Correction of Cone Penetration Resistance for ThinSoil LayersTheoretical as well as laboratory studies indicate that CPTtip resistance is influenced by softer soil layers above or belowthe cone tip. As a result, measured CPT tip resistance issmaller in thin layers of granular soils sandwiched betweensofter layers than in thicker layers of the same granular soil.The amount of the reduction of penetration resistance in softlayers is a function of the thickness of the softer layer and thestiffness of the stiffer layers.Using a simplified elastic solution, Vreugdenhil et al. (1994)developed a procedure for estimating the thick-layer equivalentcone penetration resistance of thin stiff layers lying withinsofter strata. The correction applies only to thin stiff layersembedded within thick soft layers. Because the correctionshave a reasonable trend, but appear rather large, Robertson andFear (1995) recommended conservative corrections from theqcA /qcB = 2 curve sketched in Fig. 7.Further analysis of field data by Gonzalo Castro and PeterRobertson for the NCEER workshop indicates that correctionsbased on the qcA /qcB = 2 curve may still be too large and notadequately conservative. They suggested, and the workshopparticipants agreed, that the lower bound of the range of fielddata plotted by G. Castro in Fig. 7 provides more conservativeKH values that should be used until further field studies andphân tích chỉ ra rằng giá trị cao hơn được khả thi. Phương trìnhĐối với ràng buộc thấp hơn của lĩnh vực đường cong là
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