Prior to testing, colonies were located near San Rafael, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (lat. 25°02’N long.100°33’W fat. el. 1900 m), and had been managed for honey production. On November 16, 1985 samples of 20 bees were removed from the cover of the colonies and examined for their degree of infestation.Three groups of 30 colonies each were designated, i.e. uninfested [0.0 % prevalence (w)], moderately(10-50 %), and heavily infested (70-100 %). Colony population and food reserves were assessed during late November. Estimates were made in tenths of frame equivalents (standard Langstroth). Examinationswere made blind, i.e. without knowing the group designation. Colonies within each group were thenrandomly assigned to either a unmedicated or medicated subgroup. Medicated colonies received fourgrams of Fumidil-B R(fumagillin) dissolved in two liters of 60 % sucrose syrup (vol/vol). They alsoreceived ca. 7 g of Terramycin-25 R(oxytetracycline) dispersed in 27 g of powdered sugar. Controlsreceived sucrose syrup only. Additionally, a few colonies received 1-2 frames of sealed honey to insuresufficient stores for overwintering.
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