the manager of IT and customer service says, “Supervisory control and data accesssystem (SCADA), which monitors the devices and control them remotely. The automationof the equipment is also very helpful, the problem is detected, isolated and restored viaremote devices.” He further comments, “All kinds of predictive devices are being usedthat help in restoring services quicker. Not only do they prevent outages but also predictwhen you might have an outage.” These predictive systems enable the employees toimprove their IT performance and, therefore, provide better and faster service to thecustomers.The information system itself is not enough as the technology that supports thisinformation system is extremely important. Commenting on the wireless technology, hesays, “A robust communication technology, like the trunk radio technology, which is thenext generation of radio services, which is more than voice, it is data. Data is what youneed to know what [has] happen[ed] and what you need to do to solve that.” Therefore,the Duquesne information systems’ overall performance provides the information to theemployees, who can take effective decisions with more confidence and, thus, resolve theproblems of the customer more accurately.Information Quality and Service QualityThe information provided by the information system of the firm usually has an impact onservices provided by the firm. A new information system generally changes the
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