Giai đoạn tại bật của thế kỷ phân biệt bởi những lợi ích khảo cổ học, không chỉ tại ý, nhưng cũng có các quốc gia khác. Pompeii và Herculaneum được khai quật và phục hồi, lần đầu tiên dưới sự hướng dẫn của Giuseppe Fiorelli, và sau đó dưới Amedeo Maiuri. Ở Rome, Rodolfo Amedeo Lanciani (1847-1929), nhà khảo cổ học và topo• grapher, xuất bản các Forma Urbis Romae (1893-1901), một bản đồ khảo cổ học rút ra để quy mô một để một ngàn, ghi âm tất cả vẫn còn được biết đến cổ ở Rome. Năm 1887, giáo sư Guido Baccelli đề xuất để bảo vệ một khu vực khảo cổ học lớn kéo dài từ khu Capitol Hill và Forum Romanum để Palatine, Domus Aurea, Circus Maximus, Thermae Caracalla, và dọc theo Via Appia về phía Nam. Các Hiệp hội văn hóa của Rome đề nghị giữ các khu vực như một công viên với mặt đất tự nhiên nhấp nhô, và cấm giao thông vehicular, nhưng trong thực tế khu vực đã trở thành một trang web lớn khai quật. Lanciani đã là giám đốc của cuộc khai quật từnăm 1878, Boni kế vị năm 1899. Toàn bộ diễn đàn khu vực giữa khu Capitol Hill và Arch Titus đã được khai quật xuống để Con số 7,17 Santa Maria in Cosrnedin, Rome, sau khi phục hồi bởi G. Giovenale1893-9. Độ cao được xây dựng lại một phần trên cơ sở củamột giả thuyết. Bộ phận mới được phân biệt theo nguyên tắc công bố bởi C. Boito năm 1883the Roman level. The church of Sant' Adriano was restored to its antique form as the Roman Curia Iulia (1930-36), removing all later archi• tecture. The eighteenth-century elevation by Carlo Fontana was removed from the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli to display the remains of the Roman Diocletian Thermae. In1892, Beltrami surveyed the Pantheon, and the two seventeenth-century bell towers were removed to re-establish the stylistic unity of the monument.Looking back at the era from Ruskin andMorris to Clemen and Boito, and from Violler• le-Due and Scott to von Schmidt and Partini, we can see an essential period in the devel• opment of policies for safeguarding historic buildings. The practice was strongly influenced by stylistic restoration, but this approach was increasingly placed under attack by conserva• tionists. It is a period of powerful technical and industrial development, and the growth of urban centres; it is also a period of research and archaeology. Several countries establish legislation and a state-controlled system for the conservation of cultural heritage in its various aspects, collections and works of art, ancient monuments and public buildings. Modern conservation theory and principles are basedon the foundations laid here.Notes1 (Scott, 1850:120f; ' ote B') 'Mr. Ruskin, in his Lamp of Memory, goes far beyond me in his conservatism; so far, indeed, as to condemn, without exception, every attempt at restoration, as inevitably destructive to the life and truthfulness of an ancient monument . . . But, alas! the damage is already effected; the neglect of centuries and the spoiler's hand has already done its work; and the building being something more than a monument of memory, being a temple dedicated, so long as the world shall last, to the worship and honour of the world's Creator, it is a matter of duty, as it is of necessity, that its dilapidations and its injuries shall be repaired: though better were it to leave them untouched for another generation, than commit them to irreverent hands, which seek only the memory of their own cunning, while professing to think upon the stones, and take pity upon the dust of Sion.'2 In his paper, cott had emphasized the great value of French Gothic buildings as a universal heritage: 'the French architects and art-historians, by shewing (whether we fully admit it or no) that theirs is the mother-country of Gothic architecture,have made its productions the property of Europe and of the world, and that, on their own shewing all lovers of Gothic architec• rure have an almost equal claim upon them for their authenticity and conservation' (Scott, 1862:81).3 Stevenson, 1877. Scott replied to this paper: Scott, 1877a.4 Sir Edmund Beckett replied to Stevenson'spaper, in RIBA Transactions, 28 March1881:187.5 There were certain restorations, such as Burford parish church and Lichfield Cathedral, which had already made Morriswrite a first letter of protest in September1876, though this was not published.6 The document has been discovered by DrFani Mallouchou-Tufano in the AmericanSchool of Classical Studies in Athens(Mallouchou-Tufano, 1997:2170.7 · ... interdire toute restauration complete du monument d'apres les quelques parties existantes, ii n'admet que le relevement despieces authentiques du monument trouves a ten-es et remises a leur place selon les methodes de construction appropriees aux Monuments. Les pieces manquantes, neces•saires pour soutenir un nombre important de marbres antiques, sont rernplacees par des materiaux nouveaux. De nouvelles pieces de marbre sont encore rolerees pour completer et consolider l'architrave d'une colonnade' (Balanos, 1938:9).8 'L'avenir verra peut-etre les Propylees, leParthenon et l'Erechtheion rassembler leurs debris conune le temple de la Victoire s'est deja releve, et se presenter plus complets a l'admiration des voyageurs . . . plus beaux, je ne saurais le dire. II y a, dans les grandes ruines comme clans les grandes infortunes, une poesie et une majeste qui ne veulent point etre touchees. Les legatures, le mortier, sont des souilleurs, et les oeuvres antiques leur doivent mains une nouvelle vie qu'une vieillesse profanee' (Beule, 1862:41).9 The reconstruction was severely damaged in the Second World War, caused by the faulty use of modern technology, and the weakening of the structure due to bore holes (Schmidt, 1993).10 The book of Hartwig Schmidt contains an excellent analysis of the history and restoration of archaeological sites in theMediterranean (Schmidt, 1993). Further references include: Thompson, 1981; Gizzi,1988; Vlad Borrelli, 1991.11 'Alles Fremde, Srorende und Baustylwidrigezu entfernen und so diesem ehrwurdigen Munster seine fruhere schone Gestalt wiecler zu schaffen' (Knopp, 1972:393ff).12 Lubke, YI. 1861, 'Das Restaurationsfieber':'Man hat sie purificirt, d.h. man hat jene Altare und Denkmaler daraus entfemt welche nicht im gothischen Sty!, sondem in "Zopfformen" erbaut waren. Man hat den breiten Renaissancebogen beseitigt, der eine gluckliche Unterbrechung der Perspective gewahrte, und der Kirche gleichsam das mangelnde Querschiff erset• zte. Dieses Wt.ithen gegen den "Zopf" ist ein wahrhafter kunsthistorischer Zopf, der nur einseitigem Fanatismus anhaftet. Wenn es nun noch gegolten hatte die edlen Formen einer durchgebildeten Architektur von verhullenden Zuthaten zu befreien! Aber statt dessen hat man die immerhin decorativ wirkungsvollen Einbauten entfernt, welche die Kahlheit einer an sich harslichen, ungegliederten Construction mitleidig verdeckten. Nun steigen die rohen Baksteinpfeiler in erschreckender Nuchternheit bis zum Gewolbe empor - eine Monotonie, die jedes kunstlerisch geubte Auge, ja selbst jeden unbefangenen Laien verletzen muis' (in Huse, 1984:lOOff).13 Lubke, ibid.: 'Sine! ja doch diese Bauten nicht einem abstracten kunstlerischen Schonheitsideal, sondern einem lebendigen Gottesbewufstseyn zuliebe errichtet.'
14 Fischer, 1902:298: 'Es gehort demnach vie!
Selbstverleugnung clazu fur den modemen exakten Linealmenschen, uber die von der
Zeit gebleichten oder zersruckten Einzelheiten hinweg die Harmonie des Ganzen zu sehen. Und doch ist dies der erste und cler letzte Satz der alten Kunst gegenuber Quieta non movere. Habt Achtung vor cler Einheit des Gewordenen!'
15 'Hauptversammlung der deutschen Ge•
schichts- und Alterturnsvereine', Strassburg,
27-28 eptember 1899: 'Die sorgfaltige Erhaltung und Wiederherstellu ng cler Denkrnaler als der wichtigsten und ehr• wurdigsten Zeugen der nationalen Vergangenheit jedes Volkes werden in jedern Staate bei weitem grossere Mittel, als
bisher aufgewendet, beanspruchen. Der Congress halt es deshalb for unerlasslich, class nach dem Vorbilde der auf elem Gebiete der Denkmalpflege fuhrenden Culturstaaten uberall regelmassige Summen hierfur in den Staatshaushalt eingesetzt werden' (Die Denkmalpjlege, 17 October
16 The subsequent meetings were organized in: Freiburg i.B. 1901, D
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