The governmentfee for registration of the company as a legal entity after the statutory meeting assigns theoperation of the business to the directors is 0.5% of the registered capital, with a THB 5,000minimum and THB 250,000 maximum. Public limited company: The fee for registration of thememorandum of association is 0.10% of registered capital, with a minimum of THB 1,000 and amaximum of THB 50,000. The government fee for registration of the company as a legal entityafter the statutory meeting assigns the operation of the business to the directors is 0.10% of theregistered capital, with a THB 1,000 minimum and THB 250,000 maximum.Branch of a foreign corporationA foreign company may set up a branch office in Thailand. A branch and its head office are treatedas the same legal entity under Thai law; the branch will be considered a permanent establishmentof the foreign corporation in Thailand. Lawsuits against the branch also may be brought against theforeign head office. The head office will be liable for tax on direct transaction
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