BOD TestBiochemical oxidation is slow process and theoretically takes an infinite time to go tocompletion i.e. complete oxidation of organic matter. During the first few days the rate ofoxygen depletion is rapid because of the high concentration of organic matter present. As theconcentration of organic matter decreases, so does the rate of oxygen consumption. During thelast part of the BOD curve, oxygen consumption is mostly associated with the decay of thebacteria that grew during the early part of the test. The oxygen consumption typically followsthe pattern as shown in Figure 11.1. For wastewater like sewage, within 20 day period, theoxidation of carbonaceous organic matter is about 95 to 99% complete, and in the first five days,the period used for BOD determination, 60 to 70% oxidation is complete. The 20 oC temperatureused is an average temperature value typically for slow moving streams in temperate climates.Different results would be obtained at different temperatures because biochemical reaction ratesare temperature dependent.Figure 11.1 Variation in DO Profile during BOD test with duration of incubationThe biochemical oxygen demand is represented as BOD5 20oC, which indicate the total amountof oxygen consumed for biochemical oxidation of organic matter for first five days at 20oCincubation temperature. Under Indian conditions the BOD values are acceptable for 3 daysincubation at 27 oC.
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