho cô phù hợp với các điều khoản trong thisagreement, và sẽ giữ TRUSTOR thông báo về sự tiến bộ và phát triển, và đáp ứng kịp thời yêu cầu và thông tin liên lạc của TRUSTOR.8.1: TRUSTEE sẽ duy trì các tài sản trong bảng xếp hạng tốt và với trách nhiệm hoàn toàn mọi lúc.ĐIỀU 9 - _ LỆ PHÍ CHO DỊCH VỤ Các bên hereto đồng ý rằng bồi thường thực hiện các nhiệm vụ, cung cấp bởi Ủy thác, Ủy viên quản trị sẽ được trả 20% giá tổng lợi nhuận từ đầu tư với quỹ cung cấp bởi TRUSTOR. Điều 10 - _ chi phí (nếu có)The TRUSTOR shall bear its own organizational and operating expenses, including, without limitation, administrative expenses, legal expenses, expenses associated with its Loan management system, internal and external accounting, audit and tax preparation expenses, interest, taxes, costs and other expenses associated with the operation of the TRUSTOR. In addition, form time to time the TRUSTEE may provide various offering, accounting, legal and administrative services to the TRUSTOR, whereby the TRUSTOR, (if using any of these services) shall be charged an annual Administrative Fee of up to 00.25% annually of the TRUSTOR’s Net Asset Value to compensate the TRUSTEE for the cost and expenses associated with the provision of such services. It is the understanding of the parties hereto that TRUSTOR´s Funding shall be responsible for this Administrative Fee as applicable (if applied).ARTICLE 11 - _ TERM This Agreement shall remain in effect for one year and automatically renewed unless a written notice by either party is given to the other. ARTICLE 12
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