TABLE 10Effect of the definition of ‘’family firm’’ on the relative prevalence and value of family firms. This table repots, for different definitions of a family firm, the coefficient of a family firm dummy variable in multivariate OLS regressions of Tobin’s q on that dummy and on several control variables. The family refers to the founder or a member of his/her family by either blood or marriage. Blockholders are owners of 5% or more of the firm’s equity, either individually or as a group. Tobin’s q is measured as the ratio of the firm’s market value to total assets. For firms with nontradable share classes, the nontradable shares are valued at the same price as the publicly traded shares. The control variable are: Governance index (number of charter provisions that reduce shareholder rights), nonfamily blockholder ownership, proportion of nonfamily outside directors, market risk (beta), diversification, R and D/Sales, CAPX/PPE, dividends/book value of equity, log of age, sales growth, and year and Fama-French industry dummies. The sample comprises 2,808 firm-year observations from 508 Fortune 500 firms listed in U.S. stock markets during 1994-2000. T-statistics from clustered (by firm) standard errors appear in parentheses. Asterisks denote statistical significance at the 1% (***), 5% (**), or 10% (*) level, respectively.BANG 10Definition of family firm proportion of family firms in the sample OLS regression coefficients1. one or more family members are officers, directors, or blockholders 2. there is at least one family officer and one family director3. the family is the largets voteholder4. the family is the largets shareholder5. one or more family members from the 2nd or later generation are officers, directors, or blockholders6. the family is the largest voteholder and has at least one family officer and one family director7. the family is the largest shareholder and has at least 20% of the votes.8. One or more family members are directors or blockholders, but there are no family officers9. The family is the largest voteholder, has at least 20% of the votes, one family officer and one family director, and is in 2nd or later generation.
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