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You need to be punished [M]

by Hyukkie66 (subscribers-only) (members-only) 
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  ?> Foreword    1 You need to be punished     2 Miss Me ?     3 Too Much ...     4 Sequel     5 Thank Yous  

“SungGyu! Where are you?”

A young man, wearing a french maid uniform, came to the dining table, “You call me Master?” he asked timidly.

“Yes Gyu, where’s my fork?” the master asked.

“H-here it is master”, SungGyu gave the said eating utensil, “I-is there anything else you need me to do?”

“Yes”, WooHyun pulled SungGyu closer, he lifted the short skirt and found SungGyu was wearing a boxer underneath, “What is this?” he sounded displeased.

“Uh ... master ... I can explain ... I ... uh ...”

“Didn’t I tell you not to wear any underwear?” WooHyun demanded.

“Y-yes Master but I ...”

“Are you disobeying my order?”

SungGyu gulped, he knew a punishment was waiting, but to make his master more angry was not a good choice, so he nodded, “Yes Master, I was disobeying your order.”

“You know what happens when you disobey my orders”.

“Yes Master ... I will be punished ...”

“Good, now take off your clothes”, WooHyun ordered.

SungGyu instantly blushed at the order, they were in the dining room of WooHyun’s mansion, people might come from every direction and the curtains were opened.

“What are you waiting for?”

Gulping, SungGyu lowered his boxer, his hand reached to the back of the black dress and unzipped the dress. Soon the material pooled on his ankle, along with his boxer. WooHyun pulled SungGyu so he was placed on WooHyun’s lap, his pert ass facing the air. The white pair of globe was so tempting to be spanked and WooHyun didn’t spend much time thinking.

“Ah!” SungGyu whimpered as the first slap was delivered to his back side.

One ... Two ... Three ... Six ... Twelve ... Twenty ...

And finally WooHyun stopped at thirty slaps. Leaving SungGyu’s ass in nice shade of red and his eyes glazed in humiliation. WooHyun signaled SungGyu to get off his lap and he stood up next to WooHyun’s chair with wobbly feet.

“T-thank you for the punishment Master”, he softly said.

“That’s not all of your punishment for today”, WooHyun told his slave, “You will eat this”, he gave SungGyu a raw carrot from one of the dishes served on the table.

“Eat this ...?” SungGyu was confused, accepting the vegetable.

“Not with your mouth! Use your other mouth!” WooHyun motioned for SungGyu’s ass.

SungGyu blushed, they were in the open area of the dining room, and Woohyun wanted to see him masturbating with the carrot. Or even worse, one of WooHyun’s maids could walk by!

“What are you waiting for? You better start now.”

SungGyu positioned himself on the floor, spreading his legs and used his left hand to steady himself, he gave the carrot a few licks to make the vegetable slick enough so it would fit his opening, and then he slowly pushed the tip past his anal cavity.

“Deeper, put the whole thing in”, WooHyun instructed, “Spread your legs more! I can’t see anything!”

SungGyu’s cheeks were burning in shame, he pushed the carrot deeper, the cold vegetable felt alien to his hot tunnel. He pulled the makeshift toy out, before he pushed it back in.

“And don’t you dare coming before I’m done eating!” WooHyun ordered.

SungGyu used his hips to help him finding a better angle, he thrusted his hips sensually as his hand guided the carrot to his own opening. As the tip of the cold vegetable hit his prostate, SungGyu threw his head back and moaned. The sight was extremely delicious. SungGyu was dancing sensually as he toyed with the carrot. From where he was sitting, WooHyun could see how SungGyu’s body bent backwards, his hips thrusting up and down, his head was thrown back as he moaned softly, his erection was starting to stand proudly.

Although he was tempted to take SungGyu right there, WooHyun ignored his lust and continued eating. Good things come to those who waits, right? He ate with deliberate slowness, savoring the taste of his meal with the sound of his slave’s moans serenading his lunch. SungGyu tried hard to pend his orgasm, he slowed down as he felt his orgasm approaching, hoping that WooHyun would be finished by the time he came, but WooHyun saw he slowed down his movement and told him to pick the pace.

Sweat started to form on SungGyu’s body, his organ was fully aroused by then, although he didn’t even touch the heated flesh. The carrot was hitting him on the right places, making him felt more hotter in every passing second. His belly tingled with the sensation and his balls tightened. He was getting closer ...

Just a few seconds before WooHyun put the last piece of meat to his mouth, SungGyu came. His seed spilled all over his abs and moans were ripped from his lush lips. His legs became weak as the orgasm swept through his body and he fell to the cold floor.

WooHyun wiped his mouth, looking at his slave with unexplainable gaze.

“You came so fast, slut”.

“I-I’m sorry master ...” SungGyu panted.

“I got more punishment for you”, WooHyun smirked, wiping his mouth with the napkin, he ordered his slave, “Get up and come here”.

SungGyu obliged..

WooHyun turned him around and rammed the used carrot to SungGyu’s hole.

“Keep that in there”, he slapped SungGyu’s ass, “Go and prepare a bath for me”, when SungGyu lowered himself to take his clothes, WooHyun stopped him, “You don’t need that”.

“B-but ...” SungGyu blushed again.

“That’s your punishment”, WooHyun said, “Now go and fix a bath for me ... and one more thing ... don’t run on the halls!”

SungGyu’s face was blushing deep red as he walked to WooHyun ‘s room on the third floor, limping a little with the vegetable still shoved into his rump. WooHyun smirked to himself as he watched SungGyu’s clumsy attempt to save the last straw of his dignity. This is going to be an interesting day ... His mind played all the perverted acts he could use on SungGyu, and the possibilities were endless.


Once the Master finished with his diner, he went to the bathroom at a slow pace, sending a quick text to a friend of his. He entered his room, removing his clothes and opened the door forcefully which made Sunggyu jump. The latter was still naked, over the bathtub, filling it slowly. At this sight, the master licked his lips, approaching his pray pulling the slave toward his shirtless chest and kissing him. Sunggyu moaned loudly when his master garbed his ass. Suddenly he felt Woohyun removing the carrot and replaced it with a vibrator. Sunggyu was going to protest but was cut short once he felt a cockring slide his manhood.


Without a word, Woohyun went in the bathtub and placed his slave between his parted legs. “You don't know how much you fuckable right now!” Sunggyu moaned at his words and start to squirmed under the vibrations and he wanted to be touch.


Reading his mind, Woohyun start to touch his partner in the bathtub. Kissing him, licking him and doing all the thing to make him go crazy. And crazy was he going! "No...aaahh !" Sunggyu gasped.

He moaned as his partner kissed him. Sunggyu's hands wrapped around his master's neck, while the younger ran his hands up and down Sunggyu's body. The older jolt upright when he heard a noise. Stopping all, Sunggyu heard clearly a voice calling Woohyun's name.


“In here!”, called back the master.


“What his going on Master ?”, asked Sunggyu, slightly afraid.


“A friend of mine that I invited over...” responded Woohyun. “I wanted to share with him today.”


“Wh-what ? But...”


“Woohyun ?”, called the stranger's voice. The called one kissed Sunggyu once more before responding. “Bathroom!”


Sunggyu was trapped by his master's arms and couldn't get away before the stranger came in. Once Sunggyu locked his gaze with the newcomer, he blushed profusely. Why was he here ? Why him ? The stranger smirked and asked, “Well, well, what's going on in here ?”


“What it's look like to you ?”, asked back the Master, licking Sunggyu's earlobe which made him moaned loudly.


“Well, mind if I join ?”, asked the man. “Sunggyu ?”


"No...aaahh !" Sunggyu gasped when his Master bit his earlobe. “Ye-yes you ca-can...aahhh”


“You're so generous my little slave! But not in here, move to the shower!” And so they did.





AN: Who his the mysterious person ? I'm sure you know it already =)

Anyway, give me some cookies, and some reviews !!

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Soulmate_Inspirits (May 12, 2014 03:07:50) says about chapter 4: 
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coolmage30 (May 10, 2014 17:22:32) says aboutchapter 4: 
wow twins but then the names =_= it's really something haha :)
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GyuIsh (May 7, 2014 11:14:47) says aboutchapter 4: 
yeeeeiii .. XD finally .. you make the sequel ,,
ahahaha .. shout is everwhere ..
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Poseidon24 (May 7, 2014 03:33:24) says aboutchapter 4: 
Oh gods, twins!!!, please update, I'm dying to continue reading this, and the grammar is ok. Otherwise, damn nice smut in first 3 chapters, try mine ;)
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onlyforone (May 6, 2014 23:54:29) says aboutchapter 4: 
lol this turn out to
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WooHyun nõudis."Y-Jah Master, kuid ma...""On teil disobeying tilaustani?"SungGyu neelas, ta teadis karistus ootas aga teha oma isanda rohkem vihane ei olnud hea valik, et ta noogutas, "Jah Master, mul oli disobeying oma tellimus.""Sa tead, mis juhtub, kui sa eiravad minu tellimused"."Jah Master... Mul saab karistada...""Hea, nüüd startida oma riideid", tellisin WooHyun.SungGyu koheselt punastas korraldusel, nad olid WooHyun's mansion söögitoas, inimesed võivad tulla igas suunas ja kardinad olid avatud."Mida sa ootad?"Gulping, SungGyu alandas oma poksija, käe jõudnud tagasi must kleit ja mahalaadimist kleit. Varsti materjal koondatud tema pahkluu ja tema poksija. WooHyun tõmbas SungGyu nii, et ta pandi WooHyun's süles, tema pert perse ees õhku. Globe valge paar oli nii ahvatlev spanked ja WooHyun ei veeta palju aega mυelda."Ah!" SungGyu whimpered nagu esimest kõrvakiilu toimetati tema tagakülje.Üks... Kaks... Kolm... Kuus... Kaksteist... Kahekümne...Ja lõpuks WooHyun peatusime kolmekümne slaps. Jättes kena tooni punane SungGyu's ass ja tema silmad glasuuritud alandus. WooHyun märku SungGyu maha tema süles ja ta seisis kõrval WooHyun's juhatusel kõikuv jalgadega."T-Tänan teid karistus kapten", ütles ta tasakesi."See pole kõik täna oma karistuse", WooHyun ütles tema ori "Sa sööd seda", ta andis SungGyu toores porgand üks roogasid, mida serveeritakse lauale."Söö see...?" SungGyu oli segaduses, nõustudes taimsed."Ole suuga! Kasutada muid suus!" WooHyun motioned SungGyu's ass.SungGyu punastas, nad olid avatud ala söögituba ja Woohyun tahtsin näha teda masturbating porgand. Või veel hullem, üks WooHyun's koduabilised võiks käime!"Mida sa ootad? Sa parem alustada nüüd."SungGyu paigaldatakse ise põrandale, levitada oma jalad ja kasutatud vasaku käe ühtlasele ise, ta andis porgand mõned lakub teha taimsed õlilaik piisavalt nii, et see sobiks tema avamist, ja siis ta aeglaselt lükatakse otsa viimase tema päraku süvend."Sügavam, pane kogu asja", WooHyun tegi, "levitada oma jalad rohkem! Ma ei näe midagi!"SungGyu's põsed olid kirjutamise häbi, ta tõugatav sügavam porgand, külm taimne tundis tema kuum tunneli võõras. Ta tõmbas hädaabinõu mänguasi läbi, enne kui ta lükatakse see tagasi."Ja vaata enne, kui ma olen teinud tulevad süüa!" WooHyun tellitud.SungGyu harjunud tema puusade, aidata tal leida parem nurk, ta thrusted tema puusad meeleliselt nagu käe juhendava porgand, tema enda avamine. Nagu külm taimne otsa tabanud oma eesnäärme, SungGyu viskas pähe tagasi ja moaned. Vaatepilt oli äärmiselt maitsev. SungGyu oli tantsimine meeleliselt, nagu ta toyed porgand. Kus ta istus, WooHyun võis näha, kuidas SungGyu's keha painutatud tahapoole, torke üles oma puusad, tema pea oli visatud tagasi siis, kui ta moaned tasakesi, tema püstitamise oli hakanud seista uhkelt.Although he was tempted to take SungGyu right there, WooHyun ignored his lust and continued eating. Good things come to those who waits, right? He ate with deliberate slowness, savoring the taste of his meal with the sound of his slave’s moans serenading his lunch. SungGyu tried hard to pend his orgasm, he slowed down as he felt his orgasm approaching, hoping that WooHyun would be finished by the time he came, but WooHyun saw he slowed down his movement and told him to pick the pace.Sweat started to form on SungGyu’s body, his organ was fully aroused by then, although he didn’t even touch the heated flesh. The carrot was hitting him on the right places, making him felt more hotter in every passing second. His belly tingled with the sensation and his balls tightened. He was getting closer ...Just a few seconds before WooHyun put the last piece of meat to his mouth, SungGyu came. His seed spilled all over his abs and moans were ripped from his lush lips. His legs became weak as the orgasm swept through his body and he fell to the cold floor.WooHyun wiped his mouth, looking at his slave with unexplainable gaze.“You came so fast, slut”.“I-I’m sorry master ...” SungGyu panted.“I got more punishment for you”, WooHyun smirked, wiping his mouth with the napkin, he ordered his slave, “Get up and come here”.SungGyu obliged..WooHyun turned him around and rammed the used carrot to SungGyu’s hole.“Keep that in there”, he slapped SungGyu’s ass, “Go and prepare a bath for me”, when SungGyu lowered himself to take his clothes, WooHyun stopped him, “You don’t need that”.“B-but ...” SungGyu blushed again.“That’s your punishment”, WooHyun said, “Now go and fix a bath for me ... and one more thing ... don’t run on the halls!”SungGyu’s face was blushing deep red as he walked to WooHyun ‘s room on the third floor, limping a little with the vegetable still shoved into his rump. WooHyun smirked to himself as he watched SungGyu’s clumsy attempt to save the last straw of his dignity. This is going to be an interesting day ... His mind played all the perverted acts he could use on SungGyu, and the possibilities were endless. Once the Master finished with his diner, he went to the bathroom at a slow pace, sending a quick text to a friend of his. He entered his room, removing his clothes and opened the door forcefully which made Sunggyu jump. The latter was still naked, over the bathtub, filling it slowly. At this sight, the master licked his lips, approaching his pray pulling the slave toward his shirtless chest and kissing him. Sunggyu moaned loudly when his master garbed his ass. Suddenly he felt Woohyun removing the carrot and replaced it with a vibrator. Sunggyu was going to protest but was cut short once he felt a cockring slide his manhood. Without a word, Woohyun went in the bathtub and placed his slave between his parted legs. “You don't know how much you fuckable right now!” Sunggyu moaned at his words and start to squirmed under the vibrations and he wanted to be touch. Reading his mind, Woohyun start to touch his partner in the bathtub. Kissing him, licking him and doing all the thing to make him go crazy. And crazy was he going! "No...aaahh !" Sunggyu gasped.He moaned as his partner kissed him. Sunggyu's hands wrapped around his master's neck, while the younger ran his hands up and down Sunggyu's body. The older jolt upright when he heard a noise. Stopping all, Sunggyu heard clearly a voice calling Woohyun's name. “In here!”, called back the master. “What his going on Master ?”, asked Sunggyu, slightly afraid. “A friend of mine that I invited over...” responded Woohyun. “I wanted to share with him today.” “Wh-what ? But...” “Woohyun ?”, called the stranger's voice. The called one kissed Sunggyu once more before responding. “Bathroom!” Sunggyu was trapped by his master's arms and couldn't get away before the stranger came in. Once Sunggyu locked his gaze with the newcomer, he blushed profusely. Why was he here ? Why him ? The stranger smirked and asked, “Well, well, what's going on in here ?” “What it's look like to you ?”, asked back the Master, licking Sunggyu's earlobe which made him moaned loudly. “Well, mind if I join ?”, asked the man. “Sunggyu ?” "No...aaahh !" Sunggyu gasped when his Master bit his earlobe. “Ye-yes you ca-can...aahhh” “You're so generous my little slave! But not in here, move to the shower!” And so they did.    AN: Who his the mysterious person ? I'm sure you know it already =)Anyway, give me some cookies, and some reviews !!♥ Next >>CommentsComments are moderated. Keep it cool. Critical is fine, but if you're rude to one another (or to us), we'll delete your stuff. Have fun and thanks for joining the conversation! Soulmate_Inspirits (May 12, 2014 03:07:50) says about chapter 4: YAYAYAYAYAY!!! POOR GYU WHO HAS PREGNAN WITH WOOYA!! YAYAYAY >"< View Replies View All Reply coolmage30 (May 10, 2014 17:22:32) says aboutchapter 4: wow twins but then the names =_= it's really something haha :) View Replies View All Reply GyuIsh (May 7, 2014 11:14:47) says aboutchapter 4: yeeeeiii .. XD finally .. you make the sequel ,,ahahaha .. shout is everwhere .. View Replies View All Reply Poseidon24 (May 7, 2014 03:33:24) says aboutchapter 4: Oh gods, twins!!!, please update, I'm dying to continue reading this, and the grammar is ok. Otherwise, damn nice smut in first 3 chapters, try mine ;) View Replies View All Reply onlyforone (May 6, 2014 23:54:29) says aboutchapter 4: lol this turn out to
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minzzz Logi välja  Stories Blogi tellimused Bookmarks Sildid Kirjutage Sildid Lood Popular Kasutajad Social UsersWho on OnlineArtistsAFF Helper Sa pead olema karistatud [M] poolt Hyukkie66 (tellijaid-only) (ainult liikmetele)  Sildid Hoya lõpmatu nõgi sunggyu woogyu woohyun hogyu | Teata Sisu  Bookmark Save ( minna offline)    Tee loetav AAAA   ?> Eessõna 1 Peate karistatakse 2 Miss Me? 3 liiga palju ... 4 Järge 5 Aitäh Yous   "SungGyu! Kus sa oled? " Noormees, seljas prantsuse neiu ühtne, tuli söögilaud, "Sa helista mulle Master?" küsis ta kartlikult. "Jah Gyu, kus mu toidulauale?" kapten palus. "H-siin see on kapten ", SungGyu andis ütles söömisvahendiga," I-kas on veel midagi, mida vajate, et ma teeksin? " "Jah", WooHyun tõmmatakse SungGyu lähemale, tõstis lühike seelik ja leitud SungGyu oli seljas poksija all, "Mis see on? "Ta tundus pahane. "Uh ... master ... Ma võin seletada ... Ma ... uh ..." "Kas ma ei öelnud, et te ei kanna aluspesu?" WooHyun nõudis. " Y-jah Master aga ma ... " "Kas sa ei kuuletunud minu tellimus?" SungGyu neelas ta teadis karistus ootab, kuid teha oma isanda vihane ei olnud hea valik, nii et ta noogutas: "Jah Master, ma oli sõnakuulmatu tellimuse. " "Sa tead, mis juhtub, kui sa ei kuuletu minu tellimused". "Jah Master ... ma saab karistada ..." "Hea, nüüd startida oma riided", WooHyun tellitud. SungGyu koheselt punastas juures Selleks, et nad olid söögituba WooHyun mõisas, inimesed võivad tulla igast suunast ja kardinad avati. "Mida sa ootad?" Gulping, SungGyu langetas poksija, tema käe jõudis tagasi must kleit ja mahalaadimist kleit. Varsti materjali koondada oma jalale, koos oma poksija. WooHyun tõmmatakse SungGyu et ta pandi WooHyun süles, tema nipsakas perse ees õhus. Valge paari maailma oli nii ahvatlev tuleb spanked ja WooHyun ei veeta palju aega mõelda. "Ah!" SungGyu whimpered esimese laksu toimetati selja pool. Üks ... kaks ... kolm ... Kuus ... Kaksteist ... Kakskümmend ... Ja lõpuks WooHyun peatunud kolmkümmend slaps. Jättes SungGyu perse kena tooni punane ja tema silmad klaasitud alanduses. WooHyun märku SungGyu ära jääda süles ja ta tõusis püsti kõrval WooHyun tooli koos ebakindel jalgu. "T-tänan teid karistuse Master", ta pehmelt öeldud. "See pole veel kõik oma karistuse täna", WooHyun rääkis oma orja "Sa sööd seda", andis ta SungGyu toores porgand ühest pakutake lauale. "Söö seda ...?" SungGyu oli segaduses, nõustudes köögivilja. "Mitte suus! Kasutage oma teiste suust! "WooHyun märku eest SungGyu perse. SungGyu punastas, nad olid avatud ala, söögituba, ja Woohyun tahtsin teda näha masturbating porgand. Või veel hullem, üks WooHyun on koduabilised võiks käima! "Mida sa ootad? Sa parem alustada kohe. " SungGyu paigutatud ise põrandale, levib tema jalad ja kasutada oma vasaku käe statsionaarset ise, ta andis piitsa mõne lakub teha taimsed shikk nii see sobiks tema avamine ja siis ta aeglaselt lükatakse tip varem tema anal süvend. "Deeper, pane kogu asi", WooHyun juhendada, "Spread jalgade rohkem! Ma ei näe midagi! " SungGyu põski põlesid häbi lükkas ta porgandi sügavam, külm taimsed tundis võõras oma hot tunnel. Ta tõmbas hädaabinõu mänguasi välja, enne kui ta lükkas tagasi. "Ja sa ei julge tulevad enne, kui ma olen teinud süüa!" WooHyun tellitud. SungGyu kasutada oma puusad teda aidata leida parem nurk, ta saada tõugatud oma puusad meeleliselt tema poolt juhitud porgand enda avamist. Nagu otsa külma taimsed lõi oma eesnäärme, SungGyu viskas oma pea tagasi ja oigas. Vaatepilt oli väga maitsev. SungGyu tantsis meeleliselt kui ta toyed porgand. Kust ta istus, WooHyun võis näha, kuidas SungGyu keha väänata tahapoole, puusad torke üles ja alla, tema pea aeti tagasi, kui ta oigas vaikselt, tema erektsioon oli hakanud seista uhkelt. Kuigi ta oli kiusatus võtta SungGyu seal, WooHyun ignoreerida tema iha ja jätkas söömist. Head asjad tulevad neile, kes ootab, eks? Ta sõi tahtliku aeglus, nautides maitse oma sööki heli oma orja moans laulaks oma lõunasöögi. SungGyu püüdnud pend tema orgasm, ta aeglustunud, sest ta tundis oma orgasmi lähenedes, lootes, et WooHyun peaks lõpule jõudma aeg tuli, kuid WooHyun nägi ta aeglustunud tema liikumine ja ütlesin talle, et valida tempos. Higi hakkas moodustuma kohta SungGyu keha, tema orelit täielikult tekitanud siis, kuigi ta isegi ei puutu kuumutatakse liha. Porgand lööb teda õiges kohas, muutes teda tunda kuumemaks iga mööduva sekundiga. Tema kõht tingled koos tunne ja tema pallid kinni. Ta oli lähemale ... Just paar sekundit enne WooHyun panna viimase lihatükk oma suu SungGyu tuli. Tema seemned voolanud kogu oma abs ja moans rebiti tema lopsakas huuled. Tema jalad muutusid nõrgaks, kui orgasm uputas oma keha ja ta langes külma põranda. WooHyun pühkida oma suu, vaadates tema ori koos seletamatu pilgu. "Sa tulid nii kiiresti, lits". "Ma-ma olen sorry kapten. .. "SungGyu hingeldas. "Ma sain rohkem karistada teid", WooHyun muigamist, pühkides oma suud salvrätiku, käskis ta tema ori "Tõuse ja tule siia". SungGyu kohustatud .. WooHyun pöördus ta ümber ja rammis kasutatud porgand SungGyu on auk. "Hoia, et seal", ta slapped SungGyu perse, "Minge ja valmistage vannis mulle", kui SungGyu langetada ise kaasa võtta oma riided, WooHyun lõpetas ta: "Sa ei pea seda". " B-, kuid ... "SungGyu punastas jälle. "See on teie karistust", WooHyun ütles: "Nüüd mine ja määrata vann mind ... ja veel üks asi ... ei tööta saali!" SungGyu nägu oli punetus tumepunane kui ta kõndis WooHyun tuppa kolmandal korrusel, lonkamine vähe koos köögiviljade veel lükatav arvesse tema Rump. WooHyun muigamist endamisi, kui ta jälgis SungGyu kohmakas katse päästa viimane piisk tema väärikust. See saab olema huvitav päev ... Tema arvates mängis kõik väärastunud tegusid ta võiks kasutada SungGyu ja võimalused olid lõputud. Kui Master lõpetanud oma söökla, läks ta vannituppa aeglases tempos, saates Kiire teksti sõbraga. Ta alustas oma tuppa, eemaldades oma riided ja avas ukse jõuga, mis on valmistatud Sunggyu hüpata. Viimane oli ikka alasti üle vann, täites seda aeglaselt. Sel vaatepilt, kapten lakkus huuli läheneb oma palvetada tõmmates ori poole oma shirtless rindkere ja suudlemine temaga. Sunggyu oigas valjusti, kui tema isand garbed oma perset. Järsku tundis ta Woohyun eemaldamist porgand ja asendas selle vibraator. Sunggyu pidi protestima, kuid jäi lühikeseks, kui ta tundis peeniserõngas libistage oma mehelikkust. Ilma sõna, Woohyun läks vanni ja asetas oma orja vahel tema lahkus jalad. "Sa ei tea, kui palju sa fuckable kohe!" Sunggyu oigas tema sõnad ja hakkavad Väänles all vibratsiooni ja ta tahtis olla kursis. Lugemine meelt, Woohyun alustada puudutada oma partner vann. Suudlevad teda, lakub teda ja teeme kõik asja teha talle hulluks minna. Ja hull oli ta läheb! "No ... aaahh!" Sunggyu hingeldas. Ta oigas kui tema partner suudles teda. Sunggyu käed pakitud ümber oma õpetaja kaela, kuid noorem jooksis oma käed üles ja alla Sunggyu keha. Vanemad raputus püsti, kui ta kuulis müra. Peatumine kõik, Sunggyu kuulnud selgelt hüüdis Woohyun nimi. "Aastal siin!", kutsuti tagasi master. "Mis ta läheb Master?", küsis Sunggyu, veidi karda. "Üks mu sõber, et ma kutsusin üle ... "vastas Woohyun. "Ma tahtsin jagada temaga täna." "Wh-mida? Aga ... " "Woohyun?", mida nimetatakse võõras hääl. Nimetatakse ühe suudles Sunggyu veel kord enne reageeri. "Vannituba!" Sunggyu oli lõksus tema master käte ja ei pääse enne võõras tuli. Kui Sunggyu lukustatud oma pilku koos uustulnuk, ta punastas ohtrasti. Miks oli ta siin? Miks tema? Võõras muigamist ja küsis: "Noh, hästi, mis toimub siin?" "Mis see tunduda teile?", küsis tagasi Master, lakkumisest Sunggyu on kõrvanibu, mis tegi temast oigas valjult. "Noh, mind, kui ma liitun? "küsis mees. "Sunggyu?" "Ei ... aaahh!" Sunggyu hingeldas, kui tema Master hammustas oma kõrvanibu. "Te-jah sa ca-can ... aahhh" "Sa oled nii helde mu väike ori! Aga mitte siin, liikuda dušš! "Ja nii nad tegid. : Kes tema salapärane isik? Ma olen kindel, et sa tead seda juba =) Igatahes, mulle mõned küpsised ja mõned ülevaateid !! ♥   Järgmine >> Kommentaarid Kommentaarid on modereeritud. Hoidke jahedas. Kriitiline on hea, aga kui sa oled ebaviisakas üksteist (või meile), siis me kustutada oma kraami. Lõbutsege ja tänan osalemast vestlus! Soulmate_Inspirits (12. mai 2014 03:07:50) räägib peatükk 4:  YAYAYAYAYAY !!! HALB gyu KES PEAB pregnan WITH WOOYA !! YAYAYAY> "< Vaata Vastuseid Vaata kõiki Vasta             coolmage30 (10. mai 2014 17:22:32) ütleb aboutchapter 4:  wow kaksikud kuid siis nimed = _ = see on tõesti midagi haha :) Vaata Vastuseid Vaata kõiki Vasta             GyuIsh (7. mai 2014 11:14:47) ütleb aboutchapter 4:  yeeeeiii .. XD lõpuks .. teete järge ,, ahahaha .. karjuda on everwhere .. Vaata Vastuseid Vaata kõiki Vasta             Poseidon24 (7. mai 2014 03:33:24) ütleb aboutchapter 4:  Oh jumalad, kaksikud !!! uuendage ma suren jätkata lugemist, ja grammatika on ok. Muidu kuradi kena nõgi esimese 3 peatükid, proovige minu;) Vaata Vastuseid Vaata kõiki Vasta             onlyforone ( 6. mai 2014 23:54:29) ütleb aboutchapter 4:  lol see osutuda




















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