There's rice in the cupboard, but you ought to go to the market yourself and buy some fish and vegetables. The steamer is under the sink, betweenthe saucepan andthe frying pan. The rice cooker is beside the stove
There's rice in the cupboard, but you ought to go to the market yourself and buy some fish and vegetables. The steamer is under the sink, betweenthe saucepan andthe frying pan. The rice cooker is beside the stove
Có gạo trong tủ, nhưng bạn nên đi đến thị trường cho mình và mua một số cá và rau quả. Nồi hấp là dưới bồn rửa chén, xoong betweenthe andthe chảo. Nồi cơm điện là bên cạnh bếp lò