About an hour after we woke up, we were out of the hotel room and into dịch - About an hour after we woke up, we were out of the hotel room and into Việt làm thế nào để nói

About an hour after we woke up, we

About an hour after we woke up, we were out of the hotel room and into the autumn air in the streets of Andong and went out to eat brunch super quick. We conversed about anything, really. While we were eating, Mark asked, "so when am I going to officially meet your mom?"
Of course not my real mom. I told him to call my auntie Mom because she was basically my mom.
"Actually, I was trying to tell you last night that we were going to visit her today, but you..inturrupted me," I replied poking my food around and lightly blushing at the thought of last nights (tiny) intimate scene.
"Ohh yeahh. Sorry," Mark apologize while trying to act innocent flashing me an eye smile before continuing to eat.
"You know, you can't just do stuff like that out of nowhere. Especially not without my permission--what if I'm not in the mood and stuff" I argued.
"Well, I didn't need to ask for permission that night. And you never told me you didn't like it," he said cocking an eyebrow at me.
Damnit. He's got a point.
"Ahh~ admit it, you don't mind at all," he teased and smiled. I got flustered, so I just gave him a scowl and pouted. At this point, we were done eating and just waiting for the check.
"It's okay angel, at least I know you want me...but not as much as I want you," he said while winking and scanning me from top to bottom. I didn't want to admit this, but he looked pretty sexy leaned back against the seat with one arm being supported by the other one crossed over his chest, stroking his chin with his supported hand. This gesture made him look so dark and mysterious..BUT THIS WAS NOT THE TIME NOR PLACE FOR ENDEAVORS LIKE THIS.
"Mark, we're in public," I said frantically while slightly looking around and smiling nervously at a family walking by hoping they didn't witness anything. Mark chuckled at my flustered self and leaned forward to tuck a stray hair that fell from behind my ear. His eyes held passion, desire, lust-- I saw a spark in his eyes. I swear if we weren't in public, we would have taken each other right here and now considering the intense stare down we were giving each other. Omg what's gotten over me lately? Is it this pregnancy thing??
After what felt like an eternity, our moment was inturrupted by the waitor giving a small cough making his presence known to us. He asked us if we wanted anything else before accepting our money. I could tell this poor boy felt uncomfortable under Mark's intense glare that could burn holes into this boy's body, so I quickly began to reply, "No, thank you we--"
"don't want anything on the menu." Mark abruptly cut in giving the waitor a sarcastic smile.
I scoffed and shaded my embarassed face from the waitor who was probably giving us a confused look. I know Mark didn't mean that in an innocent way at all, and I'm glad this waitor was too innocent to understand.
We exited the cafe and made our way to the bus stop a couple blocks down the road hand in hand.
"You know, you didn't need to be so innapropriate back there. He was probably just an innocent high schooler," I said giving Mark a peck on the cheek to calm him down.
"What was innappropriate? All I said was that we didn't want anything on the menu," was all Mark said with a wink.
I laughed and playfully punched his arm as we approached the bus stop.
The long awaited 45 minute bus ride was finally over, but now I had to deal wihvmy anxious nerves running throughout my body. This was almost the same feeling I went through when Mark found out I was pregnant.
Being here reignited the feeling of nostalgia. I felt so many emotions run through me.

Mijoo packed up the last of her travel bags and let out a sigh. She would be leaving her aunt's house to live on her own in Seoul to attend college. Mijoo brought out her last bag and sat at the dining table to share her last meal in Andong (for a while) with her sister and aunt. The trio talked for hours and shared their previous memories together and reminisced about the good days until it was time to depart because the drive would be close to an hour and Mijoo's train leaves in an hour and a half. At the station, Mijoo checked in and the three sat at a booth inside the station's cafeteria.
"Oh no! I will be back really quick, I forgot something in the car," Mijoo's aunt exclaimed.
"Ahhh~ typical mom, huh?" Mijoo's sister, Eunji expressed with her angelic laughter that could make anyone fall head over heels for (which is what her boyfriend probably did hehehe). Although she tried her best not to make this departure a dramatic one, Mijoo couldn't help but feel a rush of sadnes. She didn't want to leave her aunt alone, but she insisted that they shouldn't worry about her.
"Yah! Lee Mijoo, don't give me that face. You've been wanting to go to this school ever since you were in middle school. I know you don't want to leave mom, but it's time for you to live your own life too. That woman (real mom) took away our freedom, and now mom has given it back to us. So, chin up baby girl! You deserve this opportunity. I didn't get the chance to go to college because I didn't work as hard as you in school. You got a full ride to this school, and I wish I was able to do that if I didn't spend high school living with that woman. You were lucky enough to have mom now that took us in before you graduated, haha. Besides, you won't be alone on this journey, you'll have me and mom in spirit," when she said that, she put a small fist up near her head and grabbed Mijoo's hands sitting on the table.
Mijoo wanted to cry so badly, but held her tears back at her sister's loving comment. She was never one to be touchy and lovey like this, so this was something she was not used to. Just on time, their aunt came back and set a small box down in front of Mijoo before taking a seat next to her.
Mijoo looked up shocked. "It's okay! This is for you. Your sister's right. We will always be there with you in spirit and here's a token to remind you that in case you forget."
Mijoo was speechless. She carefully unwrapped the small bow that compiled the box together. Mijoo glanced at her aunt before continuing to open the box and she took the top off and reached in. She fingered the necklace she grabbed out with one hand and covered her mouth with her other. On this circle pendant, the three of their initials were carved in elegant cursive on the back while the front had a beautiful embroider of floral patterns carved into the silver metal. Inside of the locket was a small picture of the three of them gardening outside of their aunt's house. Gardening was something that the three of them liked to do on their free time..well it's what their aunt liked to do, and the sisters did it because it made her happy.
With glossy eyes and a warm laugh, Mijoo finally spoke her first words upon arrival at the station. "Eomma! Why did you choose this picture where Eunji's eyes are closed?"
"BWO? EOMMAAA! WAE??!?" said Eunji while snatching the locket from Mijoo's fingers.
"Thank you eomma. Really--I just--ah..mianhe--I just want to say--" Mijoo was trying to speak her sentence, but kept choking up and stopping because she didn't want to cry.
"Aigoo, I love you too, Mijoo," her aunt said wiping her tears away and pulling her in an embrace.
"Oh, yeobo, you called just in time! Mijoo's train leaves in 15 minutes, what did you want to say to her?" Eunji asked enthusiastically flipping the camera to selfie mode and moving her chair to Mijoo's side. They didn't even know she was on facetime. Eunji handed her the phone then put the necklace around Mijoo's neck.
"Oh! Annyeonghaseyo, Hoya beoblyul!" Mijoo said cheerfully and waved back at the screen.
"Annyeong Mijoo-ah! Have fun in college and stay healthy! Sorry I couldn't be there, I'm at work and just got off!"
"It's okay! Thank you for calling us! Don't work too hard and please take care of eonni and eomma for me! Bye byee~" they waved him off and started walking Mijoo to her train that just announced that passengers could aboard.
"Call us when you get there baby girl, take your vitamins, don't talk to anyone strange, eat properly, if you need anything just call--" Eunji started babbling to Mijoo.
"Arasso arasso eonni! I have to go now. Bye for now," Mijoo said giving her sister one last hug before moving on to her aunt.
"Eomma. Thank you for everything you have provided me. We wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for you! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please take care of yourself while I'm gone. Take your vitamins, don't open your door at night, eat properly, if anything happens, call one of us--"
"YAH! THAT'S WHAT I SAID TO YOU!" Eunji expressed feigning anger. Mijoo chuckled and everyone was in a small fit of laughter for the last time. They gave a group hug and waved bye one last time before separating. Mijoo sighed and braced herself for the next chapter of her life. She entered the train and put her luggage in the luggage area in the front of the train and took a seat inside the first booth where she saw Eunji wrap an arm around their aunt. The train was starting to leave and Mijoo saw her aunt pull out a tissue to wipe her little tears while smiling and waving; her sister was frantically waving with one arm and gave a huge smiling while wiping her tears as well. Mijoo was truly independent now.
These trains were like some Harry Potter type of interior. There were walls separating every room that would seat 4 people. Mijoo walked through the isle with hands in her hoodie pockets trying to find a new seat away from the annoying kid who kept slapping the wall behind her. She peeked inside of a section thinking it was empty, but ended up laying eyes upon a familiar face.
"Mark?!" Mijoo yelled, obviously shocked.
"Hm?" this familiar figure muttered looking away from his book to turn to look at who the voice belonged to.
"Oh! Annyeong Mijoo," said Mark with the biggest smile ever.
*flashback end*
This was surely a place my aunt wanted to retire in. I braced myself fo
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
About an hour after we woke up, we were out of the hotel room and into the autumn air in the streets of Andong and went out to eat brunch super quick. We conversed about anything, really. While we were eating, Mark asked, "so when am I going to officially meet your mom?"Of course not my real mom. I told him to call my auntie Mom because she was basically my mom."Actually, I was trying to tell you last night that we were going to visit her today, but you..inturrupted me," I replied poking my food around and lightly blushing at the thought of last nights (tiny) intimate scene."Ohh yeahh. Sorry," Mark apologize while trying to act innocent flashing me an eye smile before continuing to eat."You know, you can't just do stuff like that out of nowhere. Especially not without my permission--what if I'm not in the mood and stuff" I argued."Well, I didn't need to ask for permission that night. And you never told me you didn't like it," he said cocking an eyebrow at me.Damnit. He's got a point."Ahh~ admit it, you don't mind at all," he teased and smiled. I got flustered, so I just gave him a scowl and pouted. At this point, we were done eating and just waiting for the check."It's okay angel, at least I know you want me...but not as much as I want you," he said while winking and scanning me from top to bottom. I didn't want to admit this, but he looked pretty sexy leaned back against the seat with one arm being supported by the other one crossed over his chest, stroking his chin with his supported hand. This gesture made him look so dark and mysterious..BUT THIS WAS NOT THE TIME NOR PLACE FOR ENDEAVORS LIKE THIS."Mark, we're in public," I said frantically while slightly looking around and smiling nervously at a family walking by hoping they didn't witness anything. Mark chuckled at my flustered self and leaned forward to tuck a stray hair that fell from behind my ear. His eyes held passion, desire, lust-- I saw a spark in his eyes. I swear if we weren't in public, we would have taken each other right here and now considering the intense stare down we were giving each other. Omg what's gotten over me lately? Is it this pregnancy thing??After what felt like an eternity, our moment was inturrupted by the waitor giving a small cough making his presence known to us. He asked us if we wanted anything else before accepting our money. I could tell this poor boy felt uncomfortable under Mark's intense glare that could burn holes into this boy's body, so I quickly began to reply, "No, thank you we--""don't want anything on the menu." Mark abruptly cut in giving the waitor a sarcastic smile.I scoffed and shaded my embarassed face from the waitor who was probably giving us a confused look. I know Mark didn't mean that in an innocent way at all, and I'm glad this waitor was too innocent to understand.•••We exited the cafe and made our way to the bus stop a couple blocks down the road hand in hand."You know, you didn't need to be so innapropriate back there. He was probably just an innocent high schooler," I said giving Mark a peck on the cheek to calm him down."What was innappropriate? All I said was that we didn't want anything on the menu," was all Mark said with a wink.I laughed and playfully punched his arm as we approached the bus stop.•••The long awaited 45 minute bus ride was finally over, but now I had to deal wihvmy anxious nerves running throughout my body. This was almost the same feeling I went through when Mark found out I was pregnant.Being here reignited the feeling of nostalgia. I felt so many emotions run through me. *flashback*Mijoo packed up the last of her travel bags and let out a sigh. She would be leaving her aunt's house to live on her own in Seoul to attend college. Mijoo brought out her last bag and sat at the dining table to share her last meal in Andong (for a while) with her sister and aunt. The trio talked for hours and shared their previous memories together and reminisced about the good days until it was time to depart because the drive would be close to an hour and Mijoo's train leaves in an hour and a half. At the station, Mijoo checked in and the three sat at a booth inside the station's cafeteria."Oh no! I will be back really quick, I forgot something in the car," Mijoo's aunt exclaimed.
"Ahhh~ typical mom, huh?" Mijoo's sister, Eunji expressed with her angelic laughter that could make anyone fall head over heels for (which is what her boyfriend probably did hehehe). Although she tried her best not to make this departure a dramatic one, Mijoo couldn't help but feel a rush of sadnes. She didn't want to leave her aunt alone, but she insisted that they shouldn't worry about her.
"Yah! Lee Mijoo, don't give me that face. You've been wanting to go to this school ever since you were in middle school. I know you don't want to leave mom, but it's time for you to live your own life too. That woman (real mom) took away our freedom, and now mom has given it back to us. So, chin up baby girl! You deserve this opportunity. I didn't get the chance to go to college because I didn't work as hard as you in school. You got a full ride to this school, and I wish I was able to do that if I didn't spend high school living with that woman. You were lucky enough to have mom now that took us in before you graduated, haha. Besides, you won't be alone on this journey, you'll have me and mom in spirit," when she said that, she put a small fist up near her head and grabbed Mijoo's hands sitting on the table.
Mijoo wanted to cry so badly, but held her tears back at her sister's loving comment. She was never one to be touchy and lovey like this, so this was something she was not used to. Just on time, their aunt came back and set a small box down in front of Mijoo before taking a seat next to her.
Mijoo looked up shocked. "It's okay! This is for you. Your sister's right. We will always be there with you in spirit and here's a token to remind you that in case you forget."
Mijoo was speechless. She carefully unwrapped the small bow that compiled the box together. Mijoo glanced at her aunt before continuing to open the box and she took the top off and reached in. She fingered the necklace she grabbed out with one hand and covered her mouth with her other. On this circle pendant, the three of their initials were carved in elegant cursive on the back while the front had a beautiful embroider of floral patterns carved into the silver metal. Inside of the locket was a small picture of the three of them gardening outside of their aunt's house. Gardening was something that the three of them liked to do on their free time..well it's what their aunt liked to do, and the sisters did it because it made her happy.
With glossy eyes and a warm laugh, Mijoo finally spoke her first words upon arrival at the station. "Eomma! Why did you choose this picture where Eunji's eyes are closed?"
"BWO? EOMMAAA! WAE??!?" said Eunji while snatching the locket from Mijoo's fingers.
"Thank you eomma. Really--I just--ah..mianhe--I just want to say--" Mijoo was trying to speak her sentence, but kept choking up and stopping because she didn't want to cry.
"Aigoo, I love you too, Mijoo," her aunt said wiping her tears away and pulling her in an embrace.
"Oh, yeobo, you called just in time! Mijoo's train leaves in 15 minutes, what did you want to say to her?" Eunji asked enthusiastically flipping the camera to selfie mode and moving her chair to Mijoo's side. They didn't even know she was on facetime. Eunji handed her the phone then put the necklace around Mijoo's neck.
"Oh! Annyeonghaseyo, Hoya beoblyul!" Mijoo said cheerfully and waved back at the screen.
"Annyeong Mijoo-ah! Have fun in college and stay healthy! Sorry I couldn't be there, I'm at work and just got off!"
"It's okay! Thank you for calling us! Don't work too hard and please take care of eonni and eomma for me! Bye byee~" they waved him off and started walking Mijoo to her train that just announced that passengers could aboard.
"Call us when you get there baby girl, take your vitamins, don't talk to anyone strange, eat properly, if you need anything just call--" Eunji started babbling to Mijoo.
"Arasso arasso eonni! I have to go now. Bye for now," Mijoo said giving her sister one last hug before moving on to her aunt.
"Eomma. Thank you for everything you have provided me. We wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for you! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please take care of yourself while I'm gone. Take your vitamins, don't open your door at night, eat properly, if anything happens, call one of us--"
"YAH! THAT'S WHAT I SAID TO YOU!" Eunji expressed feigning anger. Mijoo chuckled and everyone was in a small fit of laughter for the last time. They gave a group hug and waved bye one last time before separating. Mijoo sighed and braced herself for the next chapter of her life. She entered the train and put her luggage in the luggage area in the front of the train and took a seat inside the first booth where she saw Eunji wrap an arm around their aunt. The train was starting to leave and Mijoo saw her aunt pull out a tissue to wipe her little tears while smiling and waving; her sister was frantically waving with one arm and gave a huge smiling while wiping her tears as well. Mijoo was truly independent now.
These trains were like some Harry Potter type of interior. There were walls separating every room that would seat 4 people. Mijoo walked through the isle with hands in her hoodie pockets trying to find a new seat away from the annoying kid who kept slapping the wall behind her. She peeked inside of a section thinking it was empty, but ended up laying eyes upon a familiar face.
"Mark?!" Mijoo yelled, obviously shocked.
"Hm?" this familiar figure muttered looking away from his book to turn to look at who the voice belonged to.
"Oh! Annyeong Mijoo," said Mark with the biggest smile ever.
*flashback end*
This was surely a place my aunt wanted to retire in. I braced myself fo
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