PORTER NOVELLITIẾT KIỆM CHIẾN ĐẤU ALZHEIMER, ÚC1. TÓM TẮT Chiến dịch chống lại mất trí nhớ trả lời để chấm dứt của chính phủ của các sáng kiến chứng mất trí 2011/12 ngân sách liên bang.Crafted ngày ưu tiên bằng chứng dựa trên, chúng tôi đã chứng minh sự cần thiết cho hành động và nhắn tin của chúng tôi là phù hợp: 500 triệu đô la Mỹ trong năm năm qua và chứng mất trí phục hồi như là một ưu tiên y tế quốc gia.Chiến dịch bắt đầu vào tháng 10 năm 2011 với một cuộc biểu tình tại tòa nhà Quốc hội, thu hút hơn 500 người, 150 phần của kiếm được biên tập, hỗ trợ cả hai đảng và @AlzheimersAus xu hướng trên toàn quốc.Chiến dịch đã được định hình bởi một chiến lược rõ ràng. Porter Novelli tập hợp hỗ trợ từ hàng ngàn người dân Úc và các kết quả vượt quá mong đợi tài trợ. Ngày 20 tháng 4 268.4 triệu đô la Mỹ, được phân bổ trên năm năm, như là một phần của gói cải cách chăm sóc tuổi, để giải quyết các dịch bệnh mất trí nhớ của Úc và phục hồi chứng mất trí là một ưu tiên y tế quốc gia.2. TÌNH HÌNH PHÂN TÍCHCó gần như 280.000 dân Úc sống với chứng mất trí; 1,2 triệu người chăm sóc cho họ. Mà không có một bước đột phá quan trọng của y tế, sẽ có gần như một triệu bị ảnh hưởng bởi 2050. Nó là kẻ giết người lớn thứ ba của Úc và dự đoán sẽ trở thành nguyên nhân hàng đầu của người Khuyết tật bởi 2016, nhưng nó nhận được tài trợ ít hơn các bệnh khác. 2011 / 12 ngân sách liên bang chính phủ chấm dứt các sáng kiến mất trí nhớ, để lại không có tài trợ liên bang bảo đảm cho tương lai.The Government was committed to returning the next Federal Budget to surplus. Getting dementia on the agenda was going to be difficult.Alzheimer’s Australia recognised it had to reposition to beheard. Its rebrand gave it visibility, the Fight Dementia campaign transformed the organisation into a movement with something to say.The existing drive for aged care and mental health reform further provided leverage to start a fight over dementia.3. GOALS AND OBJECTIVESOverarching goals: The Fight Dementia campaign called for dementia to be made a National Health Priority and asked for $500 million over five years in response to its Dementia Action Plan.Campaign objectives:•Build an army of online supporters, to capture the attention of, and influence, Australian politicians PUBLICS.•CHANGE MAKERS: Politicians, particularly those on the Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) who make budget decisions and influence party members•Start a fight over dementia by leveraging the stories and influence of the people affected•Demonstrate dementia as something that will affect all of us through consistent and strong messages and activities that surprise•Urge the public and key opinion leaders to demand immediate action from the Government through sustained media presence.4. RESEARCHResearch found that 56 percent of people are unaware of the drugs or treatments available to help Alzheimer’s. In addition, 50 percent of people either don’t know or don’t think it’s possible to reduce dementia risk.We knew that a major barrier to success was the lack of understanding and the perception that dementia is a normal part of ageing. For dementia to be placed on the agenda Alzheimer’s Pfizer Health Report, 2010 Nielsen, 2010.5. TARGET PUBLICS•CHANGE MAKERS:Politicians, particularly those on the Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) who make budget decisions and influence party members•Start a fight overdementia by leveraging the stories and influence of the people affected•Demonstrate dementia as something that will affect all of us through consistent and strong messages and activities that surprise•Urge the publicand key opinion leaders to demand immediate action from the Government through sustained media presence when many Government funded programs were facing budget cuts, we had to become identifiable, relevant and engaging.Australians are the biggest users of social media in the world,the starting point was online – where we could combine real world activities with digital, gather support and lobby government with a consistent demand.•CHANGE INFLUENCERS: The 1.5 million Australians affected by dementia (either livingwith dementia or caring for someone who does) who are committed to change and who can influence those unaffected/ unaware.6. COMMUNICATION STRATEGYReposition Alzheimer’s Australia from a passive not-for-profit committed to an un-sexy cause to movement fighting for something that will affect all Australians. By communicating the issue through those affected by dementia, we’d rally community support, building an army which can’t be ignored. Government would have to listen.Tactics would:•Arrest attention through street activations and events•Use social, earned editorial, and paid media to build an army of support and spread the word•Leverage ‘change influencers’ with the facilitation of letters direct to local MPs•Use partnerships to propel the message.7. IMPLEMENTATIONPOWER TO THE PEOPLEProtest march at Parliament House in Canberra (October 2011) The campaign started with a protest march on Parliament House in Canberra. More than 500 people from across the country marched. Alzheimers Aus trended nationally, reaching an extended online audience of 28,490 over a 24 hour period. Coinciding with the release of a dementia prevalence report, the march achieved national media coverage reaching an audience of 7,677,882 and a record number of website traffic (2,352) in one day.BUILDING AN ONLINE ARMYFacebook (October 2011 to date): A campaign specific ‘FightDementia’ Facebook page was launched on the day of the march to build a group of online advocates, or Dementia Champions, who would get behind the cause by engaging in our many lobbying activities.Dementia Champions (October 2011 to date): Website/ monthly eNewsletters encouraging letter writing and the sharing of stories.YouTube (October 2011 to date): Content (15 Fight Dementiaspecific videos) celebrated the campaign’s achievements and told the stories of current Dementia Champions. Each piece asked for $500m over five years, placed pressure on Government and asked for more voices to be added to ‘the fight’.The channel has a combined viewing of 19,082 video views.TAKING IT TO THE STREETSIn the lead up to Valentine’s Day 100,000 cards were printed asking ERC members: “What would you do if your loved one couldn’t remember you?”. Thousands of cards were filled out by Dementia Champions across Australia. On Valentine’s Day the campaign team hit the streets encouraging the wider community to send in cards, tweet support, and share photos from branded photo booths. Approximately 7,500 cards were received at Parliament House. A letter of support from the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and a tweet from Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott to his following of 20,000+, were key acknowledgements. A partnership with Nova FM reached 1,019,700 people. The Valentine’s Day video was viewed 650 times; 299,676 people through Facebook and 88,873 people via 226 tweets on the day.8. RESULTS•On April 20 Alzheimer’s Australia welcomed the Government’s Aged Care Reforms and its plan to tackle dementia with the Living Longer. Living Better package. A total of $268.4 million was allocated over the next five years
•An online army (Dementia Champions) of more than 35,000
•Fight Dementia Facebook page: 9,890 ‘likes’ •Alzheimer’s Australia Facebook page: 1,855 ‘likes’
•Alzheimer’s Australia Twitter account: 1,736 followers •ItaButtrose Twitter account: 19,062
•Prime Minister Julia Gillard acknowledged the campaign and its cause in an official letter and the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott publicly tweeted his support tomore than 20,000 followers
•Meetings with a range of politicians, including the Prime Minister to discuss the Dementia Action Plan
Our overarching goal was to activate the Dementia Action Plan - have the Government commit guaranteed funds to dementia and dementia reinstated as a National Health Priority.
The reforms acknowledged that dementia is predicted to become the leading cause of disability in Australia by 2016, as highlighted in the Plan.
The Government committed to take a proposal to the next meeting of Commonwealth, State and Territory HealthMinisters which would call for dementia to be reinstated as a National Health Priority.
While a total of $268.4 million of there quested $500 million was achieved, this far exceeded original suggestions from Government and is considered a huge step forward in tackling the dementia epidemic.
In a closed-door meeting with Alzheimer’sAustralia’s CEO, Glenn Rees, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butlerhighlighted the key to the campaign success was clear and consistent messages from consumers and stakeholders.
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