The Quiz Show
My best friend Jenny presented on a television quiz show a few nights ago. It was very exciting. We all knew that she would be on, so all our friends met at her parents’ house to watch it. Her parents videoed it too, of course. The programme started at half past seven. We screamed and clapped when we saw Jenny. She looked great. She had had her hair done, and was wearing the new top she had bought the day before. She sat in the chair in the middle of the studio while the presenter asked her some questions. The questions got harder and harder as they increased in value If she didn’t make any mistakes and got the most difficult question right, she would win a million pounds. By this time, Jenny had won a thousand pounds. That definitely hers,whatever happened. She answer the next question correctly, which was worth five thousand pounds. I didn’t know the answer, but she did know! Then, with the next question, she took a risk but got the answer wrong. She was gone out of the game. Still, she had her thousand pounds, and we were very proud of her.