All Member Countries’ comments were considered by the Aquatic Animals Commission. However, the Commissionwas not able to prepare a detailed explanation of the reasons for accepting or not accepting every proposal received.The Commission encourages Member Countries to refer to previous reports when preparing comments on longstandingissues. The Commission also draws the attention of Member Countries to the reports of ad hoc Groups, which includeimportant information and encourages Member Countries to review these reports together with the report of theCommission, where relevant.The table below summarises the texts as presented in the Annexes. Member Countries should note that texts in Annexes3 to 9 are proposed for adoption at the 84th General Session in May 2016; Annexes 10 to 28 are presented for MemberCountries’ comments; Annexes 29 to 31 are presented for information.The Commission strongly encourages Member Countries to participate in the development of the OIE’s internationalstandards by submitting comments on this report. Comments should be submitted as specific proposed text changes,supported by a scientific rationale. Proposed deletions should be indicated in ‘strikethrough’ and proposed additionswith ‘double underline’. Member Countries should not use the automatic ‘track-changes’ function provided by wordprocessing software as such changes are lost in the process of collating Member Countries’ submissions into theCommission’s working documents.
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