Article #16 Christmas EveBen and Melissa are getting ready for Christm dịch - Article #16 Christmas EveBen and Melissa are getting ready for Christm Việt làm thế nào để nói

Article #16 Christmas EveBen and Me

Article #16 Christmas Eve

Ben and Melissa are getting ready for Christmas.
Ben and Melissa's house has lots of lights on the roof.
The lights are many colours.
Inside they listen to Christmas music.
Ben and Melissa drink eggnog.
Eggnog tastes good.
Ben and Melissa hang stockings on the fireplace.
They string popcorn.
Ben and Melissa put the popcorn string on the Christmas tree.
They put Christmas lights on the tree.
They put tinsel on the tree.
Ben and Melissa put ornaments on the tree.
They put a star on top of the tree.
They get ready for Santa Claus.
They leave milk and cookies for Santa.
Ben opens one present.
Melissa opens one present.
They go to sleep.
Ben and Melissa wake up early.
They run down stairs.
There are a lot of presents under our tree.
They wake up their Mom and Dad.
Ben and Melissa open their presents.
They love our presents.
Everyone cleans up the wrapping paper.
It is time for breakfast.

Article #17 Thanksgiving

We are having Thanksgiving at our house.
My whole family is coming.
My parents bought a turkey.
It weighs 30 pounds.
It takes a long time to cook.
My Mom wakes up early to cook the turkey.
I clean the house with my Dad.
The house smells good.
We help Mom in the kitchen.
I peel potatoes and carrots.
My Dad makes pumpkin pies.
My Mom cooks squash.
I help my Mom make stuffing.
I mix the bread and spices.
We make good stuffing.
It goes inside the turkey.
We put on nice clothes.
I set the table.
My Dad carves the turkey.
My Mom makes the gravy.
Our relatives arrive.
We say "thank you" for all we have.
We eat and eat.
It is a good Thanksgiving.

Article #18 Learning How to Drive

Amy is 16 years old.
She lives in a small town.
Amy is learning how to drive.
Amy's dad is giving her lessons.
Amy's dad's name is Howard.
Amy has had three lessons.
Amy and her dad argue during the lessons.
Amy's mom is giving her driving lessons.
Amy's mom's name is Jane.
Jane has given Amy a lesson.
Jane has decided to stop giving Amy lessons.
Jane and Amy argue during the lessons too.
Amy's parents call a driving school.
Amy is going to get lessons from a professional.
The classes cost $300 for 10 lessons.
The lessons are very good.
Amy learns how to drive.
Amy gets her licence.

Article #19 Housework

There is always housework to do when you live in a house.
You have to wash the windows so that you can see outside.
The floors and the carpets need to be vacuumed.
The floors also need to be washed, and some of them need to be waxed.
The furniture has to be polished.
The bathroom has to be kept clean.
After you have a bath, you need to clean out the bathtub.
Laundry needs to be done regularly, or you will run out of clothes to wear.
The clothes go into the washing machine, and then they have to be dried in the dryer.
Sometimes, we hang the clothes out on the line to be dried.
Some of the clothes need to be ironed.
You have to buy groceries and put them away.
Meals need to be made.
You can't let the dishes pile up in the kitchen.
The dishes have to be washed, and the counters need to be wiped.
The stove needs to be cleaned, and sometimes the refrigerator and the cupboards need
to be cleaned out.
You can dust the furniture and sweep up the dirt.
You can make the beds. The beds have to be changed too.
They need to have clean sheets put on them.
There are just so many things to do.
Household chores take up a lot of time.

Article #20 Working Outside

Today I was working outside.
It was a sunny day, and I was very hot.
I wore a hat on my head.
I watered all the plants.
I weeded the flower beds.
I cut back all of the plants that were growing too big.
I gave some of the plants plant food.
I cut the lawn.
I raked the lawn.
I filled up the bird baths with water.
I swept the sidewalks and the paths.
I took out the garbage.
I filled the car up with gas.
I washed the car.
I hung out the clothes on the clothesline.
I washed down the lawn furniture.
I washed all of the windows on the house from the outside.
I was so tired.
So I had a glass of lemonade.
I talked to my neighbour, and I helped her trim a tree.
I planted some bulbs,
and then I went into the house.
I was exhausted.

Article #21 Daily Schedule

I wake up every morning at seven o'clock.
I take a shower.
I eat my breakfast.
I usually have toast or cereal.
I brush my teeth.
I put on my clothes.
I catch the school bus.
I ride to school.
In my class, we have math and English before recess.
At recess time, the girls skip, or walk around and talk.
The boys play in the playground or play baseball.
After recess, we have physical education and geography.
We eat lunch, and then we play outside.
When the bell rings, we line up to go back into the classroom.
After lunch, we have history and science.
At recess, we play ball again.
Some of girls play ball too.
In the winter, we build snowmen.
If it is too cold, we stay indoors and talk to each other.
After recess, we have music and health.
We get out of school at three thirty.
I sometimes walk home with my friends, or I take the bus.
I have a snack and change my clothes when I get home.
I change into my pajamas.
If it is raining, I watch television.
If it is nice outside, I play with my friends.
I have supper at five thirty.
On some nights, I help my mother to do the dishes.
After supper, I do my homework.
I wash my face and hands, and brush my teeth.

Article #22 Meals

Breakfast is very rushed at our house.
My brothers and sisters and I have toast or cereal.
We also have orange juice.
On weekends my mother makes bacon and eggs for us.
My father just has a cup of coffee for breakfast.
My mother packs a lunch for all of us.
We usually have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of juice or milk.
My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, roast beef and ham.
My brother always wants peanut butter and jam sandwiches.
My mother sometimes packs a treat for us.
Today we had cookies with our lunch.
At supper time, the family sits around the table and talks about what they did all day.
My mother makes good suppers.
We sometimes have spaghetti.
My mother makes a roast of beef with potatoes and vegetables quite often.
She makes many different dishes out of chicken.
She makes soups or stews.
She also makes casseroles.
My brothers and sisters and I have milk with our dinner.
My parents sometimes have wine with their dinner.
Sometimes we have salad before our dinner.
I set the table for my mother.
I put out the forks, the knives and spoons.
I also put out glasses and fill them full of milk or water.
For dessert, we sometimes have ice cream, cake or pie.
My mother said that it is better to have fruit because it is better for you.
Tonight I ate a peach for dessert.
My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, plums and bananas.
After supper, my mother always has a cup of tea with sugar and cream in it.
After dinner, I help my mother with the dishes.
Usually she washes the dishes, and I will dry them.
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Bài viết #16 Christmas EveBen và Melissa đang nhận được sẵn sàng cho Giáng sinh. Ben và của Melissa nhà đã có rất nhiều ánh sáng trên mái nhà. Đèn là nhiều màu sắc. Bên trong họ lắng nghe âm nhạc Giáng sinh. Ben và Melissa uống eggnog. Eggnog thị hiếu tốt. Ben và Melissa hang vớ trên lò sưởi. Họ chuỗi bỏng ngô. Ben và Melissa đặt thiết bị xử lý chuỗi trên cây Giáng sinh. Họ đặt đèn Giáng sinh trên cây. Họ đặt tinsel trên cây. Ben và Melissa đặt đồ trang trí trên cây. Họ đặt một ngôi sao trên đầu trang của cây. Họ chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho Santa Claus. Họ rời khỏi sữa và cookie cho Santa. Ben sẽ mở ra một hiện tại. Melissa sẽ mở ra một hiện tại. Họ đi ngủ. Ben và Melissa thức dậy sớm. Họ chạy xuống cầu thang. Có rất nhiều các món quà dưới cây của chúng tôi. Họ thức dậy của mẹ và cha. Ben và Melissa mở trình bày của họ. Họ yêu trình bày của chúng tôi. Tất cả mọi người làm sạch lên giấy gói. Đó là thời gian cho bữa ăn sáng.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bài viết #17 Lễ Tạ ơnChúng tôi đang có lễ Tạ ơn tại nhà của chúng tôi. Cả gia đình của tôi đang đến. Cha mẹ tôi đã mua một Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ. Nó nặng £ 30. Phải mất một thời gian dài để nấu ăn. Mẹ tôi dậy sớm để nấu ăn gà tây. Tôi làm sạch nhà với cha tôi. Nhà mùi tốt. Chúng tôi giúp mẹ trong nhà bếp. Tôi gọt vỏ khoai tây và cà rốt. My Dad làm cho bánh bí ngô. Mẹ tôi đầu bếp bóng quần. Tôi giúp mẹ làm cho nhồi. Tôi trộn bánh mì và gia vị. Chúng tôi thực hiện tốt nhồi. Nó đi bên trong Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ. Chúng tôi đặt trên quần áo đẹp. I set the table. My Dad carves the turkey. My Mom makes the gravy. Our relatives arrive. We say "thank you" for all we have. We eat and eat. It is a good Thanksgiving.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article #18 Learning How to DriveAmy is 16 years old. She lives in a small town. Amy is learning how to drive. Amy's dad is giving her lessons. Amy's dad's name is Howard. Amy has had three lessons. Amy and her dad argue during the lessons. Amy's mom is giving her driving lessons. Amy's mom's name is Jane. Jane has given Amy a lesson. Jane has decided to stop giving Amy lessons. Jane and Amy argue during the lessons too. Amy's parents call a driving school. Amy is going to get lessons from a professional. The classes cost $300 for 10 lessons. The lessons are very good. Amy learns how to drive. Amy gets her licence.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article #19 HouseworkThere is always housework to do when you live in a house. You have to wash the windows so that you can see outside. The floors and the carpets need to be vacuumed. The floors also need to be washed, and some of them need to be waxed. The furniture has to be polished. The bathroom has to be kept clean. After you have a bath, you need to clean out the bathtub. Laundry needs to be done regularly, or you will run out of clothes to wear. The clothes go into the washing machine, and then they have to be dried in the dryer. Sometimes, we hang the clothes out on the line to be dried. Some of the clothes need to be ironed. You have to buy groceries and put them away. Meals need to be made. You can't let the dishes pile up in the kitchen. The dishes have to be washed, and the counters need to be wiped. The stove needs to be cleaned, and sometimes the refrigerator and the cupboards need to be cleaned out. You can dust the furniture and sweep up the dirt. You can make the beds. The beds have to be changed too. They need to have clean sheets put on them. There are just so many things to do. Household chores take up a lot of time.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article #20 Working OutsideToday I was working outside. It was a sunny day, and I was very hot. I wore a hat on my head. I watered all the plants. I weeded the flower beds. I cut back all of the plants that were growing too big. I gave some of the plants plant food. I cut the lawn. I raked the lawn. I filled up the bird baths with water. I swept the sidewalks and the paths. I took out the garbage. I filled the car up with gas. I washed the car. I hung out the clothes on the clothesline. I washed down the lawn furniture. I washed all of the windows on the house from the outside. I was so tired. So I had a glass of lemonade. I talked to my neighbour, and I helped her trim a tree. I planted some bulbs, and then I went into the house. I was exhausted.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article #21 Daily ScheduleI wake up every morning at seven o'clock. I take a shower. I eat my breakfast. I usually have toast or cereal. I brush my teeth. I put on my clothes. I catch the school bus. I ride to school. In my class, we have math and English before recess. At recess time, the girls skip, or walk around and talk. The boys play in the playground or play baseball. After recess, we have physical education and geography. We eat lunch, and then we play outside. When the bell rings, we line up to go back into the classroom. After lunch, we have history and science. At recess, we play ball again. Some of girls play ball too. In the winter, we build snowmen. If it is too cold, we stay indoors and talk to each other. After recess, we have music and health. We get out of school at three thirty. I sometimes walk home with my friends, or I take the bus. I have a snack and change my clothes when I get home. I change into my pajamas. If it is raining, I watch television. If it is nice outside, I play with my friends. I have supper at five thirty. On some nights, I help my mother to do the dishes. After supper, I do my homework. I wash my face and hands, and brush my teeth.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article #22 MealsBreakfast is very rushed at our house. My brothers and sisters and I have toast or cereal. We also have orange juice. On weekends my mother makes bacon and eggs for us. My father just has a cup of coffee for breakfast. My mother packs a lunch for all of us. We usually have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of juice or milk. My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, roast beef and ham. My brother always wants peanut butter and jam sandwiches. My mother sometimes packs a treat for us. Today we had cookies with our lunch. At supper time, the family sits around the table and talks about what they did all day. My mother makes good suppers. We sometimes have spaghetti. My mother makes a roast of beef with potatoes and vegetables quite often. She makes many different dishes out of chicken. She makes soups or stews. She also makes casseroles. My brothers and sisters and I have milk with our dinner. My parents sometimes have wine with their dinner. Sometimes we have salad before our dinner. I set the table for my mother. I put out the forks, the knives and spoons. I also put out glasses and fill them full of milk or water. For dessert, we sometimes have ice cream, cake or pie. My mother said that it is better to have fruit because it is better for you. Tonight I ate a peach for dessert. My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, plums and bananas. After supper, my mother always has a cup of tea with sugar and cream in it. After dinner, I help my mother with the dishes. Usually she washes the dishes, and I will dry them.
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Article #16 Christmas Eve

Ben and Melissa are getting ready for Christmas.
Ben and Melissa's house has lots of lights on the roof.
The lights are many colours.
Inside they listen to Christmas music.
Ben and Melissa drink eggnog.
Eggnog tastes good.
Ben and Melissa hang stockings on the fireplace.
They string popcorn.
Ben and Melissa put the popcorn string on the Christmas tree.
They put Christmas lights on the tree.
They put tinsel on the tree.
Ben and Melissa put ornaments on the tree.
They put a star on top of the tree.
They get ready for Santa Claus.
They leave milk and cookies for Santa.
Ben opens one present.
Melissa opens one present.
They go to sleep.
Ben and Melissa wake up early.
They run down stairs.
There are a lot of presents under our tree.
They wake up their Mom and Dad.
Ben and Melissa open their presents.
They love our presents.
Everyone cleans up the wrapping paper.
It is time for breakfast.

Article #17 Thanksgiving

We are having Thanksgiving at our house.
My whole family is coming.
My parents bought a turkey.
It weighs 30 pounds.
It takes a long time to cook.
My Mom wakes up early to cook the turkey.
I clean the house with my Dad.
The house smells good.
We help Mom in the kitchen.
I peel potatoes and carrots.
My Dad makes pumpkin pies.
My Mom cooks squash.
I help my Mom make stuffing.
I mix the bread and spices.
We make good stuffing.
It goes inside the turkey.
We put on nice clothes.
I set the table.
My Dad carves the turkey.
My Mom makes the gravy.
Our relatives arrive.
We say "thank you" for all we have.
We eat and eat.
It is a good Thanksgiving.

Article #18 Learning How to Drive

Amy is 16 years old.
She lives in a small town.
Amy is learning how to drive.
Amy's dad is giving her lessons.
Amy's dad's name is Howard.
Amy has had three lessons.
Amy and her dad argue during the lessons.
Amy's mom is giving her driving lessons.
Amy's mom's name is Jane.
Jane has given Amy a lesson.
Jane has decided to stop giving Amy lessons.
Jane and Amy argue during the lessons too.
Amy's parents call a driving school.
Amy is going to get lessons from a professional.
The classes cost $300 for 10 lessons.
The lessons are very good.
Amy learns how to drive.
Amy gets her licence.

Article #19 Housework

There is always housework to do when you live in a house.
You have to wash the windows so that you can see outside.
The floors and the carpets need to be vacuumed.
The floors also need to be washed, and some of them need to be waxed.
The furniture has to be polished.
The bathroom has to be kept clean.
After you have a bath, you need to clean out the bathtub.
Laundry needs to be done regularly, or you will run out of clothes to wear.
The clothes go into the washing machine, and then they have to be dried in the dryer.
Sometimes, we hang the clothes out on the line to be dried.
Some of the clothes need to be ironed.
You have to buy groceries and put them away.
Meals need to be made.
You can't let the dishes pile up in the kitchen.
The dishes have to be washed, and the counters need to be wiped.
The stove needs to be cleaned, and sometimes the refrigerator and the cupboards need
to be cleaned out.
You can dust the furniture and sweep up the dirt.
You can make the beds. The beds have to be changed too.
They need to have clean sheets put on them.
There are just so many things to do.
Household chores take up a lot of time.

Article #20 Working Outside

Today I was working outside.
It was a sunny day, and I was very hot.
I wore a hat on my head.
I watered all the plants.
I weeded the flower beds.
I cut back all of the plants that were growing too big.
I gave some of the plants plant food.
I cut the lawn.
I raked the lawn.
I filled up the bird baths with water.
I swept the sidewalks and the paths.
I took out the garbage.
I filled the car up with gas.
I washed the car.
I hung out the clothes on the clothesline.
I washed down the lawn furniture.
I washed all of the windows on the house from the outside.
I was so tired.
So I had a glass of lemonade.
I talked to my neighbour, and I helped her trim a tree.
I planted some bulbs,
and then I went into the house.
I was exhausted.

Article #21 Daily Schedule

I wake up every morning at seven o'clock.
I take a shower.
I eat my breakfast.
I usually have toast or cereal.
I brush my teeth.
I put on my clothes.
I catch the school bus.
I ride to school.
In my class, we have math and English before recess.
At recess time, the girls skip, or walk around and talk.
The boys play in the playground or play baseball.
After recess, we have physical education and geography.
We eat lunch, and then we play outside.
When the bell rings, we line up to go back into the classroom.
After lunch, we have history and science.
At recess, we play ball again.
Some of girls play ball too.
In the winter, we build snowmen.
If it is too cold, we stay indoors and talk to each other.
After recess, we have music and health.
We get out of school at three thirty.
I sometimes walk home with my friends, or I take the bus.
I have a snack and change my clothes when I get home.
I change into my pajamas.
If it is raining, I watch television.
If it is nice outside, I play with my friends.
I have supper at five thirty.
On some nights, I help my mother to do the dishes.
After supper, I do my homework.
I wash my face and hands, and brush my teeth.

Article #22 Meals

Breakfast is very rushed at our house.
My brothers and sisters and I have toast or cereal.
We also have orange juice.
On weekends my mother makes bacon and eggs for us.
My father just has a cup of coffee for breakfast.
My mother packs a lunch for all of us.
We usually have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of juice or milk.
My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, roast beef and ham.
My brother always wants peanut butter and jam sandwiches.
My mother sometimes packs a treat for us.
Today we had cookies with our lunch.
At supper time, the family sits around the table and talks about what they did all day.
My mother makes good suppers.
We sometimes have spaghetti.
My mother makes a roast of beef with potatoes and vegetables quite often.
She makes many different dishes out of chicken.
She makes soups or stews.
She also makes casseroles.
My brothers and sisters and I have milk with our dinner.
My parents sometimes have wine with their dinner.
Sometimes we have salad before our dinner.
I set the table for my mother.
I put out the forks, the knives and spoons.
I also put out glasses and fill them full of milk or water.
For dessert, we sometimes have ice cream, cake or pie.
My mother said that it is better to have fruit because it is better for you.
Tonight I ate a peach for dessert.
My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, plums and bananas.
After supper, my mother always has a cup of tea with sugar and cream in it.
After dinner, I help my mother with the dishes.
Usually she washes the dishes, and I will dry them.
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