nghiên cứu này điều tra hiệu quả của nanosized ZnO trong ozonation 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol, chất xúc tác và xác định hiệu quả của VN trên không đồng nhất ozonation.use tác dụng xúc tác của ozone với ZnO chất xúc tác dẫn đến chuyển đổi của 98,7% 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol trong thời gian tối thiểu 5 ngoài ra, nó đã được tìm thấy ở ZnO xúc tác ozonation, hiệu quả sự suy thoái của 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol là cao hơn trong điều kiện pH thấp (pH 3.0) hơn so với cao độ pH (pH 7-9). kết quả này là không phù hợp với ozonation một mình, sau đó pH cao đã có tác động tích cực độ radation của 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol. trong quá trình xúc tác ozonation của 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol, sự gia tăng của các ion nitrat trong nước mẫu giải pháp đã được quan sát. tại pH = 3, nồng độ của nitrat trong quá ozonation chất xúc tác nano-ZnO 7.08 mg/L và số lượng cacbon hữu cơ tổng số là 54,9% sau 30 phút.1. giới thiệu 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol (4C2NP) selected as a model com-pound in the present study, is widely available in bulk drugs and pesticide wastes. It is recalcitrant and persistent toward biodegradation and is constituent intermediate of many indus-trial effluents. The generation of 4C2NP containing aqueous wastes during formulation, distribution and field application of pesticides is often unavoidable. Ozone is an attractive and increasingly important method for the deg-radation of organic pollutants in aqueous solution. However, the refractory organic compounds are not usually oxidized totally and only a small mineralization is achieved. Several approaches have been taken to improve the oxidizing power of this technique leading to reduction of the required reaction time and hence, decreasing its energy cost. In this way, the combination of sold catalysts with ozone has recently demonstrated interesting capacities for the oxidation of industrial wastewater and surface waters, and for the removal of numerous model compounds from dilute aqueous solution. Hetero-geneous catalytic ozonation is a novel type of advanced oxidative properties of solid-phase metal oxide catalysts to achieve min-eralization of organic pollutants at room temperature. Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles have been inves-tigated in the areas of photocatalytic reactions ad the cata-lytic ozonation due to their advantages of high catalytic capacity, low cost and low toxicity. Additionally, nanoscale ZnO exhibits lower ionization poten-tials, as the particle diameter is decreased. Jung and Choi (2006) reported that the nanosized ZnO enhanced the degradaton of ozone and the catalytic ozonation on the surface of the nanosized ZnO enhanced the degradation of para-chlorobenzoic acid significantly. Huang et al (2005) concluded that the combined use of O3 and ZnO catalyst leads to 99,8% of trichlorophenol conversion in 30 min and 75% in the absence of the catalyst. The high reactivity of hydroxyl radicals that were generated by O3 – ZnO during the oxidation process degraded trichlorophenol effectively. Therefore, the objectves of this study were, (1) to investigate the effect of pH on ZnO cat-alytic ozonation and (2) to evaluate the efficiency of the nano-sized and microsized ZnO in the catalytic ozonation.2. Materials and methods
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