the best thing of us can do to strengthen the lives of our community's children is to make sure we find ways- both big and small-to offer real evidence that we care. some suggestions for how you can contribute to building a caring environment for the kids in your community include-get involved in your local school by joining a school-sponsored program... a regularly-scheduled commitment to read to a class, be a tutor, or help referee sports games; volunteering at special events; supporting the school's efforts to build relationship in your community- become a mentor for a young person. mentoring has proven to be one of the most effective ways to help a young person define and work towards goals, as well as to take responsibility and pride in their actions-share a special skill or talent. if you are an athlete, or just love sports, contact your local public recreation department and volunteer to a coach, or referee. if you are a dance, teach classes to kids. if you are a computer aficionado, volunteer your skill at a local school or creat an after- school or saturday program. if you have got a flair for reading aloud, volunteer to read to kids at your local library. in other words, share from your life - experience and from your heartkids who sense they are part of a community that really cares about them are all that more inclined to feel comfortable discussing troubling feelings, such as loneliness. it is a great thing to have someone - a teacher,parent, neighbor, someone in their daily world - saying 'hey how are you doing ?' and tem making it understood that they really care about hearing whtever the kid's answer might be
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