This site is a good example because even though the target audience is eminentlyfamiliar with fun, play, and games, they still appreciate the gamifying elements of thesite and participate in fulfiling the site's goals. It's sort of like a group of magicians stillappreciating a good magic show, even though they know their perceptions are beingmanipulated. Also, this site achieves a lot with very clear mechanics and very little glitz.This will allow us to study the site without having to peel away too many layers.Company was founded in 2000 as a resource for board gaming hobbyists.Its database includes information, ratings, and reviews for over 64,000 games (2013),and it relies on its users for most of its content. In 2010, it won the Diana Jones Awardfor Excellence in Gaming for its value as a reference and social hub for tabletop gamers.With its number of registered users reaching 500,000 and more than 100,000 of themconsidered "active", it is clear that is doing something right.So, how do you engage and motivate a giant group of people who like to play games?That's right, you gamify the website. The fist step, of course, was creating playerpersonas and fiuring out what the players had in common. Lucky for, they had a good handle on the player personas. They focused on three of our fiegamifiation Motivators, and here is why:h Advancement: They knew these serious gamers lived off advancement. Successin their favorite games depended on moving forward, surpassing others, anddynamic gameplay.h Competition: Sure there are some popular single-player and cooperative games,but for the most part, playing games is a competitive activity. People like to win.Especially if they get to beat family and friends.h Socializing: One of the great attractions of tabletop gaming is its social nature.People sit around a table together to play. Digital games, for the most part, arelosing this aspect. So, if you are trying to capture the attention of this group ofpeople, social activity has to play a big part.The site developers knew that if they could tap into their players' need to progress,compete, and engage with other players, then these people would never leave the site.Now it's your turn. Consider your Mission Statement. Look back over your playerpersonas. What kinds of feelings and experiences will encourage your players to behavein a way that will support and advance your business goals? Using the information youhave gathered and developed to this point, complete the following exercise, and choosetwo or three aesthetics that will drive the player activity around your business.
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