Greetings!Welcome all the New Members who have joined ACX in the last fewdays. We're glad to have you on the ACX Team.It's True! There ARE Amazing Opportunities at ACX!Some ACX Members have contacted us and written in online forumsthat "ACX should stick with 2% per day, and not cause an unnecessarilyearly Re-Start due to higher rates like 3% or even higher."We always appreciate comments and new ideas from our Members, butmany of us remember how long ACX was able to pay 6% per day in 2015.From the beginning of June (2015) until nearly the end of September,ACX paid Members 6% DSC. That happened everyday for over 100 days!Do you know why ACX could pay 6% for that long?It's because the Members believed in the ACX System and continuedto increase Sales Revenue each week. And they shared ACX with others.ACX Members were doing the two activities that make THEM themost money:1) Buying as many Ad and Media Packs as they could afford.2) Sharing ACX with everyone they knew.How long momentum continues at ACX is ALWAYS up to the Members.It is different every time, and of course we want the time betweenXpressShifts to gradually extend over longer periods of time. That'sone of the reasons why we created the New Panel Exchange.It gives unhappy Members the ability to be able to continue afterthe discouragement of an XpressShift. However, experienced Membersdon't have any problems with XpressShifts, because they know thevalue of the Panels and how to get them to pay out quickly.And now they are the ones who are making a lot of money in thePanel Exchange! want you to be happy about earning 3% a day, and to take fulladvantage of it. And make sure your Referrals are aware that Adand Media Packs are paying 3% DSC also.ACX Members have the ability to make ACX a huge success by justdoing the activities that make them them most money - buyingadvertising and sharing positive experiences with others.Let's keep this going!Always working for your success!ACX Management Team===================P.S. Here are some very important points we think shouldbe in every update we write:1- ACX Support Team is now available 24/7 by clicking onthe LIVE CHAT feature. Our goal is to provide you withhelp to make your experience at ACX enjoyable and profitable.2- All today's requested withdrawals are being worked on.We will inform you as often as possible of any withdrawalbatches we have completed, as they happen - this will helpyou request withdrawals for the smaller payment processors.You can review these notifications in your Message Center,under Support News - the link is near the bottom of on theACX Dashboard in the Member Area.3- ClickDraw Winners have been updated recently - see themall at ACX Management invites you to take the time to fullyunderstand ACX - the following documents are availablein the Member Area under "Popular Pages":What is ACX?ACX Simple Recipe400% StrategyPatented Pay SystemTake the ACX ChallengeBetter than an HYIPBetter than JustBeenPaidManage Your ACX BusinessMoney Management GuidePut Your Money to Work5- If you speak a language in addition to English and wouldlike to help other ACX Members, we are always looking GlobalRepresentatives who will take time to assist members in their"first" language. In exchange for help, ACX offers manybenefits to Global Reps that can add more income andopportunities. Read more here: We think the easiest way for All Members to Share ACXis by using affiliate websites. These are pages that aredesigned to introduce ACX in a way that people will wantto join you as a New Members of ACX. Take a look atour newest page: Members who want to review past Email Updates,please go to: Feel free to give us your suggestions about anything: Don't forget to tell everyone about ACX - there is a hugeamount of information at the ACX Marketing Site. Plus,posting positive comments online will always help too. Don't forget this very important point!Spend $10, make back $15 in just 60 days (@ 3% per day)Spend $100, make back $150 " "
Spend $1,000, make back $1,500 " "
Spend $10,000, make back $15,000 " "
Spend $100,000, make back $150,000 " "
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