There is a snake in your bed, Harry!

There is a snake in your bed, Harry

There is a snake in your bed, Harry!" Draco informed him the moment he opened the door to the dormitory. For some reason, he did not seem terribly pleased at this exciting news.

"He seems to be very found of sausages," said Ron, petting the little basilisk fondly on the head. "Friendly little fellow, isn't he?" Basil licked the last remnants of sausage grease off Ron's hand and hissed contentedly. Harry could see Basil's stomach bulging out at interesting angles, and he could tell that Ron had been very generous with the sausages.

"It's been hissing and carrying on as if it owns the place." There was a slight note of complaint in Draco's voice.

"Well..." Harry scratched Basil thoughtfully on the head, "I suppose that he does own the place, in a way. He said he used to belong to Salazar Slytherin, and this is the Slytherin dormitory, after all."

His words were greeted with a stunned silence.

"He used to belong to Slytherin?' Ron withdrew his hand quickly, much to Basil's dismay. "But Slytherin lived ages ago! Snakes don't live that long, do they?"

"Oh, he's not a regular snake, Ron." Harry beamed at his friend. "He's a basilisk. I think they live for a really long time. I found him down in the Chamber of Secrets, next to the huge statue of an sad-looking old man with a beard."

"This is Salazar Slytherin's basilisk-?" Draco stared at Basil with something resembling awe now. "From the legendary Chamber of Secrets? Just... Just wait till my father hears about this! They didn't have anything like this in the Slytherin dormitory when he went to school!"

Blaise Zabini frowned. "But I thought basilisks were usually much larger than this, Harry. Are you sure he's a real basilisk? My second cousin's wife's ancestors used to have one in their dungeon, and I believe that theirs was quite enormous."

"Of course he's a basilisk!" said Harry eagerly. "Basil was a lot bigger when I found him, but I used some shrinking magic. I also dimmed his vision a bit so he won't turn people to stone all the time."

"Ah." Blaise looked rather impressed. "Too bad my cousin's wife's family didn't think of that. They had some casualties over the years, I believe."

*And too bad Salazar himself didn't think to use some of that Night and Mist Magic on my eyes,* chuckled Basil sleepily, curling into a ball. *Then we could have avoided that whole unfortunate accident.*

*Accident?* asked Harry curiously.

Basil rubbed his head lazily against Harry's hand. *Salazar was not a bad wizard, and he spoke Snake very nicely, but we had a little bit of a run-in one day. I said something about his friend Rowena looking rather tasty, and he took it completely the wrong way and started screaming at me. I informed him that I wasn't going to let some human tell me what I could have for lunch, and one thing led to another. Instead of shrinking me down to his size, Salazar decided to use his magic to make himself my size, and we had a bit of a shuffle..." Basil sighed. "Too bad. I was rather fond of him, in a way, in spite of his absurd attachment to that female.*

*What happened, then?* Harry stared at Basil.

The basilisk squirmed a little, obviously ill at ease. *Well, it was an accident, more or less. You know how one's temper can run away with one sometimes? Well, the long and short of it is... I'm afraid the giant statue of Salazar Slytherin down in the Chamber of Secrets is... well, not really a statue.* He looked down. *I mean, who wouldn't glare a little when someone turns into a giant and tries to attack you? I did feel quite bad about it for many years afterwards, although Salazar did have himself to blame for it, really. Erm... I would of course appreciate if you did not mention that unfortunate incident to your Slytherin friends. Sort of embarrassing, the whole thing.*

Harry shook his head slowly. *All right, Basil. I won't say a word. But you do have to work on controlling that temper.*


As soon as all the other boys were asleep that evening, Harry pulled out his diary and began writing to Tom. At first, Basil was a little jealous and hissed a few nasty things at Tom, but when Tom explained that he himself was a descendant of Slytherin's and a great admirer of snakes, Basil began warming up to him. Harry had to translate what Tom wrote for Basil, of course, since the basilisk didn't read Human. But then Tom had the excellent idea of trying to write in Parseltongue, so both Harry and Basil could read it. As far as Harry knew, no one had ever tried to write in Snake before, and all the writhing chains of ssssSsss looked very weird on the page. Before long, all three of them were laughing so hard that they had to use Silencing magic not to wake up the rest of the dormitory.

Hours later, as Harry was finally drifting off to sleep, with Basil wrapped around his head and the diary open across his chest, Basil hissed softly in his ear: *Your friend Tom is actually rather charming. Even if he does seem as strangely obsessed with you as Salazar was with Rowena...*

Harry was too sleepy to answer, so he just closed his eyes and smiled. For a moment, it almost seemed as if the diary was thumping slightly against his chest, as if a heart was beating against his own.


"So you missed potions class yesterday because...?" Professor Snape was staring blankly at Harry and ran a hand warily through his hair. Harry admired Snape's hair tremendously; it was black and smooth as a cormorant's wing.

Harry sighed and tried again: "Because I went to see if Professor Lockhart was all right after the pixies crashed through the window, and then I heard someone speaking Snake in the plumbing, and I walked through the marble of the misty girl's bathroom, and Mr. Malfoy's diary fell out, and the words became a beautiful boy with curls, and I shrank the basilisk and gave him an apple, only he seems to like sausages better. He's in the Slytherin dormitory now, resting."

Snape blinked slowly. "Mr. Malfoy is resting in the Slytherin dormitory?" He sounded very confused.

"No, the basilisk is resting in the Slytherin dormitory," explained Harry patiently. "But he is small now, so he will fit under my pillow."

Snape ran a hand over his forehead. He looked very tired. "There is a basilisk under your pillow?"

"That's right!" Harry beamed, relieved that the potions master was finally understanding him. "And he's very sorry about turning Slytherin to stone, but he wouldn't let him eat Ravenclaw, and he's got a bit of a temper."

Snape looked baffled again. "Eat Ravenclaw? I don't quite follow... Oh, never mind, Harry." He sighed deeply and muttered to himself. "I suppose you are speaking the truth; even your blasted godfather couldn't have come up with a fib like that..."

"Godfather?" Harry was curious. "What's that, professor?"

Snape rubbed his temples as if the subject was almost too painful to contemplate. "A godfather or godmother is a person appointed by the parents to look after their child in case something left them unable to care for the child, a guardian of sorts. A godfather is supposed to watch over the child, protect him, and keep him safe. Most parents would naturally choose someone mature, stable, and sane for this responsibility, but your deluded father, for reasons no one will ever understand, instead chose his old school friend Sirius Black. Even their homicidal wolf friend would have made a better godfather than that! I have always wondered if James didn't imperius Lily to make her go along with such a preposterous suggestion. And then they even trusted Black with the secret of their hiding place..." Snape's voice sank to a whisper.

"I have a godfather called Sirius Black?" Harry looked up at Snape in wonder. "How wonderful! I have never heard about him until now. Where is he? I want to find him right away."

"You will not find Sirius Black," said Snape curtly. "That cruel villain is finally where he belongs, Harry. In Azkaban."

"Azkaban?" Harry loved the sound of the name; it sounded like an enchanted faraway land. "Where is that, Professor?"

Snape's pale face was emotionless. "Azkaban is a prison, located on a small remote island in the North Sea. Black is locked up there, and will remain there till the end of his days for what he has done. He was secretly devoted to Lord Voldemort, Harry, and he is the one who told the Dark Lord where to find your mother and father..." Snape's voice trembled. "He will stay there, imprisoned behind those stony walls, until the day he dies. Too bad, in a way. I would have liked to see him, just so I could tear him limb from limb." Snape got up abruptly and turned his back to Harry. Harry couldn't see his face, but he saw Snape's shoulders shaking slightly, as if he was crying silently to himself.

"Oh." Harry didn't know what to say, so he just patted Snape's back gently and left the teacher's office.

Harry's heart was hammering in his chest as he walked towards the Slytherin dungeon. He had a godfather! What a wonderful surprise! Of course he had Leaf, who would always love him like a parent, and Twig as well - but to imagine that there was another guardian out there, one who had been chosen by his fist parents! And this mysterious godfather seemed to love Voldemort, just as Harry himself did! Harry could feel something warm stirring in his heart, just thinking about Sirius Black. How he would love to meet him!

How strange, though, that Snape seemed to dislike him so! Oh, well - Harry was sure that he himself was going to like his godfather very much. But for some reason, Sirius Black was trapped somewhere, on a distant island. Harry realized that he had to go there right away and help his poor godfather.

He reached down and patted the diary in his pocket gently. "We are going on a journey, Tom!" he whispered excitedly. "To a distant place called Azkaban!"

Tom stirred moodily in the diary, and Harry could sense that for some reason Tom was not very thrilled about going to Azkaban and freeing poor Sir
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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
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Không có một con rắn trong giường của bạn, Harry!" Draco thông báo với ông này ông đã mở cửa cho các ký túc xá. Đối với một số lý do, ông đã không có vẻ hài lòng terribly lúc này tin tức thú vị."Ông dường như được tìm thấy rất xúc xích," nói Ron, vuốt ve basilisk ít thương yêu trên đầu. "Đồng bào ít thân thiện, không ông?" Basil licked tàn xúc xích mỡ ra khỏi bàn tay của Ron, cuối cùng và hissed tượng. Harry có thể nhìn thấy dạ dày của húng quế phồng ở góc độ thú vị, và ông có thể nói rằng Ron đã rất hào phóng với xúc xích."Nó đã được kêu xèo xèo và mang về như nếu nó sở hữu nơi." Có là một lưu ý nhỏ của các khiếu nại trong giọng nói của Draco."Vâng..." Harry trầy xước Basil thoughtfully trên đầu, "tôi giả sử rằng ông sở hữu nơi này, trong một cách. Ông nói ông đã sử dụng để thuộc về Salazar Slytherin, và đây là phòng ngủ tập thể Slytherin, sau khi tất cả."Lời nói của ông đã được chào đón với một sự im lặng choáng váng.' Ông đã sử dụng để thuộc về Slytherin?' Ron rút bàn tay của mình một cách nhanh chóng, nhiều để mất tinh thần của húng quế. "Nhưng Slytherin sống lứa tuổi trước đây! Rắn không sống lâu, làm họ?""Oh, ông không phải là một con rắn thường xuyên, Ron." Harry beamed lúc bạn bè của mình. "Ông là một basilisk. Tôi nghĩ rằng họ sống trong một thời gian dài thực sự. Tôi tìm thấy anh ta xuống trong Chamber of Secrets, bên cạnh tượng một buồn, tìm kiếm người đàn ông cũ với một bộ râu, rất lớn.""Đây là Salazar Slytherin basilisk –?" Draco stared lúc Basil với một cái gì đó tương tự như kinh hoàng bây giờ. "Từ the Chamber of Secrets huyền thoại? Chỉ cần... Chỉ cần chờ đợi cho đến khi cha tôi nghe về việc này! Họ đã không có bất cứ điều gì như thế này trong ký túc xá Slytherin khi ông đã đi học!"Blaise Zabini cau mày. "Nhưng tôi nghĩ basilisks là thường lớn hơn nhiều hơn này, Harry. Bạn có chắc chắn ông là một thực tế basilisk? Tổ tiên của tôi anh em họ của vợ được sử dụng để có một trong dungeon của họ, và tôi tin rằng họ là khá lớn.""Tất nhiên ông là một basilisk!", ông Harry hăm hở. "Basil là lớn hơn rất nhiều khi tôi tìm thấy anh ta, nhưng tôi đã sử dụng một số ma thuật thu hẹp lại. Tôi cũng làm mờ tầm nhìn của mình một chút vì vậy ông sẽ không biến mọi người để đá tất cả thời gian.""Ah." Blaise trông khá ấn tượng. "Thật tệ gia đình em vợ không nghĩ về điều đó. Họ đã có một số thương vong trong những năm qua, tôi tin."* Và quá xấu Salazar mình không nghĩ đến sử dụng một số trong đó ban đêm và sương mù Magic trên đôi mắt của tôi, * chuckled Basil sleepily, quăn thành một quả bóng. * Sau đó chúng tôi có thể tránh đó hoàn toàn không may accident.** Tai nạn? * hỏi Harry tò mò.Basil cọ xát đầu lazily chống lại của Harry tay. * Salazar đã không một thuật sĩ xấu, và ông nói con rắn rất độc đáo, nhưng chúng tôi đã có một chút của một run-in một ngày. Tôi nói điều gì đó về người bạn của ông Rowena tìm kiếm khá ngon, và ông đã hoàn toàn sai cách và bắt đầu la hét vào tôi. Tôi thông báo với ông rằng tôi sẽ không để cho một số con người cho tôi biết những gì tôi có thể có cho ăn trưa, và một điều đã dẫn đến một. Thay vì thu hẹp lại tôi xuống đến kích thước của ông, Salazar đã quyết định sử dụng phép thuật của mình để làm cho mình kích thước của tôi, và chúng tôi đã có một chút của một shuffle..." Basil thở dài. "Quá xấu. Tôi đã khá thích của anh ta, trong một cách, mặc dù ông tập tin đính kèm ngớ ngẩn để female.* rằng* Những gì đã xảy ra, sau đó? * Harry stared lúc húng quế.Basilisk squirmed một chút, rõ ràng là bị bệnh thoải mái. * Tốt, nó là một tai nạn, nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn. Bạn biết làm thế nào của một bình tĩnh có thể chạy đi với một đôi khi? Vâng, dài và ngắn của nó là... Tôi sợ những bức tượng khổng lồ của Salazar Slytherin xuống trong các Chamber of Secrets là... tốt, không thực sự là một statue.* ông nhìn xuống. * Tôi có nghĩa là, những người sẽ không lóa một chút khi một người nào đó biến thành một người khổng lồ và cố gắng để tấn công bạn? Tôi đã cảm thấy khá xấu về nó trong nhiều năm sau đó, mặc dù Salazar đã có mình để đổ lỗi cho nó, thực sự. ERM... Tôi tất nhiên sẽ đánh giá cao nếu bạn đã không đề cập đến rằng sự cố không may bạn Slytherin. Loại lúng túng, toàn bộ thing.*Harry đã bắt đầu chậm. * Tất cả các quyền, húng quế. Tôi sẽ không nói một từ. Nhưng bạn phải làm việc vào việc kiểm soát mà temper.*...As soon as all the other boys were asleep that evening, Harry pulled out his diary and began writing to Tom. At first, Basil was a little jealous and hissed a few nasty things at Tom, but when Tom explained that he himself was a descendant of Slytherin's and a great admirer of snakes, Basil began warming up to him. Harry had to translate what Tom wrote for Basil, of course, since the basilisk didn't read Human. But then Tom had the excellent idea of trying to write in Parseltongue, so both Harry and Basil could read it. As far as Harry knew, no one had ever tried to write in Snake before, and all the writhing chains of ssssSsss looked very weird on the page. Before long, all three of them were laughing so hard that they had to use Silencing magic not to wake up the rest of the dormitory.Hours later, as Harry was finally drifting off to sleep, with Basil wrapped around his head and the diary open across his chest, Basil hissed softly in his ear: *Your friend Tom is actually rather charming. Even if he does seem as strangely obsessed with you as Salazar was with Rowena...*Harry was too sleepy to answer, so he just closed his eyes and smiled. For a moment, it almost seemed as if the diary was thumping slightly against his chest, as if a heart was beating against his own...."So you missed potions class yesterday because...?" Professor Snape was staring blankly at Harry and ran a hand warily through his hair. Harry admired Snape's hair tremendously; it was black and smooth as a cormorant's wing.Harry sighed and tried again: "Because I went to see if Professor Lockhart was all right after the pixies crashed through the window, and then I heard someone speaking Snake in the plumbing, and I walked through the marble of the misty girl's bathroom, and Mr. Malfoy's diary fell out, and the words became a beautiful boy with curls, and I shrank the basilisk and gave him an apple, only he seems to like sausages better. He's in the Slytherin dormitory now, resting."Snape blinked slowly. "Mr. Malfoy is resting in the Slytherin dormitory?" He sounded very confused."No, the basilisk is resting in the Slytherin dormitory," explained Harry patiently. "But he is small now, so he will fit under my pillow."Snape ran a hand over his forehead. He looked very tired. "There is a basilisk under your pillow?""That's right!" Harry beamed, relieved that the potions master was finally understanding him. "And he's very sorry about turning Slytherin to stone, but he wouldn't let him eat Ravenclaw, and he's got a bit of a temper."Snape looked baffled again. "Eat Ravenclaw? I don't quite follow... Oh, never mind, Harry." He sighed deeply and muttered to himself. "I suppose you are speaking the truth; even your blasted godfather couldn't have come up with a fib like that...""Godfather?" Harry was curious. "What's that, professor?"Snape rubbed his temples as if the subject was almost too painful to contemplate. "A godfather or godmother is a person appointed by the parents to look after their child in case something left them unable to care for the child, a guardian of sorts. A godfather is supposed to watch over the child, protect him, and keep him safe. Most parents would naturally choose someone mature, stable, and sane for this responsibility, but your deluded father, for reasons no one will ever understand, instead chose his old school friend Sirius Black. Even their homicidal wolf friend would have made a better godfather than that! I have always wondered if James didn't imperius Lily to make her go along with such a preposterous suggestion. And then they even trusted Black with the secret of their hiding place..." Snape's voice sank to a whisper.
"I have a godfather called Sirius Black?" Harry looked up at Snape in wonder. "How wonderful! I have never heard about him until now. Where is he? I want to find him right away."

"You will not find Sirius Black," said Snape curtly. "That cruel villain is finally where he belongs, Harry. In Azkaban."

"Azkaban?" Harry loved the sound of the name; it sounded like an enchanted faraway land. "Where is that, Professor?"

Snape's pale face was emotionless. "Azkaban is a prison, located on a small remote island in the North Sea. Black is locked up there, and will remain there till the end of his days for what he has done. He was secretly devoted to Lord Voldemort, Harry, and he is the one who told the Dark Lord where to find your mother and father..." Snape's voice trembled. "He will stay there, imprisoned behind those stony walls, until the day he dies. Too bad, in a way. I would have liked to see him, just so I could tear him limb from limb." Snape got up abruptly and turned his back to Harry. Harry couldn't see his face, but he saw Snape's shoulders shaking slightly, as if he was crying silently to himself.

"Oh." Harry didn't know what to say, so he just patted Snape's back gently and left the teacher's office.

Harry's heart was hammering in his chest as he walked towards the Slytherin dungeon. He had a godfather! What a wonderful surprise! Of course he had Leaf, who would always love him like a parent, and Twig as well - but to imagine that there was another guardian out there, one who had been chosen by his fist parents! And this mysterious godfather seemed to love Voldemort, just as Harry himself did! Harry could feel something warm stirring in his heart, just thinking about Sirius Black. How he would love to meet him!

How strange, though, that Snape seemed to dislike him so! Oh, well - Harry was sure that he himself was going to like his godfather very much. But for some reason, Sirius Black was trapped somewhere, on a distant island. Harry realized that he had to go there right away and help his poor godfather.

He reached down and patted the diary in his pocket gently. "We are going on a journey, Tom!" he whispered excitedly. "To a distant place called Azkaban!"

Tom stirred moodily in the diary, and Harry could sense that for some reason Tom was not very thrilled about going to Azkaban and freeing poor Sir
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