Upon teleporting to the Treasure Hall, what greeted Ainz’ eyes was a brilliant light, as if all the stars in the sky were gathered together.A ceiling so high that one would have to look up to even know that it was there, a wall so large that it was impossible to contain it in one’s vision. That vast room was filled with dazzling treasure.In the center were gold and jewels forming a mountain range throughout the room. It was enough to make one abandon the thought of counting just how much it all amounted to. Buried amongst the mountains of gold, luxury items of the finest craftsmanship could be seen scattered about.With a single glance, there was a cup forged in gold, a scepter embedded with various jewels, a beast pelt radiating a silver light, tapestry meticulous woven with golden thread, a horn flute that shone like a pearl, a fan of seven colors, a crystal bottle, an elaborate ring giving off a faint glimmer of light, and a mask decorated with a black and a white jewel, crafted from the hide of some animal.Needless to say, this was just the tip of the iceberg. In that mountain of gold, there were perhaps two or three hundred such items of that level. It was literally a mountain of treasure. Ainz heard a sigh of admiration from the people who were accompanying him. The ones who made that noise were two people.So it was two out of three...Ainz glanced at the three women standing behind him.In a white dress instead of battle armour, Albedo was checking out her surroundings with a look of sincere admiration on her beautiful face. Yuri Alpha, who returned Ainz’ ring after he returned to Nazarick, had the same expression.One person however, was different from the other two. She did not sigh, but observed Ainz silently.Although her face was very delicate, it looked as if it was artificially crafted by hand. Her one visible emerald eye glimmered with a cold light, like that of a precious jewel. The other eye was concealed by an eye-patch. Her reddish gold hair shone under the starlight from the ceiling. She was of the Automaton race – CZ2128 Delta, also known as Shizu.As a battlemaid, her attire was similar to that of Narberal and Yuri. However, her biggest difference from those two were her urban camouflage accessories and the cute sticker attached to a corner of her skirt with ‘1 yen’ written on it. The other significant difference was the white gun she had holstered on her waist like how one would wear a sword. By the way, the magic gun, Automaton, and Shizu’s job ‘Gunner’ were all additional details added after the large update patch ‘Valkyrie’s Downfall’.Yuri nudged her lens-less black-rimmed glasses. As if her sense of duty as a maid could not condone this disorderly mess, she asked:“Ainz-sama, why are these treasures not well looked after? Even with protective magic applied, this cannot be considered a good state of preservation. Should you give the order, we will immediately get started with tidying up…”
“Take a closer look around.”
In the span of a single breath, Yuri surveyed her surroundings and apologised.
“I have been discourteous, please forgive my shallow observations.”
“Pay it no mind. Nonetheless, that is how it is – what’s buried inside this mountain of gold is of little value.”
Yuri followed Ainz’ line of sight which was rested on the reason why she had apologised. Placed all over the walls were numerous large cabinets tall enough to reach the ceiling. Inside these cabinets were treasures which sparkled even brighter than the gold mountain.
A wand embedded with a bloodstone, Scarletite gauntlet embedded with a garnets, lens made from black diamond embedded in the middle of silver rings, dog statue made from Obsidian, dagger crafted from purple amethyst, a small altar embedded with countless white pearls, glass lilies which looked as if they were releasing rainbow coloured light, delicate roses crafted from star rubies, tapestry patterned with the image of a soaring black dragon, a crown made of platinum adorned with a humongous diamond, golden incense bowl coated in precious gems, a pair of male and female lions made from sapphires and rubies, cufflinks inlaid with fire opals which looked as if it were in flames, beautifully carved rosewood cigar box, coat made from the hide of a golden beast, twelve plates made from Apoitakara, silver anklets embedded with four different colours of jewels, a magic book with a demantoid cover, life-sized statue of a large woman made from gold, belt with large pieces of imperial topaz stitched on, chess set with each piece made from a different type of precious gem, fairy-figure carved from a single piece of emerald, a black cloak with innumerous small precious stones sewn on; cup carved from a unicorn’s horn, golden table with an embedded crystal balls, and more.
This was just a small portion.
Other than these, there were many aquamarine mirrors, red crystals the size of adults, the giant and elaborate statue of a warrior radiating with silver-white light called the work of a Ghost Axe God, a stone pillar carved with characters of an unknown language, alexandrite so large that two outstretched arms would be needed to encircle it.
These countless treasures made the correct answer evident to Yuri, that there was simply no space to store them.
“Time to go.”
Two people spoke out in response to Ainz. Only Shizu remained silent, giving a nod instead to indicate her response.
After Ainz invoked the spell 「Mass Fly」, the four people unanimously flew up into the sky.
Only then was it apparent that there was a body of deadly gas, faint purple in colour, floating in the air.
Yuri looked around to find the source of the purple gas. However, neither the ceiling, walls, or corners had anything emitting that purple cloud.
As a look of confusion surfaced on Yuri’s face, a monotone voice spoke up.
“………Yuri-nee, there is toxic magic in the air.”
Yuri felt a cold glance in her direction. The source was Shizu’s calm green pupil; an eye which harboured no emotion.
A better way to put it would be that it induced others to believe it was incapable of feeling emotion. Shizu’s facial features were delicate, but in another sense it was also like a mask.
Because she was created as an automaton, Shizu could not display emotions – such was her settings.
“……Blood of Jormungandr?”
After Shizu revealed the name of this tool capable of creating such a toxic zone, Ainz replied:
“Ah, correct answer. Although I have not informed you, this treasure renders the surrounding air highly toxic. If you did not possess any abilities or tools capable of countering this toxicity, you would have dropped dead within three steps.”
“So, is that why I …apologies… is that why we three were selected?”
Both the dullahan Yuri who was adjusting her glasses and the emotionless automaton Shizu were immune to toxins because of their racial traits.
Being of the demonic race, Albedo was not immune to toxins, but of course relied on another method to render it ineffective.
“Correct, that is the reason all of you were brought here, but… Shizu, it is not only that. It was also to confirm something.”
Thus Ainz and the others used 「Mass Fly」to bypass the effort needed to cross the gold mountain, and arrived in front of a door on the other side.
No, could it really be called a door? It was in the shape of a door, but looked like a bottomless pit attached to the wall.
Arriving at this picturesque door, Ainz was deep in thought.
“This here is the armoury, what was the password again…?”
“Ainz-sama, if there is an armoury, does it mean that there are treasures concealed in other locations?”
… Huh? Albedo doesn’t know all the relevant information about the contents of the Treasure Hall?
Ainz was puzzled over why Albedo would ask such a question. Nonetheless, even if she was unaware of such information, it still made sense. The treasures were not housed inside the Great Tomb of Nazarick. It was necessary to use a ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to be transported to that location. It was designed in such a way to make an invasion extremely difficult. It was normal for Albedo to be oblivious of this information, since she didn't have her own ring just ten days ago.
Although Ainz somewhat wondered just how much knowledge the NPCs possessed, he felt it was a trivial problem and replied to the earlier question.
“Ha ha. I had a comrade by the name of Genjiro. He took pleasure in keeping things neat and organised, and should have categorised objects according to their purpose.”
“Wasn’t he the Supreme Being who created our companion Entoma?”
“Yes, Yuri you are correct. However, whether he actually relishes tidiness may be questioned. If he truly did, the treasures in that gold mountain would be managed more orderly, and he would not describe his own room as a mess. Speaking of which, he should have already separated the items into categories: armours, weapons, jewelry, auxiliary tools, consumables, manufacturing goods, etc. In addition, there is also the Nazarick maintenance room… yes, and also the crystal data storage room.”
During this rant, Ainz’ finger was pointed towards the wall, where a two-dimensional shadow had appeared.
“However, in reality the inside is connected so it shouldn’t matter which way we enter… Ah, sorry. I have talked too much.”
“Not at all, we are grateful towards Ainz-sama for answering our questions so passionately.”
Following Albedo’s statement, the two battle maids simultaneously bowed to express their gratitude.
There is no time to spare; what am I doing. Everytime I brag about Nazarick, I can’t stop myself...
Ainz shrugged, then turned again to face the shadow in front of him.
This door could only be opened by a predetermined password. Perhaps with magic or a skill from the rogue class, one
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