Của Brahma actionss. Những gì đã là cha Brahma nghĩ? Suy nghĩ của tôi phù hợp với suy nghĩ của mình? Mỗi từ tôi nói là tương đương để sử dụng bởi Brahma? Nếu không, sau đó tôi không nên làm điều đó! Nếu đó là không, sau đó tôi không nên nghĩ rằng bằng cách đó, hoặc nói chuyện hoặc làm bất cứ điều gì khác trong như vậy! Hãy để có là sự khác nhau giữa các bước của bạn trẻ em và các bước của cha Brahma. Nếu không, làm thế nào bạn có thể thực hiện mục tiêu của bạn và đạt được điểm đến của bạn trở thành bằng với Chúa Cha? Khi bạn liên tục theo Brahma tại mỗi bước, bạn sẽ, trước hết, kinh nghiệm cho mình để là một nỗ lực dễ dàng-hãng sản xuất và, thứ hai, kinh nghiệm điểm đến hoàn hảo để được gần gũi.To become like Father Brahma means to reach your destination of perfection. So, from the subtle region Father Brahma invokes all of you to become perfect subtle angels. Can you not hear the song of invocation, the sweet sound of the song that Father Brahma sings, “Come child! Sweet children, come quickly”? Can you not hear this melody and these words? Listen to Brahma Baba’s voice, catch it. Brahma Baba says that you children are thinking a lot about the year 1999. You wonder what will happen: whether this will happen or that will happen; whether it will happen or not happen. You think about this a great deal - that perhaps it may not happen. Sometimes you think it will happen and at other times you think it will not happen. You constantly sing the song of: “Will it happen or not?” However, very few of you have the elevated thought of moving forward, fast, and reaching your angelic form or your complete and perfect form. You sing the songs of, “Will it happen or not?” and “What will happen?” a lot. The Father says: Whatever happens, is your aim to listen and see everything or is it to become an angel like Father Brahma? Have you made preparations for this? Even if the elements do show their colour and form, can you children adopt the form of angels and the avyakt form equal to the father and be prepared to watch every scene of the elements? Have you become angels who are unaffected by the upheaval of the elements? Are you busy in making your stage ready or are you busy thinking about what is going to happen? No matter what adverse situation appears in front of you, will you masters of the elements be set on your seats of being the masters? Or, will you become upset and ask “What happened?” Will you busy yourselves in the news of the scenes of “This happened and that happened..”? Or, will you remain stable in your stage of perfection, and experience any adverse situation to be a passing cloud?So, Father Brahma is asking you children: Have you become angels like me for all time? All of you children have to become avyakt whilst living in your corporeal forms. You would say that the father has become avyakt, so he should also make us avyakt like him. Father Brahma says: First of all, ask yourself whether you have fulfilled the responsibility of the crown that the Father has placed on your head, that is, the responsibility of world benefit? Have you world benefactors completed your task of world benefit? Father Brahma became avyakt because he had to give you children the task of world benefit. He had to become free from all bondage and become an instrument to accelerate the speed of service. You can see the practical result of this everywhere. Both in this land and abroad, the speed of service has been accelerated by avyakt Brahma, and it will continue to accelerate. Father Brahma had to become the instrument to accelerate the speed of service. However, it is not Father Brahma alone who will claim a right to the kingdom. All of you children also have the right to claim the kingdom along with him. This is why you children in your corporeal forms have been made instruments in the corporeal world. However, at the end, all of you children in corporeal forms will also have to become avyakt angels. Therefore, it is necessary for you to increase the speed of service of world benefit to become perfect yourselves and so bring about completion.
Father Brahma asks you: Should we have completion in 1999? All the elements are ready and waiting for us to clap our hands and give them the signal. Have you become double light angels? Are at least 108 of you constantly victorious? Have you passed in not having any type of wasteful or negative thoughts, words or actionss when in connection and relation with everyone? The burden of anything wasteful or negative stops you from becoming double-light angels for all time. So, Father Brahma is asking you: Have you become angels who are now relieved of this burden? Underline the word “constantly”. When at least 108 souls constantly experience an angelic life, it can be said that they have become equal to Father Brahma. So, the Father is asking you: Should I clap my hands now? Or, should I clap my hands in 2000? Or in 2001? When should I clap? What are you thinking about? That you will become this when Baba has clapped? Is it like this? What are you thinking about? Will you become this when Baba claps? What will happen? Should Baba clap? Speak! Are you ready? Should you be given a test paper? Baba is not going to accept everything just like that! Should Baba test you? Teachers, speak! Should Baba give you a test paper? You will have to renounce everything. Those who are in Madhuban will have to leave Madhuban. Those who are in Gyan Sarovar will have to leave Gyan Sarovar. Those who are in centres will have to leave their centres and those who are abroad will have to leave those countries. You will have to leave everything, so are you ever ready? If you are ever ready, then clap your hands! Are you ever-ready? Should Baba test you? Should Baba announce this tomorrow? It isn’t that you will renounce everything after you have returned home, is it? It shouldn’t be that you say that you will put everything in order first. No; you will have to stay wherever you are. Are you ever ready? You won’t have your work place or your bed or your room; not even your cupboard. Don’t say that you have a little work that you first have to finish in two days and then come back; no. An order is an order! Are you ready? Speak! Think carefully before saying “Yes”. Otherwise, Baba will issue an order tomorrow about where you should go and where you should not go. Should Baba issue this order? Are you ready? You are not saying “Yes” with much courage! You are still thinking that it would be good if you were given one more day. “Perhaps this will happen without me.” “Let this not happen without me.” Do not have even this waste thought. When Brahma Baba was transferred, did he think what was going to happen without him? Did he think about whether everything would carry on or not? Did he think that he should give one direction? Did he give any directions? He gave a direction through his perfect stage, not through his words. Are you ready to this extent? That as soon as you receive the order, you are able to let go. Should this upheaval be created now? Baba is telling you what you have to do. You will not be asked anything, but you will just be given an order. A date will not be fixed. Suddenly, the order will be given to you that you have to come. This is known as being a double-light angel. As soon as you receive an order, you fly. When you receive the order from death, will you think about anything? Will you think about your centre, your cupboard, your students or your area? Nowadays, there is a lot of turmoil about “my area”. Does a world benefactor have a limited area? You will have to renounce all of that. All of that is also ego of the body. To have awareness of the body is still not as serious as having ego of the body, which is very subtle. To have the consciousness of “mine” is called ego of the body. When you have the consciousness of “mine”, there will definitely be ego. It may be of your speciality, that “This is my speciality”, “my virtues”, “my service”. Remember that when you have the consciousness of “mine”, all of it is “Prabhu prasad” (something offered to God and received by you), it is not yours. To consider “prasad” to be your own is body consciousness. To renounce this ego means to become complete. This is why it is said, “An angel is one who has no ego of the body, no awareness of the body nor any of the different type of consciousness of “mine”. To be an angel means that you have ended all limited relationships. So, what preparations are you now going to make? Listen to Father Brahma’s sound with attention; he is invoking you. The Father says: It is very easy to beat the drums of completion. He can beat them whenever He wants, but at least 900,000 people should be ever-ready for the beginning of the golden age, even though they will be numberwise. After all, very few can be number one! There should at least be 108 who are number one; 16,000 who are number two and 900,000 who are number three. At least this many should be prepared. The kingdom has to be prepared.
In the result BapDada saw, that, at present, Maya exists in the majority of you in the form of negative or wasteful thinking. The stage of you world benefactors should be of constantly having an unlimited attitude, unlimited drishti and an unlimited stage. Let there not be the slightest negative or wasteful feelings in your attitude towards any soul. To transform something negative is something different. However, those who have a negative attitude themselves cannot help others to transform their negativity into positivity. This is why each one of you should examine yourself with subtlety and see that your drishti and attitude towards others are always benevolent in an unlimited way. Have only benevolent feelings; let there be no limited feelings, limited thoughts or words even subtly within you. Anything that is subtly merged within you will emerge and manifest itself physically at a particular time or when a problem arises. You might now
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