UNIT 4:VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION4.1. Verbal communicationWha dịch - UNIT 4:VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION4.1. Verbal communicationWha Việt làm thế nào để nói


4.1. Verbal communication
What is the verbal communication: It is the ways we express our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes.
4.1.1. The nature of language and meaning.
- Be symbolic.
- Be an Arbitrary System of Symbols.
- Be Rule Governed.
- Communicate power.
4.1.2. The Meaning of Words
4.1.3. Problems with language Vague language
Vague language is language that lacks directness and specificity; it is void of details. Responses spoken in vague terms can leave the other person wondering what you mean. Abstraction
Abstraction simply mentioned someone's generosity; you would be talking in an abstract sense; to be more definite, you could mention the large donation that person makes annually to the American Cancer Society. Generalization
Similar to the problem that occurs when abstract language is used to define concepts is the problem of generalization. Multiple meaning
Word have different meaning if being used in different contex. Technical language or Jargon
Discipline, skill, or career, is another factor that contributes to a lack of understanding between people. Technical language is most effective when used with people who are familiar with the terminology. Slang
Informal, or entertaining language, used by a specific group →used as a way only for those of the same group to communicate with each other. Euphemisms
Euphemisms are words that substitute for another words because they are more pleasant.
→ Be helpful as a way to spare someone’s feeling, but might confuse or even mislead the listener. Double speak
The distortion, changing or switching of word to make an unpleasant, tricky or otherwise negative situation not sound as awful.
Why doublespeak:
• To sound more polite.
• To be politically correct.
• Hide negativity.
• Business Purpose.
Person of interest
Enhanced interrogation.
Senior citizens.
Not doing so well.
Reducing cost.

→ Suspect in a crime
Old people
Sick of injured
Cutting people’s salaries Racist, sexist, and other insensitive language
Effective communicators need to be aware that our language choices might offend our partner, group members, or audience. Racist and sexist statements are the most obvious language choices that will certainly offend your listener, but there are others we need to avoid.
4.1.4. Improving verbal communication
Way to improve language use. Being descriptive
Employs specific words that represent observable behavior or phenomena. Dating
Dating is the use of a specific time reference to clarify a message. Indexing
Indexing is a technique that takes into account the individual differences among people, objects, and places → helps the audience focus on the unique qualities of each person or thing. Avoiding vulgar language and Profanity
Convey strong emotion or to make a point, but he considered informal or event cruel one. Eliminating Generic language
We once agreed that "he" referred to any person or that "man" referred to all people. This is called generic language.
4.2. Nonverbal communication
4.2.1. What is nonverbal communication?
Nonverbal communication includes all behaviors, attributes, or objects, tone of voice, facial expressions, posture, gestures, appearance, e.t.c that supplement word to communicate messages with social meaning.
4.2.2. Characteristics of nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal Communication Occurs Constantly
Nonverbal Communication Depends on Context
Nonverbal Communication Is a Primary Means of Expression
Nonverbal Communication Is Related to Culture
Nonverbal Communication Is Ambiguous
4.2.3. Types of nonverbal communication behavior
Serve one of six important communicate functions:
- Influence attitude change and persuasion.
- Indicate the degree of attentiveness
- Express the emotion.
- Regular interaction.
- Indicate power and status.
- Form impression in others. Facial Expressions and Body Movements
- Provide clues about our and others’ emotional states.
- Have an extremely powerful role in communication and relationship.
- Convey the most imformation, in comparision to other body motions.
Body Movements. To make sense of thousands of different body movements, psychologists, Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen, have devised a classification system based on the origins, functions, and coding of;nonverbal behavior. Physical characteristics
- Include body type, attractiveness, height, weight, and skin tone .
- Play significant role in communication and relationships.
- An appealing physical appearance; perceived as a positive characteristic that influences interpersonal attraction and interpersonal preferences. Touch
Table 4.3 Touch/Haptics
Categories Characteristics Examples
Functional-professional Unsympathetic, impersonal,
cold, or businesslike touch. A doctor touches a patient during a physical examination or a tailor touches a customer while measuring.
Social-polite Acknowledges another person according to the norms or rules of a society. Two people shake hands in our culture or kiss in other cultures to greet one another.
Friendship-warmth Expresses an appreciation of the special attributes of another. Expresses warm feelings for another. The most misinterpreted type of touching behavior. Two men or two women meet in an airport, hug, and walk off with their arms around each other. Athletes touch a shoulder or pat each other on their buttocks.
Love-intimacy Occurs in romantic relationships between lovers and spouses. Highly communicative and usually requires consent between both parties even though one party might not reciprocate. Two people hug, caress, embrace, kiss, and so on.
Sexual arousal The most intimate level of personal contact with another. Expresses physical attraction between two consenting individuals. Sexual touch behavior including foreplay and intercourse. Space
Intimate space: Is defined as the distance from no space between people to one – and-a-halft feet between people.
Personnal space range frome distance of one and-a-halft feed to four feet between people.
Social space range from four to twelve feet.
Public space includes twelve feet or more. Time
→ We must be constantly aware of the message we send through our use (and misure) of time.
→ Our uses of time communicates message about us, and it is important that we adhere to the time – related norms of the culture in which we are communicating. Paralanguage/Vocalics
It is the way we vocalize or say the words we speak .
Paralanguage includes not only speech sounds, but also speech rate, accents, articulation, pronunciation, and silence. Silence
- Very communicative and very powerful messages.
- Used to emphasize a word or thought or to make a point to get others' attention, to prevent communication with others, to void topics from surfacing or to stop someone from saying something that he or she might later regret.
- Might very awkward in a conversation, espeacially when you are talking to someone whom you do not know well and who might be of higher status than you. Smell
Smell communication, or olfactics, which is the study of smell or odors, is extremely important in our society. Artifacts
- Effective communicators learn to adapt their use of artifacts to a specific situation and not to judge orthers by appearance alone.
- It is important that we use artifacts that are consistent with and reinforce our intended messages. Environment
- Environment is the psychological and physical surroundings in which communication occurs, including the furniture, architectural design, lighting conditions, temperature, smells, colors, and sounds of the location and the attitudes, feelings, perceptions, and relationships of the participants.
- Environment factors provide a lot of nonverbal cues and clues.
4.2.4. Interpreting and improving nonverbal communication
- Be aware of the nonverbal messages we send to others.
- Pay attention to the effects of our nonverbal behavior – do not allow the nonverbal messages that we send to the others go unexamined.
- Care about how the others perceive your behavior so as to make proper change in the behavior to fit the situation.

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UNIT 4:GIAO TIẾP BẰNG LỜI NÓI VÀ KHÔNG BẰNG LỜI NÓI4.1. bằng lời nói truyền thôngNhững gì là giao tiếp bằng lời nói: đó là cách chúng tôi thể hiện những suy nghĩ, cảm xúc và Thái độ của chúng tôi.4.1.1. bản chất của ngôn ngữ và ý nghĩa.-Tượng trưng.-Là một hệ thống tùy ý của các biểu tượng.-Quy tắc quản lý.-Giao tiếp điện.4.1.2. ý nghĩa của từ4.1.3. vấn đề với ngôn ngữ4.1.3.1. mơ hồ ngôn ngữMơ hồ ngôn ngữ là ngôn ngữ thiếu ngay thẳng và đặc trưng; nó không có hiệu lực của các chi tiết. Phản ứng nói mơ hồ về có thể để lại những người khác tự hỏi những gì bạn có nghĩa là. trừu tượngTrừu tượng chỉ đơn giản là đề cập đến lòng hảo tâm của một ai đó; bạn sẽ nói chuyện tại một cảm giác trừu tượng; để xác định rõ hơn, bạn có thể đề cập đến các lớn tài trợ người đó làm cho hàng năm để American Cancer Society. tổng quátTương tự như vấn đề xảy ra khi trừu tượng ngôn ngữ được sử dụng để định nghĩa khái niệm là vấn đề tổng quát. nhiều ý nghĩaTừ có ý nghĩa khác nhau nếu được sử dụng trong Konktekstowe khác nhau. ngôn ngữ kỹ thuật hoặc biệt ngữKỷ luật, kỹ năng hoặc sự nghiệp, là một yếu tố khác góp phần vào một thiếu sự hiểu biết giữa con người. Ngôn ngữ kỹ thuật là hiệu quả nhất khi được sử dụng với những người đã quen thuộc với thuật ngữ. tiếng lóngKhông chính thức, hoặc giải trí ngôn ngữ, sử dụng bởi một nhóm cụ thể →used như một cách chỉ đối với những người cùng một nhóm để giao tiếp với nhau. euphemismsEuphemisms là những từ mà thay thế cho một từ, bởi vì họ là dễ chịu hơn. → Thể hữu ích như là một cách để cho cảm giác của một ai đó, nhưng có thể gây nhầm lẫn hoặc thậm chí gây hiểu lầm cho người nghe. đôi nói chuyệnCác biến dạng, thay đổi hoặc chuyển đổi từ để làm cho một tình huống khó chịu, khó khăn hoặc nếu không tiêu cực không âm thanh như khủng khiếp.Tại sao doublespeak:• Âm thanh lịch sự hơn.• Để được chính xác.• Ẩn tiêu cực.• Mục đích kinh doanh.Người quan tâmTăng cường hiện trạng.Công dân cao cấp.Không làm như vậy tốt.Giảm chi phí. → nghi ngờ trong một tội phạmTra tấnNgười giàBệnh của thươngTiền lương của người dân cắt4.1.3.9. phân biệt chủng tộc, sexist, và các ngôn ngữ không nhạy cảmHiệu quả giao tiếp cần phải nhận thức được rằng sự lựa chọn ngôn ngữ của chúng tôi có thể xúc phạm của chúng tôi đối tác, thành viên của nhóm, hoặc đối tượng. Phân biệt chủng tộc và sexist báo cáo là các lựa chọn ngôn ngữ rõ ràng nhất mà chắc chắn sẽ xúc phạm người nghe của bạn, nhưng có những người khác, chúng ta cần phải tránh. 4.1.4. cải thiện giao tiếp bằng lời nóiCách để cải thiện việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ. người mô tảSử dụng các từ cụ thể đại diện cho các quan sát hành vi hay hiện tượng. hẹn hòHẹn hò là sử dụng một tham chiếu cụ thể thời gian để làm rõ một tin nhắn. đánh chỉ mụcChỉ mục là một kỹ thuật mà sẽ đưa vào tài khoản khác biệt cá nhân trong nhân dân, các đối tượng, và những nơi → giúp khán giả tập trung trên những phẩm chất độc đáo của mỗi người hoặc điều. Avoiding vulgar language and ProfanityConvey strong emotion or to make a point, but he considered informal or event cruel one. Eliminating Generic languageWe once agreed that "he" referred to any person or that "man" referred to all people. This is called generic language. 4.2. Nonverbal communication4.2.1. What is nonverbal communication?Nonverbal communication includes all behaviors, attributes, or objects, tone of voice, facial expressions, posture, gestures, appearance, e.t.c that supplement word to communicate messages with social meaning. 4.2.2. Characteristics of nonverbal communication.Nonverbal Communication Occurs ConstantlyNonverbal Communication Depends on ContextNonverbal Communication Is a Primary Means of ExpressionNonverbal Communication Is Related to CultureNonverbal Communication Is Ambiguous4.2.3. Types of nonverbal communication4.2.3.1.Eye behaviorServe one of six important communicate functions:- Influence attitude change and persuasion.- Indicate the degree of attentiveness- Express the emotion.- Regular interaction.- Indicate power and status.- Form impression in others. Facial Expressions and Body Movements- Provide clues about our and others’ emotional states.- Have an extremely powerful role in communication and relationship.- Convey the most imformation, in comparision to other body motions.Body Movements. To make sense of thousands of different body movements, psychologists, Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen, have devised a classification system based on the origins, functions, and coding of;nonverbal behavior. Physical characteristics- Include body type, attractiveness, height, weight, and skin tone .- Play significant role in communication and relationships. - An appealing physical appearance; perceived as a positive characteristic that influences interpersonal attraction and interpersonal preferences. TouchTable 4.3 Touch/HapticsCategories Characteristics ExamplesFunctional-professional Unsympathetic, impersonal,cold, or businesslike touch. A doctor touches a patient during a physical examination or a tailor touches a customer while measuring.Social-polite Acknowledges another person according to the norms or rules of a society. Two people shake hands in our culture or kiss in other cultures to greet one another.Friendship-warmth Expresses an appreciation of the special attributes of another. Expresses warm feelings for another. The most misinterpreted type of touching behavior. Two men or two women meet in an airport, hug, and walk off with their arms around each other. Athletes touch a shoulder or pat each other on their buttocks.Love-intimacy Occurs in romantic relationships between lovers and spouses. Highly communicative and usually requires consent between both parties even though one party might not reciprocate. Two people hug, caress, embrace, kiss, and so on.Sexual arousal The most intimate level of personal contact with another. Expresses physical attraction between two consenting individuals. Sexual touch behavior including foreplay and intercourse. Space
Intimate space: Is defined as the distance from no space between people to one – and-a-halft feet between people.
Personnal space range frome distance of one and-a-halft feed to four feet between people.
Social space range from four to twelve feet.
Public space includes twelve feet or more. Time
→ We must be constantly aware of the message we send through our use (and misure) of time.
→ Our uses of time communicates message about us, and it is important that we adhere to the time – related norms of the culture in which we are communicating. Paralanguage/Vocalics
It is the way we vocalize or say the words we speak .
Paralanguage includes not only speech sounds, but also speech rate, accents, articulation, pronunciation, and silence. Silence
- Very communicative and very powerful messages.
- Used to emphasize a word or thought or to make a point to get others' attention, to prevent communication with others, to void topics from surfacing or to stop someone from saying something that he or she might later regret.
- Might very awkward in a conversation, espeacially when you are talking to someone whom you do not know well and who might be of higher status than you. Smell
Smell communication, or olfactics, which is the study of smell or odors, is extremely important in our society. Artifacts
- Effective communicators learn to adapt their use of artifacts to a specific situation and not to judge orthers by appearance alone.
- It is important that we use artifacts that are consistent with and reinforce our intended messages. Environment
- Environment is the psychological and physical surroundings in which communication occurs, including the furniture, architectural design, lighting conditions, temperature, smells, colors, and sounds of the location and the attitudes, feelings, perceptions, and relationships of the participants.
- Environment factors provide a lot of nonverbal cues and clues.
4.2.4. Interpreting and improving nonverbal communication
- Be aware of the nonverbal messages we send to others.
- Pay attention to the effects of our nonverbal behavior – do not allow the nonverbal messages that we send to the others go unexamined.
- Care about how the others perceive your behavior so as to make proper change in the behavior to fit the situation.

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