Khi Harry đi đến Privet Drive ông đã rất vui mừng thấy rằng trong khi ông đã đi các Dursleys xây dựng một cái thang ở mặt sau của ngôi nhà khiến căn gác. Nó như ông đã có căn hộ của mình. Ông có thể đến và đi như ông hài lòng. Tất nhiên tất cả xưởng làm việc vẫn còn trên anh ta, nhưng ông không nhớ, nó đã là khá là một công việc tốt ra.Ngay sau khi ông đến, ông đặt tất cả những điều của mình vào phòng của mình, vẫn còn khá một chút lạ trong lúc làm thế nào chịu những Muggle đã trở thành. Ông được tò mò về những gì đã mang về sự thay đổi, nhưng ông đã không về để thử nghiệm may mắn của mình.Một khi các công việc đã được thực hiện cho ngày, Harry đã đi trở lại phòng của mình và đã viết ra kế hoạch mùa hè của những điều cần làm.[1. tìm ra những gì tôi đang;2. tìm hiểu càng nhiều càng tốt, tôi có thể về sinh vật tôi chuyển vào;3. tìm hiểu cách basilisk máu và phoenix nước mắt ảnh hưởng thừa kế của tôi;4. làm bài tập ở nhà;]Ông đính danh sách trên tường gần mẹ của hình ảnh trong album Hagrid đã cho anh ta. Cậu bé sau đó nhận thấy các cuốn sách khác trên đầu trang của album nói. Nó không phải là một ông công nhận, vì vậy Harry vớt nó lên và gaped trong tự hỏi. Đây là một album muggle và nó có rất nhiều hình ảnh của mẹ trong nó. Trong một số hình ảnh đã có người khác là tốt. Ông thấy một hình ảnh của ông bà ngoại với Petunia là khoảng 3 và mẹ một trẻ nhỏ. Harry blinked những giọt nước mắt đi và đưa album bên cạnh dành một. Ông sau đó thay đổi vào áo py ja ma của mình và rút ra tạp chí của mẹ mình, figuring nó sẽ là một nơi tốt để bắt đầu nghiên cứu của ông.However much to his disappointment Lily Potter knew nothing about Regulus's creature, or if he even was one. That left him with a predicament. He did not want the whole world to know about his status, but he also knew that he had to find out what he was. Even as a 12 soon to be 13 year old, he knew that some creatures had destined mates. Thus he added another point onto his 'to-do' list. That point was 'get comfortable with what you are'. Of course to do that he had to first find out what he was, thus he got over his fears and one day went to Gringotts.Sharpclaw the Goblin was rather surprised to see Harry Potter in his office again so soon. He arched an eyebrow as he studied the fidgeting child:"Mister Potter, to what do I owe the pleasure?""Oh, Master Sharpclaw…" – Harry gave the goblin a nervous smile – "I have a thing I need to discuss… it's rather sensitive…""Very well…" – the creature paused to press a big yellow button on the side of the desk – "I have activated the privacy wards around the office. You can tell me anything. I will help you if it's within my power to do so."The boy took a huge breath and gulped. Whatever it was he wanted help with obviously weighed down on him."See… I had an … accident during the year and it triggered my creature inheritance. Now I have no idea what that inheritance is or how to figure it out…"Sharpclaw blinked a few times as he studied the child. Now that he was aware of the fact, he did notice the slightest change in the boy's scent that hinted at the creature blood, of course it was too faint to tell what the creature was:"Well, this is most unusual. However we've already made a tapestry for you. If you study it closely, you'll see that the names of your family members are written down in different colours. Thus all the people whose names are written in purple have creature blood, however there is no way to know what creature they inherited. I'm afraid that you'll have to take your problem to St. Mungo's.""WHAT?" – yelped Harry, clearly scared – "But… if I go there, people will know… isn't there any other way?""Now, Mr. Potter, I did not say you needed to tell everyone about your condition. Get yourself a personal healer and swear him or her to secrecy. They will be able to give you an inheritance test that will show you what you are.""But…" – stammered Harry – "Would Madam Pomfrey be able to do it? She already gave me an oath…"The goblin scratched his chin thoughtfully before he shook his head with a sad smile:"Regretfully, she is not a member of the St. Mungo's staff. Therefore she doesn't have the access to what you need. However, she may be able to help you find a reliable healer.""Oh…" – said Harry. He was rather disappointed. It's been two weeks already and so far he had absolutely no idea what sort of inheritance he received. His patience was becoming rather short, so he got a grip on his temper and politely thanked the goblin for his time.Summer was Severus' favorite part of the year. For one, there were no dunderheads to teach. For another thing, he had lots of free time. Of course this summer was not quite like the rest of them, since he had a pet project. Right now he was hidden behind an invisibility spell and watching as Harry Potter worked in the garden.'Darn it, why the heck am I doing this?' – he mentally berated himself – 'I know his life is not ideal, but still it doesn't look so bad… Oh, well, at least this I'll know that the old codger doesn't visit him during the summer…'He slowly went closer to where Harry was weeding the garden. It looked like the boy was talking to himself."Darn it… I really wish there was a way to figure out what this whole creature inheritance thing is without having to go to St. Mungo's… Maybe I should buy some more books and search for some spells… or maybe a potion?" – muttered Harry to himself, as he pulled out yet another weed.Next to the boy, Severus was in shock.'Creature inheritance?' – his mind was racing – 'The boy isn't even 13 for Merlin's sake! What the heck is going on here?'He inched backwards and unfortunately stepped on a twig, causing Potter to whirl around."Who's there?" – yelped the boy quietly, looking around frantically.With a muttered curse Severus cancelled his charm and enjoyed the look of total shock on Harry's face."Good day to you too, Potter.""P-professor Snape!" – exclaimed Harry and practically fell over – "What are you doing here?""The events concerning young Mr. Weasley left me rather agitated. There are only several orphans in Hogwarts right now and we're keeping an eye on all of them… just to be sure…"Harry gaped at the man who was sacrificing his free time to make sure he was safe. It was quite weird. But at the same time he felt oddly grateful that the older man was there."I appreciate you doing this. I admit when we found out, we were very disturbed as well. I even had madam Pomfrey check me over." – Harry frowned a bit, not understanding why he had no problems with saying something like that to Snape of all people."That was good thinking on your part, Potter." – said the man calmly."T-thank you, Professor…" – stammered Harry."Now, Potter," – the practically purred, enjoying how flustered the boy became – "What is it about a premature creature inheritance?"That was certainly not a question Harry expected.Later that day Harry found himself drinking tea with his Potions Master. Talk about weird. He really didn't feel like telling the man about his inheritance, but it seemed like there wasn't much of a choice. Thus he decided to just tell him.
"I will answer your question, but I really hope you can keep it to yourself, even my friends don't know."
"Oh? Then by all means. I won't breathe a word, I give you my word, Mr. Potter."
Usually he wouldn't be so accommodating, but his curiosity has been peaked and now he knew he wouldn't rest until he knew what the heck was going on with Potter.
He paused for a second and then reached for his mental bond with his familiar, not sure how much to tell the Professor.
'Hey, Savanna…' – he called – 'You there?'
'$You called, young masster?$' – the basilisk responded quickly – '$Iss there something you needed?$'
'Yeah. Snape found out about my inheritance, so I'm trying to explain everything so that he'll understand. Care to help me out?'
'$Abssolutely, young one. I will sstay with you and whenever you don't know what to ssay, I sshall help.$'
'Great, thanks.'
Reassured that he would not make a fool of himself, Harry slowly told the Potions master what happened, keeping out only his bond with Savanna. He said the basilisk fled after it bit him.
Severus, being the spy that he was, knew that Potter was not telling the entire truth, however what he found out was still much more than he expected to learn, thus he let it go.
"By the way, you are right. There is a potion that can tell what sort of creature you are. Or more likely it will spell out the creature race and who you inherited it from."
"Really?" – Harry asked, his green eyes staring at Harry with awe.
"Yes, really, you brat. And before you ask, yes, I will make it for you. As long as you provide the ingredients."
Of course Severus was more than rich enough to afford buying the things on his own, but he did need to keep his image.
"Thank you, professor." – beamed Harry – "I'm really glad I didn't have to go to St. Mungo's."
"That is indeed fortunate, since they would have to inform the Ministry of your status." – drawled Snape.
"Seriously?" – asked Harry a bit agitatedly – "But Sharpclaw said…"
"Yes, I know. The law that says that every creature needs to be registered is a new one. And it only says that workers of St. Mungo's are obliged to tell the Ministry about new creatures, not that said creatures need to register, so do not worry." – snapped Snape a bit impatiently. He quickly wrote down the ingredients for the potion and threw in a few extra Harry might need next year so that the potion wouldn't be recognized when Potter went to buy those things.
"Wow, this is a lot of stuff. Are you sure I need to buy this on my own? Can't I just give you the money for them? I'm not that good at Potions…"
"Nonsense, Potter. You finished on top of the year… though I suppose you wouldn't know about that yet… sorry I've ruined the surprise…" – he gave a dry chuckle and Harry almost fe
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