puting Curricula 2005 – The Overview RepPage 3Chapter 1: Introduction1.1. Purpose of This ReportThis report provides an overview of the different kinds of undergraduate degree programs in computingthat are currently available and for which curriculum standards are now, or will soon be, available.Teachers, administrators, students, and parents need this report because computing is a broad disciplinethat crosses the boundaries between mathematics, science, engineering, and business and becausecomputing embraces important competencies that lie at the foundation of professional practice.Computing consists of several fields, and many respected colleges and universities offer undergraduatedegree programs in several of them such as computer science, computer engineering, informationsystems, information technology, software engineering, and more. These computing fields are related butalso quite different from each other. The variety of degree programs in computing presents students,educators, administrators, and other community leaders with choices about where to focus their efforts.Several questions naturally arise. What are these different kinds ofcomputing degree programs? Howare they similar? How do they differ? How can I tell what their names really mean? Which kinds ofprograms should our local college or university offer? And so on. These are all valid questions, but toanyone unfamiliar with the breadth of computing, the responses to these queries may be difficult toarticulate. This report may help to provide some answers.We have created this report to explain the character of the various undergraduate degree programs incomputing and to help you determine which of the programs are most suited to particular goals andcircumstances. We intend this report to serve a broad and varied audience. We think it can be helpful to:• university faculty and administrators who are developing plans and curricula for computing-relatedprograms at their institutions, and to those who guide the accreditation of such programs, and• responsible parties in public education, including boards of education, government officials, electedrepresentatives, and others who seek to represent the public interest.In addition, we will soon be preparing The Guide to Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computing(henceforth the Guide). The Guide will be an independent companion document that will be broadlydistributed to a more general audience. It is intended to serve:• students who are trying to determine which path of computing study fits their interests and goals,• parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and others who are trying to assist students in their choices,• professionals considering how to continue their education in a rapidly changing, dynamic field, and• anyone who is trying to make sense of the wide range of undergraduate degree programs in computingthat are now available.1.2. phạm vi của báo cáo nàyCó rất nhiều các loại máy tính chương trình. Các thông tin đáng tin cậy về số lượng khác nhauCác loại máy tính chương trình là khó để đi qua, nhưng trong mười năm qua, hay như vậy, có mộtẤn tượng gia tăng trong số lượng và loại máy tính chương trình học dành cho sinh viên. Nó làvượt ra ngoài mục tiêu của chúng tôi và chúng tôi khả năng danh mục và mô tả tất cả. Trong báo cáo này, chúng tôi tập trung vàonăm có nổi bật ngày hôm nay: máy tính kỹ thuật (CE), khoa học máy tính (CS), Hệ thống thông tin(Là), công nghệ thông tin (IT), và công nghệ phần mềm (SE). Những năm đáp ứng tiêu chí của chúng tôi chobao gồm, có nghĩa là, mỗi người có, hoặc sẽ sớm có, một khối lượng gần đây của chương trình đào tạo đại học hướng dẫn
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