The Vietnamese government relies on the national power development plans to advance the
development of the electric power sector. These plans forecast growth in demand and map out
the overall development of the power industry to meet that demand going out ten years, while
also providing a twenty-year overview.
Power Consumption: The country's robust industrialization process has fueled its
surging demand for energy in general and electricity in particular. The GVN expects electricity
consumption to grow by 12-16 percent annually through 2015. This soaring demand is attributed
both to increasing industrial and residential use. Power shortages are expected during this period
if adequate measures are not taken to increase the power supply accordingly. It is also estimated
that an additional capacity of 4,000 MW will be required per year on average during the 2011 -
2015 time period to meet rapidly growing demand for power.
Power Generation: According to EVN, by the end of 2013, the total installed capacity'
was approximately 26,000 MW and power generation was approximately 130 billion kWh.
Below is the installed capacity by ownership and by fuel sources: