Druella Rosier was my mother,

Druella Rosier was my mother," said

Druella Rosier was my mother," said the lady hoarsely. "She is long dead now."

"Yes, of course." Tom thought for a moment. "Yes, she would have been quite old by now, of course. We went to school together, ages and ages ago... You really do look very much like her, although I also see a hint of the Black family in your features."

Bella, whispered Shard suddenly in Harry's mind. Bella! A little mad, Bella, but loyal... Nice Bella.

"Excuse me," said Harry politely to the nice lady, "I am looking for my godfather, Sirius Black. Have you seen him?"

The lady named Bella just stared at him. "Your godfather-? But Sirius' only godson was that blasted infant the Dark Lord couldn't kill... The one who made the Dark Lord himself vanish!" A strange glint came into her eyes, and suddenly she leapt at Harry, her thin fingers closing around his throat. Oh, poor thing! She really must be a little bit mad.

*She's attacking Harry?* A small feathery ball of rage sprang out of Harry's pocket and landed on Bella's head. *Go for her eyes, Hedwig! I'll peck at the right one if you take the left!*

"Don't touch him!" There was such fury in Tom's voice that Bella's hands released their grip on Harry's neck and fell limply by her side. She stared at Tom as if she had seen a ghost. "My... My Lord? It is you! You have come for me!" She suddenly sank to her knees in front of Tom, sobbing. "You have come to free me! I always knew you would!"

Oooo and Hedwig, beaks positioned in front of Bella's face, paused in confusion.

Tom frowned. "What-?" He stared at Bella and shook his head slightly. "Sweet Merlin, I swear she is crazier than all the Blacks put together! She'll even give Walburga a run for her money! Listen, I am here to help my friend Harry find Sirius Black. If you dare to harm Harry, I will kill you on the spot. Oh, why wait? I might just do that anyway, for attacking him like that!"

"Sirius Black?" Bella didn't even get up from the floor; she just cowered before Tom. She nodded at the wall. "Behind that wall, My Lord. The dog is in the next cell. Please forgive me, My Lord."

The dog? Harry was puzzled. His godfather had a dog? How wonderful! He stepped curiously through the wall. And sure enough - there was a lovely black dog in the next room, crouched by itself on the chilly stone floor!

The dog lifted its head sharply as Harry came in and stared at him with large black eyes. *James?* whispered the dog suddenly. *Oh, sweet Merlin, I have gone mad at last! After all these years, I have finally lost my mind!*

Harry petted the dog gently on the head. *Hello. I think you've got me confused with someone else. My name is Harry, not James.*

The dog stared at him for a long time. Then it said: *Harry? Lily and James' Harry? But they said you were dead! And... and you speak Dog...?" He shook his head. *No, this is just a terribly strange dream. It has to be.* Harry looked more closely at the shaggy creature before him. He was a perfectly ordinary sort of black dog, with mangy fur and kind eyes, but there was something about him that seemed a little... off.

And suddenly, Harry understood: "Oh! You are a human wizard! Just like that rat on the train!"

The next moment, the dog's shape began to flicker and change, and a tall, thin man with long black hair stood before Harry.

Harry looked up at him in wonder. "Are you my godfather?" He reached out eagerly for the man's thin bony hand.

The man stood still for a moment, just staring at Harry. Then he suddenly shivered. "Oh, Merlin, you are Harry, aren't you? Still alive! But what are they doing, throwing children in Azkaban!" He gave Harry a quick hug. "This is no place for you. We must find a way to get you out of here. Are you an animagus as well, then? We should be able to use that to our advantage."

"Animagus?" Harry had never heard the word before.

"You can transform into a dog, just like me?" explained Sirius, a little impatiently.

Harry shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not. I wish I could, though, so we could play together as dogs! That would be fun, wouldn't it?"

Sirius looked very confused. "But you spoke like a dog before..."

Harry shrugged. "Oh, that! I'm just good with languages."

Sirius laughed, a strange hollow sort of laugh. "Good with languages? Oh, Merlin, now I've heard everything! Great. How are we going to get you out of here, then, Harry?" His glance traveled frantically over the thick walls. "Wait, how did you even get in?"

Harry pulled at his hand. "Come on, I'll show you." He tugged Sirius gently through the wall, taking care to protect him well against nosebleeds as they walked through the heavy stone. He was really getting better at this!

"What the hell just happened?" Sirius glanced back at the wall in wonder. "Did we just walk through that?"

Bella was still lying at Tom's feet, whimpering slightly and promising never to offend him again. Tom just stared at her, as if he didn't know what to make of her. "Oh, good. You've got Black, Harry. Let's leave as soon as possible, then. This place makes me nervous. And so do the other prisoners, quite frankly."

"Who are you?" Sirius stared at him blankly. "You seem familiar..."

"Friend of Harry's," said Tom quickly. "Let's leave. Now!"

"There are dementors out there." Sirius' voice was shaking a little. "Hundreds of them."

"Oh, is that what they are called?" Harry smiled up at his godfather. "They seem very shy."


"I said hi, but they didn't want to talk."

Sirius shivered. "Listen, Harry. Do you know how to produce a patronus?"

"A what?"

Sirius put an arm around Harry's shoulders. "Of course. You are still too young for that sort of magic. Listen to me very closely. If we manage to break out, the dementors will come for us. I will try my best to fend them off, but if they get too close, remember to close your mouth, all right?"

"Close my mouth?" Harry stared at his godfather. "Er... Why?"

Sirius brushed the hair gently out of Harry's eyes. "Because those monsters will try to kiss you, Harry. And a dementor's kiss will suck your very soul out of your body." His voice sank to a whisper. "Just keep your mouth closed, whatever you do."

"Is that what they want?" Harry pondered this startling new information. "A kiss?" He knew that the dementors had wanted something, of course, but he would never have guessed what it was. "Do they always try to kiss people, then?"

"The ones they can catch, yes." Sirius was trembling again. "Listen, Harry. You did some strange magic before that allowed us to walk through the wall of my cell. Can you do it again, to get us out of this prison?"

"Of course!" Harry took Sirius' hand in his. "Hang on tight!"

"What about me?" wailed Bella. "You can't leave me here!" She gazed up at Tom, pleadingly, but Tom wasn't even looking at her.

"Of course we won't leave you!" Harry sent a shower of magic towards the wall, and the bricks began to crumble. "Is there anyone else stuck in here?"

Bella stared at the shattered remnants of the wall, her eyes wide. "The... the other followers of the Dark Lord."

"All right then! Let's get them, too! Stand back!" Harry swept down one wall after the other, and pale, haggard prisoners soon emerged from the ruins of Azkaban, coughing and spitting dust. "There! That should be everybody!"

Bella gazed out at the wild black sea. "You... You seem to be a powerful wizard, child. And perhaps on the Dark Lord's side, after all, it seems, since you have freed his servants. But how will we all get across the water?"

Harry shrugged. "Make a boat, I suppose, since not everyone can fly?" He called forth some driftwood from the water and used his best Creating Magic to shape it into a passable boat.

"Watch out! The dementors are coming!" Sirius's voice was hoarse.

Harry gazed up. Those poor dementors! There was just one more little thing he had to do before leaving Azkaban...

"What are you doing?" called Tom in alarm as Harry lifted off from the ground. "Get back on the boat, Harry!"

"Oh, I'll be right back!" Harry smiled down at him.

The dementors were drawing closer now, circling over the makeshift boat and the pale shivering prisoners. But as Harry flew up to to meet them, they shrank back a little, as if bewildered.

Far below, both Sirius and Tom were yelling something, but Harry couldn't make it out.

"No need to be shy!" said Harry softly as he approached the dementors. "I know what you want now. Come here, then!" He reached out for the nearest dementor and grabbed the floating black cloak with both hands. An expression of alarm passed over the shadowy face, and the dementor yanked its head back.

"It's all right," said Harry gently. "Don't be bashful." And he leaned forward and kissed the dementor very, very softly. The creature froze, and for a horrible moment, Harry wondered if he had killed it. But then it fluttered a little, and to Harry's amazement, it began to change. It was still dark and shadowy and fairly indistinct, but now there seemed to be a different quality to its shady outline, a faint glimmer of something that resembled starlight.

"There!" Harry smiled at the dementor. "That's what you wanted, wasn't it?" He petted the lovely dementor on the cheek and returned to his friends below, who were looking terribly pale in the gathering twilight. Far up above, the other shadowy forms were gathering in a circle around the dementor Harry had kissed, studying it from all angles and brushing their long wispy fingers over its faintly glittering robes, as if in wonder. Slowly, ever so slowly, a few of the dark creatures put their faces hesitantly together, as if they were trying to kiss each other too.

"Oh, sweet Merlin!" Sirius gave Harry a tight hug. "Are you insane? Didn't you listen to anything I told you? A dementor can suck out your soul!"

"It didn't, did it?" Tom sounded very frightened.

"Of course not!" Harry smiled reassuringly at them both. "It didn't take any part of my soul, but I gave it a tiny bit; people alw
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Druella Rosier là mẹ tôi,"nói rằng người phụ nữ hoarsely. "Cô ấy lâu chết bây giờ.""Có, tất nhiên." Tom nghĩ cho một thời điểm. "Có, cô ấy đã có khá cũ bây giờ, tất nhiên. Chúng tôi đã đi đến trường với nhau, lứa tuổi và lứa tuổi trước đây... Bạn thực sự trông rất giống như cô ấy, mặc dù tôi cũng thấy một gợi ý của gia đình màu đen trong các tính năng của bạn."Bella, thì thầm Shard đột nhiên trong tâm trí của Harry. Bella! Một chút điên, Bella, nhưng trung thành... Bella tốt đẹp."Xin lỗi" nói Harry một cách lịch sự với người phụ nữ đẹp, "tôi đang tìm cho bố già của tôi, Sirius Black. Bạn đã thấy anh ta?"Người phụ nữ tên là Bella chỉ stared lúc anh ta. "Của bạn bố già-? Nhưng Sirius' chỉ godson là rằng trẻ sơ sinh hầm Dark Lord không thể giết... Một trong những người thực hiện Dark Lord tự biến mất!" Glint lạ ra mắt của cô, và đột nhiên nó nhảy tại Harry, ngón tay mỏng của mình đóng xung quanh cổ họng của mình. Oh, nghèo điều! Cô thực sự phải một chút điên.* Cô đang tấn công Harry? * một quả bóng lông chim nhỏ của cơn thịnh nộ xuất hiện ra khỏi túi của Harry và hạ cánh trên đầu của Bella. * Đi cho đôi mắt của cô, Hedwig! Tôi sẽ peck tại một trong những quyền nếu bạn có trái! *"Đừng chạm vào hắn!" Có là giận dữ như vậy trong giọng nói của Tom rằng bàn tay của Bella phát hành kẹp của họ trên cổ của Harry và giảm limply mạn. Cô stared lúc Tom như thể cô đã nhìn thấy một con ma. "Của tôi... Thưa ngài? Nó là bạn! Bạn đã đến cho tôi!" Nó đột nhiên chìm để đầu gối của cô ở phía trước của Tom, sobbing. "Bạn đã đến miễn phí tôi! Tôi luôn luôn biết bạn sẽ!"Oooo và Hedwig, beaks vị trí ở phía trước của khuôn mặt của Bella, tạm dừng trong sự nhầm lẫn.Tom cau mày. "Những gì-?" Ông stared lúc Bella và lắc đầu hơi. "Sweet Merlin, tôi thề là cô ta điên hơn tất cả những người da đen đặt lại với nhau! Cô sẽ thậm chí cho Walburga một chạy cho tiền của mình! Nghe này, tôi đang ở đây để giúp tôi tìm thấy Harry Sirius Black. Nếu bạn dám để làm hại Harry, tao sẽ giết mày chỗ. Oh, tại sao chờ đợi? Tôi có thể chỉ cần làm điều đó anyway, cho tấn công anh ta như thế!""Sirius Black?" Bella thậm chí không có được từ sàn nhà; cô chỉ cowered trước khi Tom. Cô gật đầu bức tường. "Đằng sau bức tường đó, thưa Chúa tể. Con chó là trong các tế bào tiếp theo. Xin vui lòng tha thứ cho tôi, thưa Chúa tể."Con chó? Harry là hoang mang. Bố già của ông đã có một con chó? Làm thế nào tuyệt vời! Ông bước curiously thông qua tường thành. Và đảm bảo đủ - đã có một con chó đen đáng yêu trong các phòng kế tiếp, cúi của chính nó trên sàn đá lạnh!Con chó nâng lên đầu của nó mạnh như Harry đến trong và stared lúc anh ta với lớn màu đen mắt. * James? * thì thầm chó đột nhiên. * Oh ngọt Merlin, tôi đã đi điên ở cuối! Sau khi tất cả những năm này, tôi cuối cùng đã mất tâm trí của tôi. *Harry petted chó nhẹ nhàng trên đầu. * Xin chào. Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn đã có tôi bối rối với người khác. Tên tôi là Harry, không James.*The dog stared at him for a long time. Then it said: *Harry? Lily and James' Harry? But they said you were dead! And... and you speak Dog...?" He shook his head. *No, this is just a terribly strange dream. It has to be.* Harry looked more closely at the shaggy creature before him. He was a perfectly ordinary sort of black dog, with mangy fur and kind eyes, but there was something about him that seemed a little... off.And suddenly, Harry understood: "Oh! You are a human wizard! Just like that rat on the train!"The next moment, the dog's shape began to flicker and change, and a tall, thin man with long black hair stood before Harry.Harry looked up at him in wonder. "Are you my godfather?" He reached out eagerly for the man's thin bony hand.The man stood still for a moment, just staring at Harry. Then he suddenly shivered. "Oh, Merlin, you are Harry, aren't you? Still alive! But what are they doing, throwing children in Azkaban!" He gave Harry a quick hug. "This is no place for you. We must find a way to get you out of here. Are you an animagus as well, then? We should be able to use that to our advantage.""Animagus?" Harry had never heard the word before."You can transform into a dog, just like me?" explained Sirius, a little impatiently.Harry shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not. I wish I could, though, so we could play together as dogs! That would be fun, wouldn't it?"Sirius looked very confused. "But you spoke like a dog before..."Harry shrugged. "Oh, that! I'm just good with languages."Sirius laughed, a strange hollow sort of laugh. "Good with languages? Oh, Merlin, now I've heard everything! Great. How are we going to get you out of here, then, Harry?" His glance traveled frantically over the thick walls. "Wait, how did you even get in?"Harry pulled at his hand. "Come on, I'll show you." He tugged Sirius gently through the wall, taking care to protect him well against nosebleeds as they walked through the heavy stone. He was really getting better at this!"What the hell just happened?" Sirius glanced back at the wall in wonder. "Did we just walk through that?"Bella was still lying at Tom's feet, whimpering slightly and promising never to offend him again. Tom just stared at her, as if he didn't know what to make of her. "Oh, good. You've got Black, Harry. Let's leave as soon as possible, then. This place makes me nervous. And so do the other prisoners, quite frankly.""Who are you?" Sirius stared at him blankly. "You seem familiar...""Friend of Harry's," said Tom quickly. "Let's leave. Now!""There are dementors out there." Sirius' voice was shaking a little. "Hundreds of them.""Oh, is that what they are called?" Harry smiled up at his godfather. "They seem very shy.""What?""I said hi, but they didn't want to talk."Sirius shivered. "Listen, Harry. Do you know how to produce a patronus?""A what?"Sirius put an arm around Harry's shoulders. "Of course. You are still too young for that sort of magic. Listen to me very closely. If we manage to break out, the dementors will come for us. I will try my best to fend them off, but if they get too close, remember to close your mouth, all right?""Close my mouth?" Harry stared at his godfather. "Er... Why?"Sirius brushed the hair gently out of Harry's eyes. "Because those monsters will try to kiss you, Harry. And a dementor's kiss will suck your very soul out of your body." His voice sank to a whisper. "Just keep your mouth closed, whatever you do.""Is that what they want?" Harry pondered this startling new information. "A kiss?" He knew that the dementors had wanted something, of course, but he would never have guessed what it was. "Do they always try to kiss people, then?""The ones they can catch, yes." Sirius was trembling again. "Listen, Harry. You did some strange magic before that allowed us to walk through the wall of my cell. Can you do it again, to get us out of this prison?""Of course!" Harry took Sirius' hand in his. "Hang on tight!""What about me?" wailed Bella. "You can't leave me here!" She gazed up at Tom, pleadingly, but Tom wasn't even looking at her."Of course we won't leave you!" Harry sent a shower of magic towards the wall, and the bricks began to crumble. "Is there anyone else stuck in here?"Bella stared at the shattered remnants of the wall, her eyes wide. "The... the other followers of the Dark Lord.""All right then! Let's get them, too! Stand back!" Harry swept down one wall after the other, and pale, haggard prisoners soon emerged from the ruins of Azkaban, coughing and spitting dust. "There! That should be everybody!"Bella gazed out at the wild black sea. "You... You seem to be a powerful wizard, child. And perhaps on the Dark Lord's side, after all, it seems, since you have freed his servants. But how will we all get across the water?"Harry shrugged. "Make a boat, I suppose, since not everyone can fly?" He called forth some driftwood from the water and used his best Creating Magic to shape it into a passable boat."Watch out! The dementors are coming!" Sirius's voice was hoarse.Harry gazed up. Those poor dementors! There was just one more little thing he had to do before leaving Azkaban..."What are you doing?" called Tom in alarm as Harry lifted off from the ground. "Get back on the boat, Harry!""Oh, I'll be right back!" Harry smiled down at him.The dementors were drawing closer now, circling over the makeshift boat and the pale shivering prisoners. But as Harry flew up to to meet them, they shrank back a little, as if bewildered.Far below, both Sirius and Tom were yelling something, but Harry couldn't make it out."No need to be shy!" said Harry softly as he approached the dementors. "I know what you want now. Come here, then!" He reached out for the nearest dementor and grabbed the floating black cloak with both hands. An expression of alarm passed over the shadowy face, and the dementor yanked its head back."It's all right," said Harry gently. "Don't be bashful." And he leaned forward and kissed the dementor very, very softly. The creature froze, and for a horrible moment, Harry wondered if he had killed it. But then it fluttered a little, and to Harry's amazement, it began to change. It was still dark and shadowy and fairly indistinct, but now there seemed to be a different quality to its shady outline, a faint glimmer of something that resembled starlight."There!" Harry smiled at the dementor. "That's what you wanted, wasn't it?" He petted the lovely dementor on the cheek and returned to his friends below, who were looking terribly pale in the gathering twilight. Far up above, the other shadowy forms were gathering in a circle around the dementor Harry had kissed, studying it from all angles and brushing their long wispy fingers over its faintly glittering robes, as if in wonder. Slowly, ever so slowly, a few of the dark creatures put their faces hesitantly together, as if they were trying to kiss each other too."Oh, sweet Merlin!" Sirius gave Harry a tight hug. "Are you insane? Didn't you listen to anything I told you? A dementor can suck out your soul!""It didn't, did it?" Tom sounded very frightened."Of course not!" Harry smiled reassuringly at them both. "It didn't take any part of my soul, but I gave it a tiny bit; people alw
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