466 Chapter 15 Enzyme RegulationCovalent Modification of Glycogen Phosphorylase Trumps Allosteric RegulationAs early as 1938, it was known that glycogen phosphorylase existed in two forms: theless active phosphorylase b and the more active phosphorylase a. In 1956, EdwinKrebs and Edmond Fischer reported that a “converting enzyme” could convertphosphorylase b to phosphorylase a. Three years later, Krebs and Fischer demon-strated that the conversion of phosphorylase b to phosphorylase a involved covalentphosphorylation, as shown in Figure 15.15.Phosphorylation of Ser14 causes a dramatic conformation change in phosphorylase.Upon phosphorylation, the amino-terminal end of the protein (including residues 10through 22) swings through an arc of 120°, moving into the subunit interface (Figure15.16). This conformation change moves Ser14 by more than 3.6 nm. The phosphory-lated or a form of glycogen phosphorylase is much less sensitive to allosteric regulationthan the b form. Thus, covalent modification of glycogen phosphorylase converts thisenzyme from an allosterically regulated form into a persistently active form. Covalentmodification overrides the allosteric regulation.Dephosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase is carried out by phosphoproteinphosphatase 1. The action of phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 inactivates glycogenphosphorylase. The 1992 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Krebsand Fischer for their pioneering studies of reversible protein phosphorylation as animportant means of cellular regulation.Enzyme Cascades Regulate Glycogen Phosphorylase CovalentModificationThe phosphorylation reaction that activates glycogen phosphorylase is mediated byan enzyme cascade (Figure 15.17). The first part of the cascade leads to hormonalstimulation (described in the next section) of adenylyl cyclase, a membrane-boundenzyme that converts ATP to adenosine-3,5-cyclic monophosphate, denoted as cyclicAMP or simply cAMP (Figure 15.18). This regulatory molecule is found in all eu-karyotic cells and acts as an intracellular messenger molecule, controlling a wide va-riety of processes. Cyclic AMP is known as a second messenger because it is the in-tracellular agent of a hormone (the “first messenger”). (The myriad cellular rolesof cyclic AMP are described in detail in Chapter 32.)The hormonal stimulation of adenylyl cyclase is effected by a transmembrane sig-naling pathway consisting of three components, all membrane associated. Bindingof hormone to the external surface of a hormone receptor causes a conformationalchange in this transmembrane protein, which in turn stimulates a GTP-bindingprotein (abbreviated G protein). G proteins are heterotrimeric proteins consisting of- (45–47 kD), - (35 kD), and - (7–9 kD) subunits. The -subunit binds GDP orGTP and has an intrinsic, slow GTPase activity. In the inactive state, the G complexhas GDP at the nucleotide site. When a G protein is stimulated by a hormone–receptor complex, GDP dissociates and GTP binds to G, causing it to dissociatefrom G and to associate with adenylyl cyclase (Figure 15.19). Binding of G (GTP)activates adenylyl cyclase to form cAMP from ATP. However, the intrinsic GTPase activityof G eventually hydrolyzes GTP to GDP, leading to dissociation of G (GDP) fromadenylyl cyclase and reassociation with G to form the inactive G complex. Thiscascade amplifies the hormonal signal because a single hormone–receptor complexcan activate many G proteins before the hormone dissociates from the receptor, andbecause the G-activated adenylyl cyclase can synthesize many cAMP molecules be-fore bound GTP is hydrolyzed by G. More than 100 different G-protein–coupled re-ceptors and at least 21 distinct G proteins are known (see Chapter 32).cAMPHormoneAdenylylcyclaseG proteinG(GTP) dissociates fromG and binds to adenylylcyclase, activating synthesisof cAMPReceptor InactiveadenylylcyclaseG proteinReceptor Slow GTPase activity of Ghydrolyzes GTP to GDPG(GDP) dissociates fromadenylyl cyclase andreturns to G PiATPGTP GDPGTPGDPGDPFIGURE 15.19 Hormone binding to its receptor leads via G-protein activation to cAMP synthesis. Adenylyl cyclase and the hormone receptor are integral plasma membrane proteins; G and G are membrane-anchored proteins.
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