2. Education and the system of higher learning and technical schools is very important to business as it provides the trained workers and also a system to transfer skills and train new employees needed in a modern business society.
• The “Socio-economic Development Plan 2006-2010” and the “Resolution on Comprehensive and Fundamental Reform of Higher Education in Vietnam 2006-2020 (No. 14/2005) have set the following targets for higher education in Vietnam:
• Increasing enrollment in universities and colleges by 10 percent annually, to reach a level of 200 students for 10,000 populations by 2010 and 450 students per 10,000 populations by 2020.
• revenue from science and technology activities increased to 15 percent of total university revenue by 2010, and to 25 percent by 2020;
• proportion of university teaching staff with masters level degrees increased to 40 percent by 2010, and to 60 percent by 2020;