The only building that did not burn
to the ground was a warehouse that
contained the Polartec finishing operation.
The warehouse also stored new
equipment awaiting installation. Malden
Mills’ employees set up the equipment
in the warehouse and resumed
production within 10 days. After a few
weeks, output reached 230,000 yards
per week, which was 100,000 more
yards per week than before the fire.
The increased production was attributed
to the employees’ creativity in
doing their jobs and their commitment
to Feuerstein. Not all employees were
back at work immediately, but no one
was laid off. Feuerstein kept all 3,000
employees on the payroll “for 90 days
at a cost of $1.5 million per week while
the factories were being rebuilt.”
Feuerstein received widespread acclaim
for his decision to rebuild Malden
Mills and his commitment to the company’s
employees and their communities.
Some people viewed Feuerstein as a
“saint.” After all, didn’t he act in the best interests
of the employees and the community
rather than in his own self-interest?