CHAPTER 3:WORKING WITH THE RUNESRunes are used primarily for divinatio dịch - CHAPTER 3:WORKING WITH THE RUNESRunes are used primarily for divinatio Việt làm thế nào để nói


Runes are used primarily for divination as an oracle, for healing or to draw the focused energies associated with
that rune. They can also be used to empower objects or as a talisman. In this chapter, we look at how you can use the runes to begin your journey and relationship with the energies for the Elder Futhark.
As an Oracle the runes may be used to divine on choices that you need to make or gain some insight into a
situation that is of interest or concern to you. The method of divination is simple:
(a) Be clear what you want to find out about. Here, you must phrase your question in a manner that will allow
you to derive benefit from the exercise of consulting your rune oracle. Focus your mind on the issue at hand,
and avoid simple yes or no questions. Useful questions are:
What do I need to know at this time?
If I choose this new job, lover or move, etc what outcome can I expect?
What are the spiritual lessons I need to learn from this experience, relationship, etc?
Which rune should I meditate with at this time?
(b) The runes should be placed in a cloth or pouch and shaken, whilst the question is being asked in your mind
or out aloud. Take out the rune/runes that your hand is immediately drawn to. Draw out a single rune at a time.
Turn it over and notice whether it is facing upwards or reversed. If you are starting with the runes or divination and have little experience, I suggest you limit yourself to a single-rune reading. Spend some time learning about
that rune and mediate with it or the symbol in your mind. This will help you get the full benefit of the
message that the rune has for you. This single-rune reading is often referred to as the Odin’s rune.
(c) If you want elaboration on the issue or want to use more runes, here are three ways in which you can place
the runes to read their message. The manner and order in which divination tools (cards, runes, etc) are laid out is
called a spread. Each position represents a different aspect or influence on the question being asked.

i. Three Rune Spread
Draw out three runes and place them in a horizontal line in front of you. They are read from the left to the right
and the positions represent the following aspects:

1. You at present
2. Challenges or Blockages
3. The Likely Outcome
The runes must be interpreted in the context of their position.
Rune 1 tells you about your current attitude or thoughts about the matter at hand. Pause and reflect on this rune to help you review the thoughts, attitudes and feeling you have about the matter being asked about.
Rune 2 indicates what factors, blockages, obstacles or influences will have a bearing on the outcome.
Rune 3 indicates the most likely outcome if the circumstances in Rune 1 and Rune 2 remained
This spread can also be interpreted as the Past, Present and Future Spread, where Rune 1 reminds us about the
background to the issue at hand, Rune 2 tells us where you are at the present moment, and Rune 3 foretells a
likely outcome if the circumstances in Rune 2 remain unchanged.
ii. Norse Cross
Draw out 5 runes and place them in the following order: Place the first rune in the center of your work area. The
second rune goes to the left of the first rune. The third rune goes below the first rune. The fourth rune goes
above the first rune. The fifth rune is placed on the right of the first Rune.

1. You at Present
2. Past influences
3. Hidden Aspects
4. Positive Action
5. The Likely Outcome
Rune 1 represents you, the querent and what your attitudes, feelings and thoughts are about the matter at
Rune 2 reminds you of the past influences in the matter.
Rune 3 alerts you to hidden forces, energies, information or persons that you were unaware of who have a bearing on the matter asked about.
Rune 4 alerts you to what positive action you can take to achieve the desired outcome. It may be a shift in
consciousness, thoughts and attitudes about the matter.
Rune 5 foretells the likely outcome if the surrounding circumstances remain unchanged.
iii. The World Tree Spread
This spread is suitable when you want to engage in a spiritual journey or to gain insight about spiritual
challenges or goals.
Place the first rune to the left on your work area. The second rune is placed to the right of the first rune. The
third rune is placed in the middle, above the first and second rune. The fourth rune is placed above the third
rune. The fifth rune is placed on the left, above the fourth rune. The sixth rune is placed on the right above
the fourth rune, across from the fifth rune. The seventh rune is placed in the middle position, above the fifth and
sixth rune.

1. You
2. Lesson
3. Blockages
4. Strengths
5. Releases
6. New Path
7. Guiding Rune
Rune 1 represents you and what your attitudes, feelings and thoughts are about the matter at present.
Rune 2 reflects the most important soul lesson for you at this time.
Rune 3 reflects the core blockage, mental attitude or negativity you need to be aware of.
Rune 4 represents the positive qualities or strengths you need to assist you in your quest.
Rune 5 represents the area in which you need to release issues, thoughts or persons who no longer serve your
soul’s purposes.
Rune 6 informs you of a possible new path or direction that you might explore now.
Rune 7 suggests the rune energy that is the best guiding rune for you at present.

Runes are a powerful way for you to heal yourself, a situation or for mediation to gain clarity and peace.
Healing in this context is the shifting of undesirable, negative energy that no longer serves you to positive
energy that serves your life at the time of healing. The need for healing occurs when we feel restless, lethargic,
angry, despondent, etc and feel a willingness to release those thoughts and feelings for new patterns of energy.
Feelings and thoughts that we associate with negativity are not in themselves bad, they are part of the balance we
need in order to enjoy the full life experience and to strengthen our resolve. There are times when we should express anger and disappointment. These expressions are sometimes necessary to express our true selves, or to get the most benefit from an experience. At some point, however, these negative feelings and thoughts become
heavy energy, wearing us down, making us unable to achieve our goals. At this point, we should ideally release
that energy and move on to positive energy. The problem is that we become so accustomed to being angry, fearful, lethargic, etc that we find it difficult to release what is known for the unknown, positive possibilities. This is when a healing is appropriate to shift the energy in a subtle, non-invasive way. I have used meditation and aura healing to achieve this purpose. I don't really like change, so these methods gently dissuade me from my path of one type of energy for another. I also use an affirming phrase for few days, until I no longer need it. I have included some affirming phrases that you might like to try for the different runes.
These are included in the summary of the runes.
i. Meditation
The easiest meditation technique is to create a sacred place in your mind, go there and enjoy it. Close your eyes
and breathe deeply and slowly a few times (about 5 times) and create a sacred place, at sea, mountains, farm,
space, etc.
Focus your mind on this place and look around at all the details – colours, smells or other impressions. Do this as often as you can and you will find it easier to get into a meditative state. Feel your muscles relax and allow your mind to wonder around this place.
When you feel sufficiently relaxed and your mind feels less clustered, you can allow your mind to see the rune
that you drew. Look at the rune for a while, noticing its colour and texture. Images will begin to appear. Do not
think about what they mean at this stage. Just observe what you are seeing. When you are done, leave your sacred place and open your eyes. Write down what images you saw and interpret what they mean in the context of the rune, its position and the question you asked.
If you find it difficult to focus your mind or to create a sacred place, try this alpha state meditation. In this
mediation, you will visualize 7 numbers in the specific colours that are associated with energy centres in your
body, called chakras.
Slowly count from 10 down to 1 whilst breathing slowly and evenly.
Visualise the number 1 in a bright red glow. Hold it for a while, and then watch it fade away.
Do the same for:
the number 2 in a bright, sun orange;
the number 3 in a deep gold;
the number 4 in a bright leaf colour;
the number 5 in a pale, baby blue;
the number 6 in a dark, sapphire blue; and
the number 7 in bright purple.
Once you have released the number 7, visualise the rune you have drawn for meditation. Visualise it as emitting a
white light which you receive through your crown at the top of head, working its way through the centre of your
body until it touches your toes. Take a deep breath and enjoy its warm glow throughout your body.
You can ask the question “what do I need to know right now?”
Observe any images, smells or sounds that you experience. When you are done, count up from 1 to 10 and open your eyes. Record the images, smells or sounds you hear.
The meditation exercise is now complete, but the healing from it is not. I often find that it takes me a while to fully appreciate the message I have received. I mull over the song I have heard or the phrase or image, and I am
sometimes confused on how it has any bearing on my life. The moment of full realisation often happens when I
have stopped thinking about the logical answer. On other occasions, because I am blessed with friends and
family who are like-minded, I start telling them the experience and I suddenly understand how relevant it is to me. I suggest you write down your thoughts about it and pose questions to yourse
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CHAPTER 3:WORKING WITH THE RUNESRunes are used primarily for divination as an oracle, for healing or to draw the focused energies associated withthat rune. They can also be used to empower objects or as a talisman. In this chapter, we look at how you can use the runes to begin your journey and relationship with the energies for the Elder Futhark.3.1. RUNES AS AN ORACLEAs an Oracle the runes may be used to divine on choices that you need to make or gain some insight into asituation that is of interest or concern to you. The method of divination is simple:(a) Be clear what you want to find out about. Here, you must phrase your question in a manner that will allowyou to derive benefit from the exercise of consulting your rune oracle. Focus your mind on the issue at hand,and avoid simple yes or no questions. Useful questions are:What do I need to know at this time?If I choose this new job, lover or move, etc what outcome can I expect?What are the spiritual lessons I need to learn from this experience, relationship, etc?Which rune should I meditate with at this time?(b) The runes should be placed in a cloth or pouch and shaken, whilst the question is being asked in your mindor out aloud. Take out the rune/runes that your hand is immediately drawn to. Draw out a single rune at a time.Turn it over and notice whether it is facing upwards or reversed. If you are starting with the runes or divination and have little experience, I suggest you limit yourself to a single-rune reading. Spend some time learning aboutthat rune and mediate with it or the symbol in your mind. This will help you get the full benefit of themessage that the rune has for you. This single-rune reading is often referred to as the Odin’s rune.(c) If you want elaboration on the issue or want to use more runes, here are three ways in which you can placethe runes to read their message. The manner and order in which divination tools (cards, runes, etc) are laid out iscalled a spread. Each position represents a different aspect or influence on the question being asked.i. Three Rune SpreadDraw out three runes and place them in a horizontal line in front of you. They are read from the left to the rightand the positions represent the following aspects: 1. You at present2. Challenges or Blockages3. The Likely OutcomeThe runes must be interpreted in the context of their position.Rune 1 tells you about your current attitude or thoughts about the matter at hand. Pause and reflect on this rune to help you review the thoughts, attitudes and feeling you have about the matter being asked about.Rune 2 indicates what factors, blockages, obstacles or influences will have a bearing on the outcome.Rune 3 indicates the most likely outcome if the circumstances in Rune 1 and Rune 2 remainedunchanged.This spread can also be interpreted as the Past, Present and Future Spread, where Rune 1 reminds us about thebackground to the issue at hand, Rune 2 tells us where you are at the present moment, and Rune 3 foretells alikely outcome if the circumstances in Rune 2 remain unchanged.ii. Norse CrossDraw out 5 runes and place them in the following order: Place the first rune in the center of your work area. Thesecond rune goes to the left of the first rune. The third rune goes below the first rune. The fourth rune goesabove the first rune. The fifth rune is placed on the right of the first Rune. 1. You at Present2. Past influences3. Hidden Aspects4. Positive Action5. The Likely OutcomeRune 1 represents you, the querent and what your attitudes, feelings and thoughts are about the matter atpresent.Rune 2 reminds you of the past influences in the matter.Rune 3 alerts you to hidden forces, energies, information or persons that you were unaware of who have a bearing on the matter asked about.Rune 4 alerts you to what positive action you can take to achieve the desired outcome. It may be a shift inconsciousness, thoughts and attitudes about the matter.Rune 5 foretells the likely outcome if the surrounding circumstances remain unchanged.iii. The World Tree SpreadThis spread is suitable when you want to engage in a spiritual journey or to gain insight about spiritualchallenges or goals.Place the first rune to the left on your work area. The second rune is placed to the right of the first rune. Thethird rune is placed in the middle, above the first and second rune. The fourth rune is placed above the thirdrune. The fifth rune is placed on the left, above the fourth rune. The sixth rune is placed on the right abovethe fourth rune, across from the fifth rune. The seventh rune is placed in the middle position, above the fifth andsixth rune. 1. You2. Lesson3. Blockages4. Strengths5. Releases6. New Path7. Guiding RuneRune 1 represents you and what your attitudes, feelings and thoughts are about the matter at present.Rune 2 reflects the most important soul lesson for you at this time.Rune 3 reflects the core blockage, mental attitude or negativity you need to be aware of.Rune 4 represents the positive qualities or strengths you need to assist you in your quest.Rune 5 represents the area in which you need to release issues, thoughts or persons who no longer serve yoursoul’s purposes.Rune 6 informs you of a possible new path or direction that you might explore now.Rune 7 suggests the rune energy that is the best guiding rune for you at present.3.2. THE RUNES FOR HEALINGRunes are a powerful way for you to heal yourself, a situation or for mediation to gain clarity and peace.Healing in this context is the shifting of undesirable, negative energy that no longer serves you to positiveenergy that serves your life at the time of healing. The need for healing occurs when we feel restless, lethargic,angry, despondent, etc and feel a willingness to release those thoughts and feelings for new patterns of energy.Feelings and thoughts that we associate with negativity are not in themselves bad, they are part of the balance weneed in order to enjoy the full life experience and to strengthen our resolve. There are times when we should express anger and disappointment. These expressions are sometimes necessary to express our true selves, or to get the most benefit from an experience. At some point, however, these negative feelings and thoughts becomeheavy energy, wearing us down, making us unable to achieve our goals. At this point, we should ideally releasethat energy and move on to positive energy. The problem is that we become so accustomed to being angry, fearful, lethargic, etc that we find it difficult to release what is known for the unknown, positive possibilities. This is when a healing is appropriate to shift the energy in a subtle, non-invasive way. I have used meditation and aura healing to achieve this purpose. I don't really like change, so these methods gently dissuade me from my path of one type of energy for another. I also use an affirming phrase for few days, until I no longer need it. I have included some affirming phrases that you might like to try for the different runes.These are included in the summary of the runes.i. MeditationThe easiest meditation technique is to create a sacred place in your mind, go there and enjoy it. Close your eyesand breathe deeply and slowly a few times (about 5 times) and create a sacred place, at sea, mountains, farm,space, etc.
Focus your mind on this place and look around at all the details – colours, smells or other impressions. Do this as often as you can and you will find it easier to get into a meditative state. Feel your muscles relax and allow your mind to wonder around this place.
When you feel sufficiently relaxed and your mind feels less clustered, you can allow your mind to see the rune
that you drew. Look at the rune for a while, noticing its colour and texture. Images will begin to appear. Do not
think about what they mean at this stage. Just observe what you are seeing. When you are done, leave your sacred place and open your eyes. Write down what images you saw and interpret what they mean in the context of the rune, its position and the question you asked.
If you find it difficult to focus your mind or to create a sacred place, try this alpha state meditation. In this
mediation, you will visualize 7 numbers in the specific colours that are associated with energy centres in your
body, called chakras.
Slowly count from 10 down to 1 whilst breathing slowly and evenly.
Visualise the number 1 in a bright red glow. Hold it for a while, and then watch it fade away.
Do the same for:
the number 2 in a bright, sun orange;
the number 3 in a deep gold;
the number 4 in a bright leaf colour;
the number 5 in a pale, baby blue;
the number 6 in a dark, sapphire blue; and
the number 7 in bright purple.
Once you have released the number 7, visualise the rune you have drawn for meditation. Visualise it as emitting a
white light which you receive through your crown at the top of head, working its way through the centre of your
body until it touches your toes. Take a deep breath and enjoy its warm glow throughout your body.
You can ask the question “what do I need to know right now?”
Observe any images, smells or sounds that you experience. When you are done, count up from 1 to 10 and open your eyes. Record the images, smells or sounds you hear.
The meditation exercise is now complete, but the healing from it is not. I often find that it takes me a while to fully appreciate the message I have received. I mull over the song I have heard or the phrase or image, and I am
sometimes confused on how it has any bearing on my life. The moment of full realisation often happens when I
have stopped thinking about the logical answer. On other occasions, because I am blessed with friends and
family who are like-minded, I start telling them the experience and I suddenly understand how relevant it is to me. I suggest you write down your thoughts about it and pose questions to yourse
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Runes are used primarily for divination as an oracle, for healing or to draw the focused energies associated with
that rune. They can also be used to empower objects or as a talisman. In this chapter, we look at how you can use the runes to begin your journey and relationship with the energies for the Elder Futhark.
As an Oracle the runes may be used to divine on choices that you need to make or gain some insight into a
situation that is of interest or concern to you. The method of divination is simple:
(a) Be clear what you want to find out about. Here, you must phrase your question in a manner that will allow
you to derive benefit from the exercise of consulting your rune oracle. Focus your mind on the issue at hand,
and avoid simple yes or no questions. Useful questions are:
What do I need to know at this time?
If I choose this new job, lover or move, etc what outcome can I expect?
What are the spiritual lessons I need to learn from this experience, relationship, etc?
Which rune should I meditate with at this time?
(b) The runes should be placed in a cloth or pouch and shaken, whilst the question is being asked in your mind
or out aloud. Take out the rune/runes that your hand is immediately drawn to. Draw out a single rune at a time.
Turn it over and notice whether it is facing upwards or reversed. If you are starting with the runes or divination and have little experience, I suggest you limit yourself to a single-rune reading. Spend some time learning about
that rune and mediate with it or the symbol in your mind. This will help you get the full benefit of the
message that the rune has for you. This single-rune reading is often referred to as the Odin’s rune.
(c) If you want elaboration on the issue or want to use more runes, here are three ways in which you can place
the runes to read their message. The manner and order in which divination tools (cards, runes, etc) are laid out is
called a spread. Each position represents a different aspect or influence on the question being asked.

i. Three Rune Spread
Draw out three runes and place them in a horizontal line in front of you. They are read from the left to the right
and the positions represent the following aspects:

1. You at present
2. Challenges or Blockages
3. The Likely Outcome
The runes must be interpreted in the context of their position.
Rune 1 tells you about your current attitude or thoughts about the matter at hand. Pause and reflect on this rune to help you review the thoughts, attitudes and feeling you have about the matter being asked about.
Rune 2 indicates what factors, blockages, obstacles or influences will have a bearing on the outcome.
Rune 3 indicates the most likely outcome if the circumstances in Rune 1 and Rune 2 remained
This spread can also be interpreted as the Past, Present and Future Spread, where Rune 1 reminds us about the
background to the issue at hand, Rune 2 tells us where you are at the present moment, and Rune 3 foretells a
likely outcome if the circumstances in Rune 2 remain unchanged.
ii. Norse Cross
Draw out 5 runes and place them in the following order: Place the first rune in the center of your work area. The
second rune goes to the left of the first rune. The third rune goes below the first rune. The fourth rune goes
above the first rune. The fifth rune is placed on the right of the first Rune.

1. You at Present
2. Past influences
3. Hidden Aspects
4. Positive Action
5. The Likely Outcome
Rune 1 represents you, the querent and what your attitudes, feelings and thoughts are about the matter at
Rune 2 reminds you of the past influences in the matter.
Rune 3 alerts you to hidden forces, energies, information or persons that you were unaware of who have a bearing on the matter asked about.
Rune 4 alerts you to what positive action you can take to achieve the desired outcome. It may be a shift in
consciousness, thoughts and attitudes about the matter.
Rune 5 foretells the likely outcome if the surrounding circumstances remain unchanged.
iii. The World Tree Spread
This spread is suitable when you want to engage in a spiritual journey or to gain insight about spiritual
challenges or goals.
Place the first rune to the left on your work area. The second rune is placed to the right of the first rune. The
third rune is placed in the middle, above the first and second rune. The fourth rune is placed above the third
rune. The fifth rune is placed on the left, above the fourth rune. The sixth rune is placed on the right above
the fourth rune, across from the fifth rune. The seventh rune is placed in the middle position, above the fifth and
sixth rune.

1. You
2. Lesson
3. Blockages
4. Strengths
5. Releases
6. New Path
7. Guiding Rune
Rune 1 represents you and what your attitudes, feelings and thoughts are about the matter at present.
Rune 2 reflects the most important soul lesson for you at this time.
Rune 3 reflects the core blockage, mental attitude or negativity you need to be aware of.
Rune 4 represents the positive qualities or strengths you need to assist you in your quest.
Rune 5 represents the area in which you need to release issues, thoughts or persons who no longer serve your
soul’s purposes.
Rune 6 informs you of a possible new path or direction that you might explore now.
Rune 7 suggests the rune energy that is the best guiding rune for you at present.

Runes are a powerful way for you to heal yourself, a situation or for mediation to gain clarity and peace.
Healing in this context is the shifting of undesirable, negative energy that no longer serves you to positive
energy that serves your life at the time of healing. The need for healing occurs when we feel restless, lethargic,
angry, despondent, etc and feel a willingness to release those thoughts and feelings for new patterns of energy.
Feelings and thoughts that we associate with negativity are not in themselves bad, they are part of the balance we
need in order to enjoy the full life experience and to strengthen our resolve. There are times when we should express anger and disappointment. These expressions are sometimes necessary to express our true selves, or to get the most benefit from an experience. At some point, however, these negative feelings and thoughts become
heavy energy, wearing us down, making us unable to achieve our goals. At this point, we should ideally release
that energy and move on to positive energy. The problem is that we become so accustomed to being angry, fearful, lethargic, etc that we find it difficult to release what is known for the unknown, positive possibilities. This is when a healing is appropriate to shift the energy in a subtle, non-invasive way. I have used meditation and aura healing to achieve this purpose. I don't really like change, so these methods gently dissuade me from my path of one type of energy for another. I also use an affirming phrase for few days, until I no longer need it. I have included some affirming phrases that you might like to try for the different runes.
These are included in the summary of the runes.
i. Meditation
The easiest meditation technique is to create a sacred place in your mind, go there and enjoy it. Close your eyes
and breathe deeply and slowly a few times (about 5 times) and create a sacred place, at sea, mountains, farm,
space, etc.
Focus your mind on this place and look around at all the details – colours, smells or other impressions. Do this as often as you can and you will find it easier to get into a meditative state. Feel your muscles relax and allow your mind to wonder around this place.
When you feel sufficiently relaxed and your mind feels less clustered, you can allow your mind to see the rune
that you drew. Look at the rune for a while, noticing its colour and texture. Images will begin to appear. Do not
think about what they mean at this stage. Just observe what you are seeing. When you are done, leave your sacred place and open your eyes. Write down what images you saw and interpret what they mean in the context of the rune, its position and the question you asked.
If you find it difficult to focus your mind or to create a sacred place, try this alpha state meditation. In this
mediation, you will visualize 7 numbers in the specific colours that are associated with energy centres in your
body, called chakras.
Slowly count from 10 down to 1 whilst breathing slowly and evenly.
Visualise the number 1 in a bright red glow. Hold it for a while, and then watch it fade away.
Do the same for:
the number 2 in a bright, sun orange;
the number 3 in a deep gold;
the number 4 in a bright leaf colour;
the number 5 in a pale, baby blue;
the number 6 in a dark, sapphire blue; and
the number 7 in bright purple.
Once you have released the number 7, visualise the rune you have drawn for meditation. Visualise it as emitting a
white light which you receive through your crown at the top of head, working its way through the centre of your
body until it touches your toes. Take a deep breath and enjoy its warm glow throughout your body.
You can ask the question “what do I need to know right now?”
Observe any images, smells or sounds that you experience. When you are done, count up from 1 to 10 and open your eyes. Record the images, smells or sounds you hear.
The meditation exercise is now complete, but the healing from it is not. I often find that it takes me a while to fully appreciate the message I have received. I mull over the song I have heard or the phrase or image, and I am
sometimes confused on how it has any bearing on my life. The moment of full realisation often happens when I
have stopped thinking about the logical answer. On other occasions, because I am blessed with friends and
family who are like-minded, I start telling them the experience and I suddenly understand how relevant it is to me. I suggest you write down your thoughts about it and pose questions to yourse
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Các ngôn ngữ khác
Hỗ trợ công cụ dịch thuật: Albania, Amharic, Anh, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ba Lan, Ba Tư, Bantu, Basque, Belarus, Bengal, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Bồ Đào Nha, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Corsi, Creole (Haiti), Croatia, Do Thái, Estonia, Filipino, Frisia, Gael Scotland, Galicia, George, Gujarat, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Hungary, Hy Lạp, Hà Lan, Hà Lan (Nam Phi), Hàn, Iceland, Igbo, Ireland, Java, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Klingon, Kurd, Kyrgyz, Latinh, Latvia, Litva, Luxembourg, Lào, Macedonia, Malagasy, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Myanmar, Mã Lai, Mông Cổ, Na Uy, Nepal, Nga, Nhật, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Pháp, Phát hiện ngôn ngữ, Phần Lan, Punjab, Quốc tế ngữ, Rumani, Samoa, Serbia, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenia, Somali, Sunda, Swahili, Séc, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thái, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Thụy Điển, Tiếng Indonesia, Tiếng Ý, Trung, Trung (Phồn thể), Turkmen, Tây Ban Nha, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Việt, Xứ Wales, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, Đan Mạch, Đức, Ả Rập, dịch ngôn ngữ.

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