1. Which form of transportation is believed to be more convenient, tak dịch - 1. Which form of transportation is believed to be more convenient, tak Việt làm thế nào để nói

1. Which form of transportation is

1. Which form of transportation is believed to be more convenient, taking a public transport or using a car? It is so difficult to respond to this question. However I disagree with statement "there is no future for public transport because travelling by car is so much more convenient", as public transport is more cheap and friendly for the environment.

To begin with, using public transportation saves a lot of money. Firstly, people do not have to buy their own cars with a large amount of money. This money can be used for many other things useful, or itself creates interest rate when it is sent to the bank. Secondly, the fare for buses or taxis are cheaper than private cars when compared bus fare to the oil price for a full tank. Also, they do not have to find or pay for a place for parking. It is not easy and cheap if you live in a city

On the hand, using public transport is friendly for the environment. It causes less air pollution and traffic jam. As all people know that carbon dioxide that released from vehicles is harmful. If people use public transport, the number of vehicles will decrease and the rate of carbon dioxide also will decrease so much. Furthermore, a bus can carry more than a dozen times the people in a car. So the traffic jam will be significantly improved.

Even though it is a waste of time that people have to wait for a buses, taxis,or subway, it will not take people a long time to reach their destination because public transportation nowadays are developed to be faster and more convenient for citizens.

As a conclusion, I can say that public transportation saves both money and the environment. These also are the reasons why I disagree with above statement. I think that public transport is the good way for traveling in particular and moving in general.
2. Technology became our hero with respect to us; it improved our daily life in many fields. The most important range in which the technology had a great grace in progressing and benefiting the people in the whole world was the education. Nowadays the education becomes easier than before due to the development that changed our world to the best. In my consideration, technology is an efficient way that upgrades the way of receiving and acquiring wide information’s.
First of all, with existing of internet earning any information is much easier than before. Internet includes billion of educational links that saved a lot of time and efforts on the students. In the past, if the students had a project about specific culture, they had to go to library and spend many hours in searching for required book. After this big potential they found a little amount of the inputs that didn’t even cover the whole project. Today, all these hard days disappeared because after one click many links will appear in their computer screen filled with sufficient data about any subject with less time.
Second, invention of the television simplified the education path for the students. Many educational channels contributed in growth of their thinking. These channels simplified any idea to make it clear for their audience by showing many videos, so the students will have a visual and audio proved about specific project. For instance, a lot of people spoke about the reasons of the any crack in the building and how we fixed it. With respect to the student this subject is ambiguous, but after watching for example national geographic channel all these misunderstanding became clear.
Finally, computer made the studying of the student softer than before. Any research or project needs a lot of references and backgrounds to finish it. Before invention of the computer device the students backed to more than one heavy book to take some sentences from this book and another from that book, so that cost them many time and effort. While, by using a computer these a huge amount of information can store easily and they can find it by one bottom. With computer the project will finish with less time and effort.
To sum up, technology was and still facilities the learning of the student by an efficient way. It became easily for them to access on any information about any subject with less effort and time.
5. The world in 21th century is unarguably undergoing unprecedented gargantuan alterations including both positive and negative ones and this is occurring even in relationship inside families simultaneously. Since striking rates of divorces are being observed they are unquestionably thwarting family cohesion and family solidarity have been nearly vanished in the short term. This essay will elaborate on potential effects of this trend and offer some feasible solutions.
Demise of family harmony is evaluated to provoke manifold negative influences on social lives. Most importantly, more and more numbers of children are remaining fatherless or motherless and brought up in single parent families where children might not be able to cope with lack of parent support. Upbringing a child in single parent family is unmanageable issue in which inadequate discipline and behavior of children will ensue, as it cannot be necessarily given to children by merely one mother or father. Consequently, those children are not expected to be well-behaved and this will provoke involvement in crime and drug addiction simply due to lack of discipline. Family breakdowns are therefore enormous threat to future generations especially when families with children get divorced.
Providing perfect adequate solutions for negative outcomes of family breakdowns is not predominantly feasible. However, some potential preventing policies might be beneficial. For instance, families have to be dissuaded from divorcing and encouraged consider about negative influences of them on children’s future lives in due course. Meanwhile, government is also required to promote families and tackle destructive influences and reasons, which spoil family solidarity, in order to solve them.
To summarize, one can conclude that family breakdowns have enormous potential to affect family members, notably children, negatively. While searching for solutions, both government and family have to seek to save families from breaking as it requires joint efforts.
6. The issue of unemployment among youth is widely discussed around nowadays. It causes numerous problems in society, the major of which is a constant increase of crime level.
We must acknowledge that youth unemployment has reached a threatening level. For example, on the Gold Coast it is 14% above the national average. Needless to say, that this trend evokes great problems in society. Unfortunately, crime level has rocketed for the past decade: robbery, sexual abuse, drink- and drug- driving do not sound unthinkable nowadays. If young people were more involved into their careers, it would be a strong deterrent from committing crimes. It is true that youth’s expectations are often too high and they are not active enough in their job search. A further problem is that unemployed youngsters are a heavy burden on the state’s budget.
It is clear that school leavers need more information about possible job vacancies. Job centres could cooperate with schools, organising open door days for high school students. No one can guarantee them a well-paid position without any experience or university degree. The government has also to fund preparation courses, where young people could get a professional orientation, learn to write their resume, get prepared for a coming interview and decide what exactly they want to do in life. Needless to say that youngsters demand a certain guidance and assistance, as it is their first experience in searching a job. Businesses should be encouraged to employ young apprentices, too, and their taxed could be decreased significantly. Another measure is encouraging of working pensioners to retire. If they do that, more working positions will become available for the youth.
In conclusion, the government should work out a national program to ameliorate unemployment rates among youth.
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1. hình thức của giao thông vận tải được cho là thuận tiện hơn, dùng một giao thông công cộng hoặc bằng cách sử dụng một chiếc xe? Nó là như vậy khó khăn để trả lời cho câu hỏi này. Tuy nhiên tôi không đồng ý với tuyên bố "không có không có tương lai cho giao thông công cộng vì đi du lịch bằng xe hơi là thuận tiện hơn rất nhiều", như giao thông công cộng là rẻ hơn và thân thiện cho môi trường.Để bắt đầu với, sử dụng giao thông công cộng tiết kiệm rất nhiều tiền. Trước hết, người không cần phải mua chiếc xe riêng của họ với một số lượng lớn tiền. Tiền này có thể được sử dụng cho nhiều những thứ khác hữu ích, hoặc chính nó tạo ra lãi suất khi nó được gửi đến ngân hàng. Thứ hai, giá vé cho xe buýt hoặc taxi là rẻ hơn so với tư nhân xe khi xe buýt so với giá vé giá dầu cho một bồn chứa đầy đủ. Ngoài ra, họ không có để tìm hoặc trả tiền cho một vị trí cho bãi đậu xe. Nó không phải là dễ dàng và rẻ tiền nếu bạn sống ở một thành phốMặt, bằng cách sử dụng giao thông công cộng là thân thiện môi trường. Nó gây ra ít ô nhiễm không khí và ách tắc giao thông. Như tất cả mọi người biết rằng khí carbon dioxide phát hành từ xe là có hại. Nếu người sử dụng giao thông công cộng, số lượng xe sẽ giảm và mức của khí carbon dioxide cũng sẽ giảm rất nhiều. Hơn nữa, một xe buýt có thể thực hiện nhiều hơn một chục lần những người trong một chiếc xe. Vì vậy ách tắc giao thông sẽ được cải thiện đáng kể.Mặc dù nó là một sự lãng phí thời gian mà người dân phải chờ đợi cho một xe buýt, taxi, hoặc tàu điện ngầm, nó sẽ không có người một thời gian dài để đạt được điểm đến của họ bởi vì giao thông công cộng hiện nay đang phát triển để được nhanh hơn và thuận tiện hơn cho công dân.As a conclusion, I can say that public transportation saves both money and the environment. These also are the reasons why I disagree with above statement. I think that public transport is the good way for traveling in particular and moving in general.2. Technology became our hero with respect to us; it improved our daily life in many fields. The most important range in which the technology had a great grace in progressing and benefiting the people in the whole world was the education. Nowadays the education becomes easier than before due to the development that changed our world to the best. In my consideration, technology is an efficient way that upgrades the way of receiving and acquiring wide information’s.First of all, with existing of internet earning any information is much easier than before. Internet includes billion of educational links that saved a lot of time and efforts on the students. In the past, if the students had a project about specific culture, they had to go to library and spend many hours in searching for required book. After this big potential they found a little amount of the inputs that didn’t even cover the whole project. Today, all these hard days disappeared because after one click many links will appear in their computer screen filled with sufficient data about any subject with less time.Second, invention of the television simplified the education path for the students. Many educational channels contributed in growth of their thinking. These channels simplified any idea to make it clear for their audience by showing many videos, so the students will have a visual and audio proved about specific project. For instance, a lot of people spoke about the reasons of the any crack in the building and how we fixed it. With respect to the student this subject is ambiguous, but after watching for example national geographic channel all these misunderstanding became clear.Finally, computer made the studying of the student softer than before. Any research or project needs a lot of references and backgrounds to finish it. Before invention of the computer device the students backed to more than one heavy book to take some sentences from this book and another from that book, so that cost them many time and effort. While, by using a computer these a huge amount of information can store easily and they can find it by one bottom. With computer the project will finish with less time and effort.To sum up, technology was and still facilities the learning of the student by an efficient way. It became easily for them to access on any information about any subject with less effort and time.5. The world in 21th century is unarguably undergoing unprecedented gargantuan alterations including both positive and negative ones and this is occurring even in relationship inside families simultaneously. Since striking rates of divorces are being observed they are unquestionably thwarting family cohesion and family solidarity have been nearly vanished in the short term. This essay will elaborate on potential effects of this trend and offer some feasible solutions.Demise of family harmony is evaluated to provoke manifold negative influences on social lives. Most importantly, more and more numbers of children are remaining fatherless or motherless and brought up in single parent families where children might not be able to cope with lack of parent support. Upbringing a child in single parent family is unmanageable issue in which inadequate discipline and behavior of children will ensue, as it cannot be necessarily given to children by merely one mother or father. Consequently, those children are not expected to be well-behaved and this will provoke involvement in crime and drug addiction simply due to lack of discipline. Family breakdowns are therefore enormous threat to future generations especially when families with children get divorced.Cung cấp các giải pháp hoàn hảo đầy đủ cho các kết quả âm tính của gia đình sự cố không phải là chủ yếu là khả thi. Tuy nhiên, một số tiềm năng ngăn chặn chính sách có thể mang lại lợi ích. Ví dụ, gia đình phải được dissuaded từ ly hôn và khuyến khích xem xét về ảnh hưởng tiêu cực của họ về cuộc sống tương lai của trẻ em trong khóa học do. Trong khi đó, chính phủ cũng là cần thiết để thúc đẩy gia đình và giải quyết các ảnh hưởng tiêu cực và lý do, làm hỏng gia đình đoàn kết, để giải quyết chúng.Để tóm tắt, người ta có thể kết luận rằng gia đình các sự cố có tiềm năng to lớn để ảnh hưởng đến các thành viên gia đình, đặc biệt là trẻ em, tiêu cực. Trong khi tìm kiếm các giải pháp, cả hai chính phủ và gia đình phải tìm cách cứu gia đình khỏi phá vỡ vì nó đòi hỏi những nỗ lực chung.6. vấn đề của tỷ lệ thất nghiệp trong thanh niên thảo luận rộng rãi xung quanh thành phố ngày nay. Nó gây ra nhiều vấn đề trong xã hội, chính trong đó là một sự gia tăng liên tục của tội phạm cấp.We must acknowledge that youth unemployment has reached a threatening level. For example, on the Gold Coast it is 14% above the national average. Needless to say, that this trend evokes great problems in society. Unfortunately, crime level has rocketed for the past decade: robbery, sexual abuse, drink- and drug- driving do not sound unthinkable nowadays. If young people were more involved into their careers, it would be a strong deterrent from committing crimes. It is true that youth’s expectations are often too high and they are not active enough in their job search. A further problem is that unemployed youngsters are a heavy burden on the state’s budget.It is clear that school leavers need more information about possible job vacancies. Job centres could cooperate with schools, organising open door days for high school students. No one can guarantee them a well-paid position without any experience or university degree. The government has also to fund preparation courses, where young people could get a professional orientation, learn to write their resume, get prepared for a coming interview and decide what exactly they want to do in life. Needless to say that youngsters demand a certain guidance and assistance, as it is their first experience in searching a job. Businesses should be encouraged to employ young apprentices, too, and their taxed could be decreased significantly. Another measure is encouraging of working pensioners to retire. If they do that, more working positions will become available for the youth.
In conclusion, the government should work out a national program to ameliorate unemployment rates among youth.
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