Figure 6.35 Extract from information supplied by Lucas Automotive Ltd. relating to the Plus Pac alternatorThe power curve is used to calculate the type of from information regarding the mounting and drivedrive belt needed to transmit the power or torque to belt fitting for a typical alternator.the alternator. As an aside, the power curve and the The drive ratio between the crank pulley and alter-current curve can be used together to calculate the nator pulley is very important. A typical ratio is aboutefficiency of the alternator. At any particular speed 2.5 : 1. In simple terms, the alternator should be drivenwhen producing maximum output for that speed, the as fast as possible at idle speed, but must not exceedefficiency of any machine is calculated from: the maximum rated speed of the alternator at max-imum engine speed. The ideal ratio can therefore beEfficiency Power out/Power in calculated as follows:In this case, the efficiency at 8000 rev/min is Maximum ratio 5 max alternator speed/(Power out 14 V 70 A 980 W max engine speed.980 W/2300 W 0.43 or about 43% For example:Efficiency at 2/3 rated output 15 000 rev/min / 6000 rev/min 2.5 : 1.(Power out 14 V 47 A 653 W) During the design stage the alternator will often have653/1100 0.59 or about 59% to be placed in a position determined by the spaceavailable in the engine compartment. However, whereThese figures help to illustrate how much power is possible the following points should be considered:lost in the generation process. The inefficiency ismainly due to iron losses, copper losses, windage Adequate cooling.(air friction) and mechanical friction. The energy is Suitable protection from contamination.lost as heat. Access for adjustment and servicing. Minimal vibration if possible.6.6.4 Mechanical and external Recommended belt tension.considerations 6.7 New developments inMost light vehicle alternators are mounted in similarways. This usually involves a pivoted mounting on charging systemsthe side of the engine with an adjuster on the top orbottom to set drive belt tension. It is now common 6.7.1 General developmentspractice to use ‘multi-V’ belts driving directly fromthe engine crankshaft pulley. This type of belt will Alternators are being produced capable of evertransmit greater torque and can be worked on smaller greater outputs in order to supply the constantlydiameter pulleys or with tighter corners than the increasing demands placed on them by manufactur-more traditional ‘V’ belt. Figure 6.35 is an extract ers. The main problem to solve is that of producing
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