USING ACTIVINSPIRE PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE WITH THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS?WHAT DOES THE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REALLY MEAN?1. Customer A purchased ten (10) 387 ActivBoards in 2010. As part of that “Related Purchase” of those ActivBoards, Customer Areceived ten (10) single-user licenses of Promethean’s ActivInspire Professional Software at no additional charge. The Software is allowed tobe downloaded on a single computer at the location where the ActivBoard is located and another computer outside the location wherethe ActivBoard is located for preparatory work. Section 4.4 of the End User License Agreement (EULA) says that the Software received aspart of a Related Purchase is only permitted to be operated with the Promethean Equipment with which it was purchased. Can CustomerA display the ActivInspire Software received with the purchase of the ten (10) Promethean ActivBoards on the ten (10) InteractiveWhiteboards manufactured by XYZ Company that Customer already has in the school? NO. The Software is only allowed to be displayedon the ten (10) ActivBoards with which the Software came as a Related Purchase. That software is not permitted to be displayed on anythird party interactive display devices. The only way Customer A can use ActivInspire Professional Software on those XYZ CompanyInteractive Whiteboards is if Customer A purchases separate ActivInspire Professional Licenses for use specifically on these third partyinteractive display devices. If Customer A wants all ten (10) XYZ Company Boards to display the ActivInspire Professional Softwareconcurrently, Customer A will have to purchase ten (10) stand-alone ActivInspire Professional Licenses.*2. In addition to the ten (10) ActivBoards purchased by Customer A in 2010, Customer A also purchases five (5) XYZ CompanyInteractive Whiteboards and five (5) XYZ Company Interactive Projectors from the same reseller. Can Customer A display the ActivInspireProfessional Software that Customer A received with the purchase of the ten (10) Promethean ActivBoards on ANY of those XYZ CompanyInteractive Whiteboards or Interactive Projectors that they purchased at the same time from the same reseller? NO. The Software is onlyallowed to be displayed on the ten (10) ActivBoards with which the Software came as a Related Purchase. That Software is not permittedto be displayed on any third party interactive display devices. The only way Customer A can use ActivInspire Professional Software onthose XYZ Company Interactive Whiteboards and XYZ Company Interactive Projectors is if Customer A purchases separate ActivInspireProfessional Licenses for use specifically on these third party interactive display devices. If Customer A wants all ten (10) XYZ CompanyInteractive White Boards and Interactive Projectors to display the ActivInspire Professional software concurrently, Customer A will have topurchase ten (10) stand-alone ActivInspire Professional Licenses.*3. In 2015, Customer A decides that it is time to refresh the technology in their classrooms. As part of that refresh, Customer Apurchases ten (10) XYZ Company Interactive Flat Panels. Customer A takes the ten (10) ActivBoards previously purchased in 2010 off thewalls, disposes of them so that they are no longer in use, and replaces them with the ten (10) XYZ Company Flat Panels. Can Customer Acontinue to use the ActivInspire Professional Software that the Customer received with the purchase of the ten (10) ActivBoards back in2010 on Customer A’s new XYZ Company Flat Panels that replaced the old 2010 ActivBoards? NO. The ActivInspire Software that CustomerA has installed on Customer A’s computer is not permitted to be displayed on the new XYZ Company Flat Panels. The Software receivedwith the ten (10) ActivBoards in 2010 was received as part of a Related Purchase; therefore, it cannot be used with the new XYZ CompanyFlat Panels. What if the XYZ Company reseller told Customer A that Customer A’s ActivInspire Professional Software that they already haveinstalled on their computers can be used on their new XYZ Company Flat Panels? Customer A has been given false information! In orderfor Customer A to continue using ActivInspire Professional Software with their new XYZ Company Flat Panels, Customer A must purchasenew stand-alone ActivInspire Professional Licenses. If Customer A wants ten (10) teachers to use the ten (10) new XYZ Company Flat Panelswith Promethean’s ActivInspire software concurrently, Customer A will have to purchase ten (10) ActivInspire Professional Licenses.*4. What if Customer A decided to refresh the technology in their classrooms by disposing of the ten (10) ActivBoards purchased in2010 and replacing them with ten (10) Promethean ActivPanels instead of the ten (10) XYZ Company Flat Panels? Can Customer A use theActivInspire Professional Software that the Customer received with the purchase of the ten (10) ActivBoards in 2010 on Customer A’s newPromethean ActivPanels that repla
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