Nowadays, the environment has been contaminated. Pollution is a bigproblem in any country. The environmental pollution is alarming in Vietnam."Vietnam is ranked 79th -- the lower part in the middle group. But onspecific detailed criteria, Vietnam displayed even worse performance,including air quality with effects on human health, water, andenvironmental burden of disease" (Tuoi Tre). The causes of pollution aremany, but the three main ones are lack of education concerningenvironmental protection; concern with making a profits therefore, theydisregard the consequences and, there are no laws strong enough to preventany company or person who pollutes the environment .The biggest cause of pollution is human consciousness not to protectthe environment especially among young people. Many people think that whatthey do is too small; they are not really harming the environment. Someothers believe that environmental protection is the responsibility of thestate and the government. In developed countries, people are educated aboutprotecting the environment and the ideas of living green and clean. Incontrast, some countries such as Vietnam, people still throw garbage in thestreets and other public areas.Moreover, most people who pollute believe that the environment hasbeen polluted before, therefore, no matter what they do to try to protectit will be of no significance, and the environmental pollution will notaffect much. For example, people usually eat ice cream or a candy, then
they throw the stick and paper on the ground. They drink a can of soda or
a bottle of water then they throw stuff on the spot close to a trash can.
Even when eating gum, they stick it under the bench and just go away. In
some restaurants, sidewalk sales people dump all excess food down the drain
causing drains blocked.
Another cause of pollution are the big companies that do not take any
responsibility to protect the environme...
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