Kise! Get out of the way, dumbass!

Kise! Get out of the way, dumbass!"

Kise! Get out of the way, dumbass!"

Kise turned around in surprise. He felt something slam into his stomach, making him stumble backwards, which made him trip over his own feet, and then falling flat against the ground. The blonde winced as his bottom made contact with the hard asphalt. The teenager opened his mouth to whine about the sudden violence, but what he saw left him completely speechless.

He saw a truck that had slammed into a pole. And red. The smell of copper was potent in the air and all he could see were the splatters of red on the sidewalk.

But no Kasamatsu Yukio in sight.

"Da-i-ki! Guess what?" His father asked, a grin on his face.

"What?" He grunted- feeling slightly annoyed at the interruption. He continued to flip the pages of his beloved gravure idol magazine lazily. He couldn't care less, but it was common courtesy to answer your parents, unless you want to face their wrath, that is. (And he really didn't want to deal with having his old man punch him in the face and lecture him about respect.)

"I'm pregnant!" His mother announced, appearing out of nowhere. Or behind his father. He didn't know and could care less about that little tidbit, with his mind too busy focusing on what she had just blurted out.

If Aomine had been drinking water, he's pretty sure that he would've done one of those stupidly cliche spit takes.

"What!?" His eyes that had been almost sleepily looking were now wide, and his jaw dropped so wide that a bunny could probably fit in there. His Mai magazine, as important as it was to him- didn't seem so important anymore. Not with the bombshell they had just dropped.

"You heard right, your mother is pregnant! We went to the Hospital today and then the doctor told us that she was pregnant! You'll have a younger sibling!" His dad exclaimed excitedly, shaking his son as said son sputtered indignantly.

"B-but is it safe for someone her age to give bir- OW!" He hissed, nursing his throbbing head. Aomine glared at his mother, "What was that for, hag! OW! Stop resorting to violence all the time!" Now there were two large bumps on his head.

Great, just great. Just what did he do in his previous lifetime to deserve this?

"First of all- I. Am. Not. Old! And second of all, don't call me a hag, you brat!" His mother argued, huffing.

Aomine clicked his tongue, but did not retort. He may be stupid, but he was not that stupid. He wouldn't do anything that would guarantee him a beating.


Outside the operating room, Kise sat on the floor, hands covering his face, trying to stop the ugly sobbing sounds from escaping his mouth and the tears from streaming down his eyes.

He lifted his head slowly when he heard foot steps approaching. He gulped down all the saliva in his mouth and attempted to wipe his tears away. The blonde stood up and his eyes met with another pair of eyes- steel blue ones full of wrath and despair. The man charged forward towards Kise and yanked the teenager up by his collar.

Kasamatsu-senpai's parents, his brain supplied to him.

"You! Why the hell are you safe and sound while Yukio's all-" his raging rant was stopped by a shout.

"Dear, stop it! We don't gain anything by blaming Kise! Just look at him!" She quavered, clutching her husband's sleeve with her lean, fragile looking fingers. "Just stop . . . please." She begged, feeling her vision blur from the tears. She placed her forehead on his arm, her raven locks hiding her face from Kise.

Kasamatsu's father stared at Kise throughly, examining his appearance.

Kise's eyes were red and puffy, the usual playfulness and brightness nowhere to be seen. He was pale, extremely pale, like a ghost., and his hair was disheveled, almost as if Kise had been pulling and gripping it- which he probably had been. And he was quiet. He hadn't opened his mouth even once since their arrival.

His grip on Kise's collar grew tighter and tighter, until he let out a shout, releasing the blonde's collar. He balled his fists, teeth clenching tightly. He couldn't help but think that this was so unfair- how the boy looked like he was in so much pain- like he was the one feeling it- when Yukio was the one who had been truly hurt . If the blond looked so devastated and dead- how and who the hell was he supposed to blame then?

Tears -which he had been holding in- spilled down from his eyes and down his cheeks as he let out a choked sound.


"So?" Aomine demanded, his attention half on his parents while the other half was on his magazine.

"So?" His parents inquired in unison, tilting their heads.

The blunette rubbed his forehead, he could already feel a stinging headache forming. "What's it's name? Do you know the gender? Will mom have to take time off of work? Where will it sleep? Who would look after it when it comes out? You know, all those normal pregnant woman questions." He listed nonchalantly. The response he got in reply was absolute silence. The teenager looked up from his magazine in confusion to find his parents gaping at him. He suddenly got a bad feeling.


They seemed to snap out of their daze and the pair even had the nerve to smirk at him. "Nothing~ I was just surprised to see how my little Dai-chan would actually ask intelligent questions. You're smarter than you look." His mother hummed innocently.

"But I do wonder how you would know what to ask." The older man placed a finger on his right cheek, while crossing his left arm under the elbow of his right. Than he let out a dramatic gasp. "Did you and Satsuki finally figure out your feelings? And then you impregnated her? You monster!" The last line was said in falsetto, mimicking a girl's voice -and failing quite horribly in Aomine's opinion. He then proceeded to scream "KYAAA!", just like how a creepy, over-obsessed fan girl would.

Aomine wondered if stupidity was contagious.

He had had enough. The teenager could literally barf at the way his father acted- and don't get him started on the content. It was absolutely disgusting! He threw his magazine at his old man, not his mother, he wouldn't dare to. Ever. "Stop being so disgusting! You know Satsuki and I aren't like that, you stupid old man!" He got up from the couch, making sure to grab his magazine as he pasted his father.

"Where you going, Daiki?" His mother blinked in surprise, still amused by the scene that had just occurred.

"My room," he scoffed. Away from you fools. As he headed up the stairs, he turned back. "Don't forget about my questions! Think about them, will ya?"

His mother grinned happily. "Of course, Dai-chan!" She gave him a thumbs up.

Aomine paled, he did not want to see his mother acting so childishly. Must be the hormones.

He proceeded to get the hell out of there before she started getting mood swings.

A man wearing a pale surgery gown finally stepped out the operating room. Kise and Kasamatsu's parents looked up in hope and anticipation. The blond prayed and prayed, hands trembling. Please, please, please, don't die! I don't want to be alone. Kasamatsu-senpai!

The surgeon looked at them with soft green eyes and took off his mask. He slowly shook his head, -and Kise swore his heart had just stopped- eyes shutting to mourn for the poor young man.

Kise didn't even think as he rushed past him into the operating room, ignoring the shouts and sobs of everyone near him. He looked at the figure laying down, whose face was covered by a white sheet. nonoNoNoNONONO.

He collapsed to his knees.

He ignored the tears falling down his face, ignored the sobs and cries of Kasamatsu's parents, ignored the voices of the surgeons saying that he couldn't be in here. He only focused on the voice in his mind, taunting him.

Kasamatsu Yukio was dead.

And it was all his fault.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Kise! Get out of the way, dumbass!" Kise turned around in surprise. He felt something slam into his stomach, making him stumble backwards, which made him trip over his own feet, and then falling flat against the ground. The blonde winced as his bottom made contact with the hard asphalt. The teenager opened his mouth to whine about the sudden violence, but what he saw left him completely speechless.He saw a truck that had slammed into a pole. And red. The smell of copper was potent in the air and all he could see were the splatters of red on the sidewalk.But no Kasamatsu Yukio in sight. "Da-i-ki! Guess what?" His father asked, a grin on his face."What?" He grunted- feeling slightly annoyed at the interruption. He continued to flip the pages of his beloved gravure idol magazine lazily. He couldn't care less, but it was common courtesy to answer your parents, unless you want to face their wrath, that is. (And he really didn't want to deal with having his old man punch him in the face and lecture him about respect.)"I'm pregnant!" His mother announced, appearing out of nowhere. Or behind his father. He didn't know and could care less about that little tidbit, with his mind too busy focusing on what she had just blurted out.If Aomine had been drinking water, he's pretty sure that he would've done one of those stupidly cliche spit takes."What!?" His eyes that had been almost sleepily looking were now wide, and his jaw dropped so wide that a bunny could probably fit in there. His Mai magazine, as important as it was to him- didn't seem so important anymore. Not with the bombshell they had just dropped."You heard right, your mother is pregnant! We went to the Hospital today and then the doctor told us that she was pregnant! You'll have a younger sibling!" His dad exclaimed excitedly, shaking his son as said son sputtered indignantly."B-but is it safe for someone her age to give bir- OW!" He hissed, nursing his throbbing head. Aomine glared at his mother, "What was that for, hag! OW! Stop resorting to violence all the time!" Now there were two large bumps on his head.Great, just great. Just what did he do in his previous lifetime to deserve this?"First of all- I. Am. Not. Old! And second of all, don't call me a hag, you brat!" His mother argued, huffing.Aomine clicked his tongue, but did not retort. He may be stupid, but he was not that stupid. He wouldn't do anything that would guarantee him a beating.Sometimes. Outside the operating room, Kise sat on the floor, hands covering his face, trying to stop the ugly sobbing sounds from escaping his mouth and the tears from streaming down his eyes.He lifted his head slowly when he heard foot steps approaching. He gulped down all the saliva in his mouth and attempted to wipe his tears away. The blonde stood up and his eyes met with another pair of eyes- steel blue ones full of wrath and despair. The man charged forward towards Kise and yanked the teenager up by his collar.Kasamatsu-senpai's parents, his brain supplied to him."You! Why the hell are you safe and sound while Yukio's all-" his raging rant was stopped by a shout."Dear, stop it! We don't gain anything by blaming Kise! Just look at him!" She quavered, clutching her husband's sleeve with her lean, fragile looking fingers. "Just stop . . . please." She begged, feeling her vision blur from the tears. She placed her forehead on his arm, her raven locks hiding her face from Kise.Kasamatsu's father stared at Kise throughly, examining his appearance.Kise's eyes were red and puffy, the usual playfulness and brightness nowhere to be seen. He was pale, extremely pale, like a ghost., and his hair was disheveled, almost as if Kise had been pulling and gripping it- which he probably had been. And he was quiet. He hadn't opened his mouth even once since their arrival.His grip on Kise's collar grew tighter and tighter, until he let out a shout, releasing the blonde's collar. He balled his fists, teeth clenching tightly. He couldn't help but think that this was so unfair- how the boy looked like he was in so much pain- like he was the one feeling it- when Yukio was the one who had been truly hurt . If the blond looked so devastated and dead- how and who the hell was he supposed to blame then?Tears -which he had been holding in- spilled down from his eyes and down his cheeks as he let out a choked sound.Yukio. "So?" Aomine demanded, his attention half on his parents while the other half was on his magazine."So?" His parents inquired in unison, tilting their heads.The blunette rubbed his forehead, he could already feel a stinging headache forming. "What's it's name? Do you know the gender? Will mom have to take time off of work? Where will it sleep? Who would look after it when it comes out? You know, all those normal pregnant woman questions." He listed nonchalantly. The response he got in reply was absolute silence. The teenager looked up from his magazine in confusion to find his parents gaping at him. He suddenly got a bad feeling."What?"They seemed to snap out of their daze and the pair even had the nerve to smirk at him. "Nothing~ I was just surprised to see how my little Dai-chan would actually ask intelligent questions. You're smarter than you look." His mother hummed innocently.
"But I do wonder how you would know what to ask." The older man placed a finger on his right cheek, while crossing his left arm under the elbow of his right. Than he let out a dramatic gasp. "Did you and Satsuki finally figure out your feelings? And then you impregnated her? You monster!" The last line was said in falsetto, mimicking a girl's voice -and failing quite horribly in Aomine's opinion. He then proceeded to scream "KYAAA!", just like how a creepy, over-obsessed fan girl would.

Aomine wondered if stupidity was contagious.

He had had enough. The teenager could literally barf at the way his father acted- and don't get him started on the content. It was absolutely disgusting! He threw his magazine at his old man, not his mother, he wouldn't dare to. Ever. "Stop being so disgusting! You know Satsuki and I aren't like that, you stupid old man!" He got up from the couch, making sure to grab his magazine as he pasted his father.

"Where you going, Daiki?" His mother blinked in surprise, still amused by the scene that had just occurred.

"My room," he scoffed. Away from you fools. As he headed up the stairs, he turned back. "Don't forget about my questions! Think about them, will ya?"

His mother grinned happily. "Of course, Dai-chan!" She gave him a thumbs up.

Aomine paled, he did not want to see his mother acting so childishly. Must be the hormones.

He proceeded to get the hell out of there before she started getting mood swings.

A man wearing a pale surgery gown finally stepped out the operating room. Kise and Kasamatsu's parents looked up in hope and anticipation. The blond prayed and prayed, hands trembling. Please, please, please, don't die! I don't want to be alone. Kasamatsu-senpai!

The surgeon looked at them with soft green eyes and took off his mask. He slowly shook his head, -and Kise swore his heart had just stopped- eyes shutting to mourn for the poor young man.

Kise didn't even think as he rushed past him into the operating room, ignoring the shouts and sobs of everyone near him. He looked at the figure laying down, whose face was covered by a white sheet. nonoNoNoNONONO.

He collapsed to his knees.

He ignored the tears falling down his face, ignored the sobs and cries of Kasamatsu's parents, ignored the voices of the surgeons saying that he couldn't be in here. He only focused on the voice in his mind, taunting him.

Kasamatsu Yukio was dead.

And it was all his fault.
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