Hi! I'm so sorry that this chapter took me a while. I wished of nothin dịch - Hi! I'm so sorry that this chapter took me a while. I wished of nothin Việt làm thế nào để nói

Hi! I'm so sorry that this chapter

Hi! I'm so sorry that this chapter took me a while. I wished of nothing more but to write everyday; unfortunately I can't due to other commitments in life – life's not fair sometimes. (sighs)

Enough with the ranting! Seriously, I cannot express how grateful I am to my readers! Thank you for your favorites, follows and reviews! To all my reviewers: Asami's clown, Loverly, hawk1891, God-d-ess Eternity, inuyashalover1216, Nbsiren, raindropdew, Samerys707, c0c0ly, Rose Nusrat, JoEdgardHom, knox, Blueorchird, Nhaara, tataniastorm, tbb2, omitchi, Chret, Haruki-kun, Suspicious Crow, guest, Ana, caroline, Pigyz-kun, CreedHartnet13, demianlunz, Sage, whitenagel, oosuan, Camillian, Rewinsan, yuki, Reinri, AsamiFanGirl, tamira03, White Rose, Platoniclus Nue and Sezthekitty. Thank you!

Special thanks to BelovedEnemy for translating my fiction into Russian! Please check out the Russian version in ficbook!

Thanks RiveReinStyx for the beta!

This chapter is dedicated to Rein, Happy Birthday! May you have a very blessed birthday and thank you for being such a wonderful friend!

Disclaimer: Viewfinder and its notable characters belong to the great Yamane Ayano sensei. I do not earn anything from writing this fan fiction.

So he lost the bet, big deal. Correction, he didn't even start the bet with Asami in the first place; the older man had forcefully made the bet and proceeded to mess him up before he could protest. Akihito didn't consider the bet legitimate and had no plans to follow Asami's rules but that traitorous bodyguard Toru HAD somehow managed to capture a perfect shot of him cross dressing in a nurse outfit and sent it to Asami. That wasn't the end of Akihito's humiliation; the bodyguard recorded his little wriggling butt dance in front of the hospital and that too, found its way to Asami's phone. The yakuza would never allow such opportunity to pass by; he blackmailed Akihito into going to Sion with him or the embarrassing photos will be on top of Takeda's desks in the morning.

Akihito crossed his arm as he stood in front of the closet he shared with Asami, frowning at the clothes hung neatly before him. He didn't remember having so many suits when he opened the closet to grab his coat yesterday. Somehow, Asami had managed to sneak in more clothes into his closet without him knowing. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Akihito grabbed a black suit nearest to him and checked the label: Burberry. Rich bastard.

He put on his dress pants, amazed by the softness of the material. Then, he ran his fingers through the expensive fabric of his white designer shirt before putting them on.

"Good choice."

Akihito looked up to see his lover walking out of the bathroom with a towel hung loosely just above his hips. A few droplets of water fell from his wet hair and onto his torso as he padded to the closet. Asami Ryuichi is without a doubt, the sexiest man Akihito has ever laid his eyes on. He resisted strong urges to lick the water from his chest and quickly looked away as he concentrated on buttoning his shirt.

"So, ready to go to work?"

"Sly bastard; I don't see why I should follow you to work."

Half dressed; the yakuza walked towards Akihito and tilted his chin.

"A lost is a lost, Akihito. Be a man, suck it up."

"I told you that I won't concede defeat. You forced me to play in your perverted games and blackmailed me!" Akihito said crossly.

"Admit it; you enjoyed our little competition more than I did, so much so you passed out after the second round."

"THAT's –" A healthy blush formed on Akihito's cheek as he pushed Asami's hands away. Truly at a loss for words, the photographer stormed out of the bedroom, leaving his highly amused lover in the room.

Kirishima and Toru were at the living room, waiting for him.

"Takaba sama," Toru bowed.

"Toru, you traitor!" Akihito marched to his bodyguard. "I trusted you but you allied with that perverted bastard!"

"I apologize. I was under orders to report your whereabouts." The guard bowed.

Akihito placed his hands on his hips. "Report doesn't mean you have to snap my photos secretly and send it to him!"

Toru remained indifferent with Akihito's outburst. "The hospital belongs to Asami sama. Even if I didn't, Asami sama would have gotten it from the security cameras."

Akihito clamped his mouth shut, hated the fact that Toru was right.

"Takaba sama, if you would sit down, I will dress your wounds." Toru stepped aside to allow Akihito to sit on the couch.

Akihito groaned but sat down anyway. "There's no need, Toru. Look, it's healing nicely." To prove his point, Akihito shrugged off the white shirt he was wearing and moved his arms vigorously. The wound Inoue Daichi inflicted on his arm two days ago were already healing.

"No, Asami sama instructed that your wound is to be cleaned and bandaged before you step out of the penthouse." Toru knelt next to Akihito and opened the first aid kit.

"That controlling jerk," Akihito held his arm out for Toru.

"Takaba sama," Kirishima pushed his spectacles up. "You are accompanying Asami sama to work today. When you are the office, please refrain yourself from using profanities. You will address Asami sama appropriately."

Akihito winced when Toru applied the antiseptic cream. "Kirishima, I didn't ask for this. Your boss forced me to go with him. Perhaps if you could persuade him to leave me here, you won't have to worry about me embarrassing him at the office."

Kirishima paid no heed to Akihito's requests. "Takaba sama, this is a serious matter. Asami sama is a –"

Akihito waved his good arm at Kirishima. "I get it, Kirishima; I'll be good all right? I'm glad you're not my bodyguard, I'll go crazy with your nagging."

"Takaba sama, it's done. Would you like me to cover the mark on your neck?"

Akihito looked at his bodyguard, puzzled. "What mark?"

Toru touched the hickey on Akihito's neck softly. "The mark here."

Remembering what Asami had done to him the previous night; Akihito immediately slapped a hand on his neck in attempts to cover the mark from Toru. He glared at Kirishima who snickered at his reaction. Embarrassed, he rose from his seat and strode into the bedroom. He flung the closet open where a full length mirror was attached to the back of the closet door and tilted his neck slightly to the left. True enough; an angry red mark was spotted just above his collarbone.

"Asami! Do you have to leave a mark?" Akihito grumbled as he buttoned the top button on his perfectly fitted shirt before proceeding to put on his tie.

Ignoring Akihito's remarks, he moved behind the photographer. "You are tying it wrongly, Akihito. A fifth grader can do better than you." Asami brushed away the younger man's hands to help him.

"Unlike you, my standard attire is jeans and t-shirt. My job hardly calls for fancy suits and tie." Akihito tried to reply calmly even though his heart was racing from the closeness.

"You look good in suit; you should wear them often," Asami kissed the nape of his neck.

"St—stop it. Toru and Kirishima are waiting outside. We'll be late," the photographer tried to squirm away but was held back by Asami.

"The beauty of being your own boss, Akihito is to have your subordinates wait for you."

"You conceited bastard."

Asami bit the spot where he left the hickey last night. "Your punishment for the name calling," Asami said when he finally released him. He retrieved his coat and slipped it on before walking out of the room.

Akihito groaned at the angry mark. Covering it with his palms, he walked out to the living room once again and instructed Toru to put a band aid over it. The stoic bodyguard looked curiously at the enlarged hickey but obliged without questions.

"Asami, why are we going to the club at ten in the morning? Your club doesn't open until seven this evening." Akihito leaned back against the leather seat of the limo as he looked at the yakuza who was busy flipping a few reports on his hands.

Asami carelessly dumped the papers on the seat to look at Akihito's scowling face. "We are not going to the club; we're heading to the office."

Akihito moved closer to the older man. "Then, what the hell am I supposed to do at Sion?"

"Let's see. You have a few possible options."

"If your possible options involve office sex, you can forget about it."

Asami chuckled. "Why do you think you're coming to Sion with me if it isn't for the sex?"

Akihito stared at Asami, flabbergasted. "You mean you went through all the trouble of blackmailing me just to make me submit to you at your office? You pervert, I won't be your stress reliever!"

The yakuza grabbed Akihito's arm and pulled him closer. "Then, why don't you submit to me now – here?" he whispered near Akihito's ear.

Akihito fought back a blush and tried to push the older man away. "No! Have you fucking lost your mind? Kirishima and Toru are sitting in front!"

Asami bit the lobe of Akihito's ears. "Then you just have to be quiet," he whispered seductively.

Desperate to stop Asami's advances, Akihito blabbed out the first illogical thing that came into his mind. "You're missing a point! The limo wouldn't fit both of us!"

Asami raised his eyebrow before curving a smile. "Care for a bet, Akihito?"

Realizing he had uttered something incredibly stupid, Akihito quickly countered, "No, what I meant was – "

His feeble attempt to offer an explanation was interrupted by Asami pressing the intercom to connect to the driver. "Kirishima, drive around for another 30 minutes before you head to Sion."

"Very well, Asami sama," Kirishima's clear voice answered.

Asami disconnected the intercom and stared at his lover, amused by Akihito's shocked reactions. "Shall we begin?" he said and pulled the boy for a kiss.

By the time the limo pulled into Sion half an hour later, Akihito was positive that Asami had drained every drop of his energy. His knees were so weak that he couldn't even step out of the car without stumbling.

"Tired?" Asami asked as he held onto Akihito's
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Hi! I'm so sorry that this chapter took me a while. I wished of nothing more but to write everyday; unfortunately I can't due to other commitments in life – life's not fair sometimes. (sighs)Enough with the ranting! Seriously, I cannot express how grateful I am to my readers! Thank you for your favorites, follows and reviews! To all my reviewers: Asami's clown, Loverly, hawk1891, God-d-ess Eternity, inuyashalover1216, Nbsiren, raindropdew, Samerys707, c0c0ly, Rose Nusrat, JoEdgardHom, knox, Blueorchird, Nhaara, tataniastorm, tbb2, omitchi, Chret, Haruki-kun, Suspicious Crow, guest, Ana, caroline, Pigyz-kun, CreedHartnet13, demianlunz, Sage, whitenagel, oosuan, Camillian, Rewinsan, yuki, Reinri, AsamiFanGirl, tamira03, White Rose, Platoniclus Nue and Sezthekitty. Thank you!Special thanks to BelovedEnemy for translating my fiction into Russian! Please check out the Russian version in ficbook!Thanks RiveReinStyx for the beta!This chapter is dedicated to Rein, Happy Birthday! May you have a very blessed birthday and thank you for being such a wonderful friend!Disclaimer: Viewfinder and its notable characters belong to the great Yamane Ayano sensei. I do not earn anything from writing this fan fiction.So he lost the bet, big deal. Correction, he didn't even start the bet with Asami in the first place; the older man had forcefully made the bet and proceeded to mess him up before he could protest. Akihito didn't consider the bet legitimate and had no plans to follow Asami's rules but that traitorous bodyguard Toru HAD somehow managed to capture a perfect shot of him cross dressing in a nurse outfit and sent it to Asami. That wasn't the end of Akihito's humiliation; the bodyguard recorded his little wriggling butt dance in front of the hospital and that too, found its way to Asami's phone. The yakuza would never allow such opportunity to pass by; he blackmailed Akihito into going to Sion with him or the embarrassing photos will be on top of Takeda's desks in the morning.Akihito crossed his arm as he stood in front of the closet he shared with Asami, frowning at the clothes hung neatly before him. He didn't remember having so many suits when he opened the closet to grab his coat yesterday. Somehow, Asami had managed to sneak in more clothes into his closet without him knowing. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Akihito grabbed a black suit nearest to him and checked the label: Burberry. Rich bastard.He put on his dress pants, amazed by the softness of the material. Then, he ran his fingers through the expensive fabric of his white designer shirt before putting them on."Good choice."Akihito looked up to see his lover walking out of the bathroom with a towel hung loosely just above his hips. A few droplets of water fell from his wet hair and onto his torso as he padded to the closet. Asami Ryuichi is without a doubt, the sexiest man Akihito has ever laid his eyes on. He resisted strong urges to lick the water from his chest and quickly looked away as he concentrated on buttoning his shirt."So, ready to go to work?""Sly bastard; I don't see why I should follow you to work."Half dressed; the yakuza walked towards Akihito and tilted his chin."A lost is a lost, Akihito. Be a man, suck it up.""I told you that I won't concede defeat. You forced me to play in your perverted games and blackmailed me!" Akihito said crossly."Admit it; you enjoyed our little competition more than I did, so much so you passed out after the second round.""THAT's –" A healthy blush formed on Akihito's cheek as he pushed Asami's hands away. Truly at a loss for words, the photographer stormed out of the bedroom, leaving his highly amused lover in the room.Kirishima and Toru were at the living room, waiting for him."Takaba sama," Toru bowed."Toru, you traitor!" Akihito marched to his bodyguard. "I trusted you but you allied with that perverted bastard!""I apologize. I was under orders to report your whereabouts." The guard bowed.Akihito placed his hands on his hips. "Report doesn't mean you have to snap my photos secretly and send it to him!"Toru remained indifferent with Akihito's outburst. "The hospital belongs to Asami sama. Even if I didn't, Asami sama would have gotten it from the security cameras."Akihito clamped his mouth shut, hated the fact that Toru was right."Takaba sama, if you would sit down, I will dress your wounds." Toru stepped aside to allow Akihito to sit on the couch.Akihito groaned but sat down anyway. "There's no need, Toru. Look, it's healing nicely." To prove his point, Akihito shrugged off the white shirt he was wearing and moved his arms vigorously. The wound Inoue Daichi inflicted on his arm two days ago were already healing."No, Asami sama instructed that your wound is to be cleaned and bandaged before you step out of the penthouse." Toru knelt next to Akihito and opened the first aid kit."That controlling jerk," Akihito held his arm out for Toru."Takaba sama," Kirishima pushed his spectacles up. "You are accompanying Asami sama to work today. When you are the office, please refrain yourself from using profanities. You will address Asami sama appropriately."Akihito winced when Toru applied the antiseptic cream. "Kirishima, I didn't ask for this. Your boss forced me to go with him. Perhaps if you could persuade him to leave me here, you won't have to worry about me embarrassing him at the office."Kirishima paid no heed to Akihito's requests. "Takaba sama, this is a serious matter. Asami sama is a –"
Akihito waved his good arm at Kirishima. "I get it, Kirishima; I'll be good all right? I'm glad you're not my bodyguard, I'll go crazy with your nagging."

"Takaba sama, it's done. Would you like me to cover the mark on your neck?"

Akihito looked at his bodyguard, puzzled. "What mark?"

Toru touched the hickey on Akihito's neck softly. "The mark here."

Remembering what Asami had done to him the previous night; Akihito immediately slapped a hand on his neck in attempts to cover the mark from Toru. He glared at Kirishima who snickered at his reaction. Embarrassed, he rose from his seat and strode into the bedroom. He flung the closet open where a full length mirror was attached to the back of the closet door and tilted his neck slightly to the left. True enough; an angry red mark was spotted just above his collarbone.

"Asami! Do you have to leave a mark?" Akihito grumbled as he buttoned the top button on his perfectly fitted shirt before proceeding to put on his tie.

Ignoring Akihito's remarks, he moved behind the photographer. "You are tying it wrongly, Akihito. A fifth grader can do better than you." Asami brushed away the younger man's hands to help him.

"Unlike you, my standard attire is jeans and t-shirt. My job hardly calls for fancy suits and tie." Akihito tried to reply calmly even though his heart was racing from the closeness.

"You look good in suit; you should wear them often," Asami kissed the nape of his neck.

"St—stop it. Toru and Kirishima are waiting outside. We'll be late," the photographer tried to squirm away but was held back by Asami.

"The beauty of being your own boss, Akihito is to have your subordinates wait for you."

"You conceited bastard."

Asami bit the spot where he left the hickey last night. "Your punishment for the name calling," Asami said when he finally released him. He retrieved his coat and slipped it on before walking out of the room.

Akihito groaned at the angry mark. Covering it with his palms, he walked out to the living room once again and instructed Toru to put a band aid over it. The stoic bodyguard looked curiously at the enlarged hickey but obliged without questions.

"Asami, why are we going to the club at ten in the morning? Your club doesn't open until seven this evening." Akihito leaned back against the leather seat of the limo as he looked at the yakuza who was busy flipping a few reports on his hands.

Asami carelessly dumped the papers on the seat to look at Akihito's scowling face. "We are not going to the club; we're heading to the office."

Akihito moved closer to the older man. "Then, what the hell am I supposed to do at Sion?"

"Let's see. You have a few possible options."

"If your possible options involve office sex, you can forget about it."

Asami chuckled. "Why do you think you're coming to Sion with me if it isn't for the sex?"

Akihito stared at Asami, flabbergasted. "You mean you went through all the trouble of blackmailing me just to make me submit to you at your office? You pervert, I won't be your stress reliever!"

The yakuza grabbed Akihito's arm and pulled him closer. "Then, why don't you submit to me now – here?" he whispered near Akihito's ear.

Akihito fought back a blush and tried to push the older man away. "No! Have you fucking lost your mind? Kirishima and Toru are sitting in front!"

Asami bit the lobe of Akihito's ears. "Then you just have to be quiet," he whispered seductively.

Desperate to stop Asami's advances, Akihito blabbed out the first illogical thing that came into his mind. "You're missing a point! The limo wouldn't fit both of us!"

Asami raised his eyebrow before curving a smile. "Care for a bet, Akihito?"

Realizing he had uttered something incredibly stupid, Akihito quickly countered, "No, what I meant was – "

His feeble attempt to offer an explanation was interrupted by Asami pressing the intercom to connect to the driver. "Kirishima, drive around for another 30 minutes before you head to Sion."

"Very well, Asami sama," Kirishima's clear voice answered.

Asami disconnected the intercom and stared at his lover, amused by Akihito's shocked reactions. "Shall we begin?" he said and pulled the boy for a kiss.

By the time the limo pulled into Sion half an hour later, Akihito was positive that Asami had drained every drop of his energy. His knees were so weak that he couldn't even step out of the car without stumbling.

"Tired?" Asami asked as he held onto Akihito's
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