THE NATURE OF PERCEPTIONPERCEPTION STARTS AT THE RECEPTORS: BOTTOM-UP PROCESSINGBottom-Up Processing: PhysiologicalBottom-Up Processing: BehavioralBEYOND BOTTOM-UP PROCESSINGPerception Depends on Additional InformationPerceiving Size: Taking Distance Into AccountDEMONSTRATION: Two QuartersPerceiving Odor Intensity: Taking Sniffing Into AccountTEST YOURSELF 3.1USING KNOWLEDGE: TOP-DOWN PROCESSINGHelmholtz’s Theory of Unconscious InferenceThe Gestalt Laws of OrganizationDEMONSTRATION: Finding Faces in a LandscapeThe Gestalt “Laws” Are “Heuristics”Taking Regularities in the Environment Into AccountDEMONSTRATION: Shape From ShadingDEMONSTRATION: Visualizing Scenes and ObjectsTEST YOURSELF 3.2NEURONS AND KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTDesigning a Perceiving MachineThe Human “Perceiving Machine”Experience-Dependent PlasticityREACHING FOR A CUP: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN PERCEIVING ANDTAKING ACTIONMovement Facilitates PerceptionThe Interaction of Perception and ActionThe Physiology of Perception and ActionMETHOD: Brain AblationMETHOD: Dissociations in NeuropsychologyPicking Up a Coffee Cup and Other BehaviorsSOMETHING TO CONSIDER: MIRROR NEURONSTEST YOURSELF 3.3CHAPTER SUMMARYTHINK ABOUT ITIF YOU WANT TO KNOW MOREKEY TERMSMEDIA RESOURCES
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