Given the following database (the solid-underline fields indicate primary keys, dotted-underline fields indicate foreign keys)• San_Pham (Ma_SP, Ten_SP, Don_Gia, Ma_KH)• Khach_Hang (Ma_KH, Ten_KH, Phone_No, Ghi_Chu)• Don_Hang (Ma_DH, Ngay_DH, Ma_SP, So_Luong)Write SQL statements for following activities & print out respectively the screenshots to show test data (the table data that you create to test each query) & query results:1. Create the tables (with the most appropriate field/column constraints & types) and add at least 3 records into each created table.2. Create an order slip VIEW which has the same number of lines as the Don_Hang, with the following information: Ten_KH, Ngay_DH, Ten_SP, So_Luong, Thanh_Tien
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