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Black Sheep by Lidsworth
Anime » Finder Series Rated: T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, Words: 14k+, Favs: 58, Follows: 101, Published: Apr 26, 2014 Updated: May 26, 2014
62 Chapter 1
AN: A small short I came up during psychology class. My friend and I had a dating discussion, and what kind of people we'd date as far as ethnicity went. We both wouldn't date within in our race, and are attracted to the opposite. At the end of the class, it became a joke, but we stuck true to our word.

Summary: In the midst an Underworld dispute between Asami and another organization, Takaba is once again dragged into middle of the deadly conflict. Jealousy gives birth to many vices, including unwanted children. Takaba finds this out the hard way. (Aki/Asami, Mpreg)

I cannot stress this enough, if you don't like Mpreg, do not read! Also, i'm trying out this new writing style, so tell me if it works or not.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Finder Series.

His home had been ransacked, furniture smashed to the ground, glass shatters scattered on the expensive carpet, bed sheets torn torn to ribbons, and Akihito no where to be found.

The photographer had not been answering his phone, and closer investigation found out that he had never shown up to work.

Asami checked any places that Akihito occupied, and checked harder after that.

A day full of searching for a missing person, ended to no avail.

And now Asami stood in his tattered room, his breathing ragged, his blood boiling like acid, his body trembling with an unpleasant rage, ready to kill on command, like a rabit fighting dog.

He sighed, and his emotions recoiled.

He put them in place and locked them away.

Unchecked emotions resulted in disastrous catastrophes.

Asami did not need anymore of those.

So he looked again through the chaotic ruins that had once been his luxurious penthouse, stepping over sharp objects, lifting up splintered wood, just looking for anything, anything that would give him insight on Akihito.

Once or twice, he would encounter a rusted red blood stain, some where still damp.

He fought to keep his rage down, swalloed the urge to bring ruin to his already destroyed home.

He needed to remain calm, he needed to stay collected.

And so he did. And it paid off.

Amongst the shredded remains of bedsheets, his sharp eyes caught the edge of something white and crumbled.

Bending down slowly, Asami cautiously retrieved the crumbled piece of paper, and held it up to read.

His blood froze, his breath caught in his throat, and his skin paled.

Heat began to prickle under his skin, and a tingling sensation spread thought his body,

I never forgot Ryuichi, and I never forgave. You chose some insolent brat over me? I am like you, I know who you are, I know what you want! This boy can never offer any of that, yet you value him like he's the worlds rarest jewel? How pitiful, your standards have stooped so low.

Let's see if he'll be your 'one and only' when I'm through with him.


So this was an act of vengeance, of jealousy. And his envious ex-lover had dragged Akihito into the shark pool. Calm and collective personality aside, Asami's emotions were spilling over.

He was negatively seething, though his cool expression betrayed his attitude .

Turning to leave the room, Asami was faced with two nervous body guards.


He held his hand up, prohibiting them from spewing out an excuse for their negligence to retrieve Akihito.

Rather than chastise them, he supplied them with an address, an address to an abandoned warehouse.


For certain, he knew he was in pain, but it wasn't the sort that you could feel. He was numb all over, yet objects prodded into his body, twisted his insides, scraping at his organs, and ripping into his flesh.

It was a numb pain, yet he could feel the tiny ache, the ache that would only grow more agonizing in with time.

He was for certain, however, that before this, he had been in real pain, that his current state of bliss was the result of too much pain.

Torture did that to a person, he supposed, made them more accepting than normal. More understanding.

How long had he been in that warehouse, strapped to a chair, and beaten like an animal.

Were they going to kill him? If not, than what was their intentions?

Perhaps to instill fear in Asami?

A wet sensation trickled down his torn jeans. Inwardly, he gasped, praying that he hadn't just pissed himself.

There was good news and bad news.

Thankfully for him, it wasn't urine that had soaked his jeans. The smell was to pungent, too earthy.

It was blood.

He remembered, remembered being raped before the initial torture began.

It was painful, and humiliating. And the idiot did something strange to him, something that Takaba couldn't quite remember, but it was that action that hurt the most, that left it's biggest mark.

Something hot, something burning filled his entire being. And then it disappeared, and the rape resumed.

Ahh...that insane bastard did...why the hell does this always happen to me? What did I ever do to these people!?

Another blow came into contact with his gut, and his body jumped out of instinct. The rough ropes clawed deeply into his wrist, scooping away more skin every time he moved.

He forced his weary eyes to look at his arms. Instantly, he regret ed it.

"Will Asasmi love you now?" The sadistic voice cooed into Takaba's ear, "Will he acceptance a broken piece of shit like you?!"

The words cut deeper than the actually blades that carved deeply into Takaba's arms.

He couldn't see himself, he didn't know how bad he looked. The pain was so excruciating that Akihito could no longer feel anything, therefore he wasn't entirely sure how terrible he looked.

The tide changed.

The torturing suddenly came to a screeching halt. Lights switched on, people began to run, shots were fired.
Takaba inwardly smiled, tears spilled down his cheeks, and he began to shake.

Asami had come to save him.


If you hadn't arrived when you did, he surely would have been dead, said the appalled doctor.

It's a miracle that he's alive, cried the astonished nurse.

He lost too much blood, thought Asami, And I still haven't ended Tadame's wretched life.

For the first time in ages, Asami was filled to the brim with blood lust, a hungry urge to kill erupted in his stomach. He wanted to ruin Tadame, to scrape the skin off of his muscles, to watch the harsh pull of damaged tendons part from the bones, to tear savagely into his body as he had done to Asami's heart.

But Takaba's condition called for constant companionship.

The boys eyes were blank and murky, as if his soul had been vacuumed into some deep abyss lighyears below the earths surface.

His body was covered In gauze, adorned in cuts and scrapes. His arms had been the worse, as they'd been cut to the bone. Second were his thighs, and the area between his legs. Everything was bruised, tainted and tattered.

Takaba would need to be in a wheelchair for at least a month before he could walk again, without pain.

For a week, he never spoke, never ate, never looked at anything except the white wall across from him. He stayed in his hospital room, moving only when the doctors helped him to go to the restroom or procedures.

He didn't look at Asami.


Like always, he learned to forget and forgive his enemies. A month later, and Takaba was back to his usual stubborn self.

Asami, however, was not. He was obsessed with protecting Akihito, obsessed with keeping him safe.

"Call your men off! I can't even piss without them clawing at the restroom door like wild dogs!" Had been one of the many complaints that Takaba had risen against Asami's over protective guards. They followed Takaba like a shadow, a permanent shadow.

And he began to loath it with a burning passion.

Asami was robbing him of his freedom, his right to his own life. Hell, the older man had even imposed a self proclaimed curfew on the young photographer.

He knew that after the accident with Tadame, that Asami would be more cautious with him. But he never expected Asami to morph into a control freak.

A month later, Takaba fell ill. Very ill. He couldn't hold his food down, was constantly running fevers, was as tired as hell...the list went on and on.


Asami had nearly neglected his job to stay by Takaba's bedside, yet the photographer had chastised the older man, and assured him that he would survive this.

That they would survive this.

And up until recently, Takaba believed he could.


His condition had gotten slightly better, though he still vomited from time to time. Not to mention, he'd gained a little extra weight. Not that that as a bad thing, as he'd lost so much in the past couple of months, but he hadn't really done anything to warrant a quick recovery.

He was getting slightly concerned.

So he asked his doctor to take blood samples, without telling Asami.

Reluctantly, the doctor did.

It was around this time that Akihito allowed his mind to drift back to his kidnapping, and the torture he was subjected to be Tadame.

The physical abuse, he could live with, as well as the mental abuse.

But the sexual abuse, that was something he still struggled to overcome. Not to mention, he still hadn't discovered what exotic technique Tadame had used on him. All he knew was that it caused him pain, a lot of
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FanFictionChỉ trongCộng đồngDiễn đànHơnCon cừu đen bởi Lidsworth Anime» Finder loạt xếp: T, tiếng Anh, lãng mạn và đau/thoải mái, từ: 14 k +, yêu thích: 58, sau: 101, xuất bản: Tháng tư 26, 2014 Cập Nhật: 26 tháng năm 201462 chương 1MỘT: Một đoạn ngắn nhỏ tôi đã đưa ra trong lớp học tâm lý học. Bạn bè của tôi và tôi đã có một cuộc thảo luận hẹn hò, và những gì loại của người dân chúng tôi sẽ ngày càng nhiều càng dân tộc đã đi. Chúng tôi cả hai sẽ không ngày trong vòng trong cuộc đua của chúng tôi, và được thu hút vào đối diện. Vào cuối lớp, nó đã trở thành một câu chuyện đùa, nhưng chúng tôi khó khăn thực sự để từ của chúng tôi.Tóm tắt: Ở giữa một thế giới ngầm tranh chấp giữa Asami và tổ chức khác, Takaba lại kéo vào giữa cuộc xung đột chết người. Ghen tuông sinh nhiều tệ nạn, trong đó có trẻ em không mong muốn. Takaba tìm thấy điều này trong một cách khó khăn. (Aki/Asami, Mpreg)Tôi không thể căng thẳng này đủ, nếu bạn không thích Mpreg, không đọc! Ngoài ra, tôi đang cố gắng ra điều này mới viết phong cách, vì vậy cho tôi biết nếu nó hoạt động hay không.Disclaimer: tôi không sở hữu The Finder Series.Nhà của ông đã bị lục soát, đồ nội thất đập tan xuống mặt đất, kính cần rải rác trên thảm đắt tiền, giường tờ xé rách băng, và Akihito không có nơi để được tìm thấy.Các nhiếp ảnh gia đã không trả lời điện thoại của mình, và điều tra gần hơn phát hiện ra rằng ông đã không bao giờ hiển thị để làm việc.Asami kiểm tra bất kỳ nơi mà Akihito chiếm đóng, và kiểm tra khó khăn hơn sau đó.Một ngày đầy đủ của đang tìm kiếm một người mất tích, chấm dứt để avail không có.Và bây giờ Asami đứng trong phòng rách của mình, ông thở nát, máu sôi như axit, cơ thể của mình, run rẩy với một cơn thịnh nộ khó chịu, sẵn sàng để giết trên lệnh, giống như một con chó chiến đấu rabit.Ông thở dài, và cảm xúc của mình recoiled.Ông đưa chúng ra và nhốt chúng.Không được kiểm soát cảm xúc kết quả tai hại thảm họa.Asami đã không cần nữa những người.Vì vậy ông nhìn lại qua những tàn tích hỗn loạn một lần đã là căn hộ penthouse sang trọng của mình, bước trên nhọn, nâng lên gãy gỗ, chỉ cần tìm kiếm bất cứ điều gì, bất cứ điều gì mà sẽ cung cấp cho anh ta cái nhìn sâu sắc vào Akihito.Một lần hoặc hai lần, ông sẽ gặp phải một vết rỉ sét màu đỏ máu, một số nơi vẫn còn ẩm ướt.Ông đã chiến đấu để giữ cho cơn giận của mình xuống, swalloed việc đôn đốc để mang lại hủy hoại đến nhà của ông đã bị phá hủy.Ông cần thiết để giữ bình tĩnh, ông cần phải nghỉ khách sạn thu thập.Và vì vậy ông đã làm. Và nó trả hết.Trong phần còn lại shredded của mật, đôi mắt sắc nét đánh bắt các cạnh của một cái gì đó màu trắng và sụp đổ.Bẻ cong xuống chậm, Asami thận trọng lấy mảnh giấy, sụp đổ, và tổ chức nó để đọc.Máu của ông đóng băng, hơi thở của mình đánh bắt trong cổ họng của mình, và làn da của mình paled.Nhiệt bắt đầu prickle dưới làn da của mình, và lây lan cảm giác ngứa ran nghĩ rằng cơ thể của mình,Tôi không bao giờ quên Ryuichi, và tôi không bao giờ tha thứ cho. Bạn đã chọn một số brat vô lể hơn tôi? Tôi như bạn, tôi biết bạn là ai, tôi biết những gì bạn muốn! Cậu bé này không bao giờ có thể cung cấp bất kỳ điều đó, nhưng bạn có giá trị nó như ông là viên ngọc quý hiếm nhất thế giới? Làm thế nào thương tâm, tiêu chuẩn của bạn có heøn thấp như vậy.Let's see if he'll be your 'one and only' when I'm through with him.-TadameSo this was an act of vengeance, of jealousy. And his envious ex-lover had dragged Akihito into the shark pool. Calm and collective personality aside, Asami's emotions were spilling over.He was negatively seething, though his cool expression betrayed his attitude .Turning to leave the room, Asami was faced with two nervous body guards."Asam-"He held his hand up, prohibiting them from spewing out an excuse for their negligence to retrieve Akihito.Rather than chastise them, he supplied them with an address, an address to an abandoned warehouse.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooFor certain, he knew he was in pain, but it wasn't the sort that you could feel. He was numb all over, yet objects prodded into his body, twisted his insides, scraping at his organs, and ripping into his flesh.It was a numb pain, yet he could feel the tiny ache, the ache that would only grow more agonizing in with time.He was for certain, however, that before this, he had been in real pain, that his current state of bliss was the result of too much pain.Torture did that to a person, he supposed, made them more accepting than normal. More understanding.How long had he been in that warehouse, strapped to a chair, and beaten like an animal.Were they going to kill him? If not, than what was their intentions?Perhaps to instill fear in Asami?A wet sensation trickled down his torn jeans. Inwardly, he gasped, praying that he hadn't just pissed himself.There was good news and bad news.Thankfully for him, it wasn't urine that had soaked his jeans. The smell was to pungent, too earthy.It was blood.He remembered, remembered being raped before the initial torture began.It was painful, and humiliating. And the idiot did something strange to him, something that Takaba couldn't quite remember, but it was that action that hurt the most, that left it's biggest mark.Something hot, something burning filled his entire being. And then it disappeared, and the rape resumed.Ahh...that insane bastard did...why the hell does this always happen to me? What did I ever do to these people!?Another blow came into contact with his gut, and his body jumped out of instinct. The rough ropes clawed deeply into his wrist, scooping away more skin every time he moved.He forced his weary eyes to look at his arms. Instantly, he regret ed it."Will Asasmi love you now?" The sadistic voice cooed into Takaba's ear, "Will he acceptance a broken piece of shit like you?!"The words cut deeper than the actually blades that carved deeply into Takaba's arms.He couldn't see himself, he didn't know how bad he looked. The pain was so excruciating that Akihito could no longer feel anything, therefore he wasn't entirely sure how terrible he looked.The tide changed.The torturing suddenly came to a screeching halt. Lights switched on, people began to run, shots were fired.Takaba inwardly smiled, tears spilled down his cheeks, and he began to shake.Asami had come to save him.ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooIf you hadn't arrived when you did, he surely would have been dead, said the appalled doctor.It's a miracle that he's alive, cried the astonished nurse.He lost too much blood, thought Asami, And I still haven't ended Tadame's wretched life.For the first time in ages, Asami was filled to the brim with blood lust, a hungry urge to kill erupted in his stomach. He wanted to ruin Tadame, to scrape the skin off of his muscles, to watch the harsh pull of damaged tendons part from the bones, to tear savagely into his body as he had done to Asami's heart.But Takaba's condition called for constant companionship.The boys eyes were blank and murky, as if his soul had been vacuumed into some deep abyss lighyears below the earths surface.His body was covered In gauze, adorned in cuts and scrapes. His arms had been the worse, as they'd been cut to the bone. Second were his thighs, and the area between his legs. Everything was bruised, tainted and tattered.Takaba would need to be in a wheelchair for at least a month before he could walk again, without pain.For a week, he never spoke, never ate, never looked at anything except the white wall across from him. He stayed in his hospital room, moving only when the doctors helped him to go to the restroom or procedures.He didn't look at Asami.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooLike always, he learned to forget and forgive his enemies. A month later, and Takaba was back to his usual stubborn self.Asami, however, was not. He was obsessed with protecting Akihito, obsessed with keeping him safe."Call your men off! I can't even piss without them clawing at the restroom door like wild dogs!" Had been one of the many complaints that Takaba had risen against Asami's over protective guards. They followed Takaba like a shadow, a permanent shadow.And he began to loath it with a burning passion.Asami was robbing him of his freedom, his right to his own life. Hell, the older man had even imposed a self proclaimed curfew on the young photographer.He knew that after the accident with Tadame, that Asami would be more cautious with him. But he never expected Asami to morph into a control freak.A month later, Takaba fell ill. Very ill. He couldn't hold his food down, was constantly running fevers, was as tired as hell...the list went on and on.ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Asami had nearly neglected his job to stay by Takaba's bedside, yet the photographer had chastised the older man, and assured him that he would survive this.

That they would survive this.

And up until recently, Takaba believed he could.


His condition had gotten slightly better, though he still vomited from time to time. Not to mention, he'd gained a little extra weight. Not that that as a bad thing, as he'd lost so much in the past couple of months, but he hadn't really done anything to warrant a quick recovery.

He was getting slightly concerned.

So he asked his doctor to take blood samples, without telling Asami.

Reluctantly, the doctor did.

It was around this time that Akihito allowed his mind to drift back to his kidnapping, and the torture he was subjected to be Tadame.

The physical abuse, he could live with, as well as the mental abuse.

But the sexual abuse, that was something he still struggled to overcome. Not to mention, he still hadn't discovered what exotic technique Tadame had used on him. All he knew was that it caused him pain, a lot of
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