FluidicsThe fluidic valve, which Tesla calls a valvular conduit, allows easy flow in one direction but in the otherthe flow gets hung up in dead-end chambers (buckets) where it gets spun around 360 degrees, thusforming eddies, or countercurrents that stop the flow as surely as if a mechanical valve were movedinto the shut position. The spinning rotor creates plenty of suction to pull fuel and air into thecombustion chamber. Tesla notes that after a short lapse of time the chamber becomes heated to sucha degree that the ignition device may be shut off without disturbing the established regime. In otherwords; it diesels. The disk-turbine motor principle in reverse becomes a very efficient pump. (Tesla'sPatent No. 1,061,142)Fluid driveThe disk turbine principle is employed in the speedometer, which presents the problem of having toturn the rotary motion of a vehicles wheels to angular motion in order to push a spring-loaded indicatorneedle over a short arc. Tesla's solution: the speedometer cable connects to a disk which spins ininterface with a second disk, imparting spin to the fluid in between and, hence, to the second diskwhich moves the needle. Interface two disks of different sizes in a fluid medium and any desired ratiobetween speeds of rotation may be obtained by proper selection of the diameters of the disks,observes Tesla in his patent, thus anticipating in 1911 the fluid-drive automatic transmission.Tesla First worked on his turbine early in his career, believing it would be a good prime mover for hisalternating-current dynamos, far superior to the reciprocal steam engines that were the workhorses ofthat era. But he did not get down to perfecting and patenting it until after the collapse of his globalbroadcasting scheme (1909). By this time the internal-combustion piston engine was firmly rooted inWestern power mechanics. Tesla referred to organized opposition to his attempts to introduce thesuperior engine, and so have others who have made the attempt since. But Tesla still saw a gloriousfuture for his turbine. To his friend, Yale engineering professor Charles Scott, Tesla predicted, "Myturbine will scrap all the heat engines in the world." Replied Scott, "That would make quite a pile ofscrap."2. Spark-Gap Oscillator:Tesla was central in establishing the 60 cycle alternating current power system still in use today. Yethe suspected that the more striking phenomena resided in the higher frequencies of electric vibration.To reach these heights, he first tried dynamos spun at higher speeds and having a greater number ofpoles than any that had existed before. One having as an armature a flat, radially grooved copper diskachieved 30,000 cycles, but Tesla wanted to go into the millions of cycles.It occurred to him that this vibratory capability was to be found in the capacitor. With a capacitor circuit,the spark-gap oscillator, he did indeed achieve the higher frequencies, and he did so by nonmechanical means. The circuit was promising enough for him to patent it as A Method of andApparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution, for Tesla saw in it the possibility of a whole newsystem of electric lighting by means of high frequencies. Though it was quickly succeeded by the Teslahttp://www.frank.germano.com/lostinventions.htm (3 of 28)2004/11/22 09:47:22 AMthe lost inventions of Nikola Teslacoil and is not numbered among the more famous of the lost inventions, the spark-gap oscillator ispivotal for Tesla as the invention that launched him into his career in high frequencies.How it worksThe capacitor. There are only a few basic building blocks of electrical circuitry. The capacitor is one ofthem. Tesla didn't invent it, it had been around for some time, arguably for millennia, but he didimprove upon it in three of his patents. Also called condenser, the common capacitor is just a sandwichof conductive and nonconductive layers that serves the purpose of storing electrical charge. Thesimplest capacitor has just two conductive sheets separated by a single sheet of insulation. In thecapacitor shown, the conductive elements are two metal plates.The insulation between them is oil. In the official vocabulary, the plates are indeed called plates andthe insulative layer (oil, glass, mica, or whatever) is called the dielectric. Connect the two terminals of acapacitor into a circuit where there is plus-minus electrical potential, and charge builds on the plates,positive on one, negative on the other. Let this charge build for a while, and then connect the twoplates through some resistance, a coil, say, and the capacitor discharges very suddenly. Tesla said,The explosion of dynamite is only the breath of a consumptive compared with its discharge. He wenton to say that the capacitor is the means of producing the strongest current, the highest electricalpressure, the greatest commotion in the medium.The capacitor's discharge is not necessarily a single event. If it discharges into a suitable resistance,there is a rush of current outward, then back again, as if it were bouncing off the resistance, then out,and back and so forth until it peters out. The discharge is oscillatory, a vibration. The vibration can besustained by recharging the capacitor at appropriate intervals. When Tesla talks of the capacitor'sdischarge causing commotion in the medium, he means a vibration or mix of vibrations. The characterof this vibration is determined in part by the capacity of the capacitor, that is, how much charge it willhold. This is a function of it size, the distance between plates, and the composition of the dielectric.Upon discharge there would be, typically, a fundamental vibration, some harmonics, and perhaps othercommotion, maybe musical, maybe not. Additional circuitry can tame the vibration to a pure tone.The mediumWhen Tesla speaks of commotion in the medium, what is the medium? In Tesla's time it was an articleof faith that there existed a unified field that permeated all being called the ether. The ether as theelectric medium still is an article of faith in some circles, but in official science its existence is presumedto have been disproved in the laboratory. Nevertheless, this conviction about an ether ran very deep,not only among scientists but among all thinkers, until only about forty-some years ago when particletheory, E=MC2, and, finally Hiroshima firmly established the new faith. Tesla said the electron did notexist.The materialistic concept of these little particles running through conductors is alien to Tesla electrictheory. Here is the Quaker writer Rufus Jones on the ether in 1920: An intangible substance which wecall ether - luminiferous (light-bearing) aether - fills all space, even the space occupied by visibleobjects, and this ether which is capable of amazing vibrations, billions of times a second, is set
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