So as I understand it, you want me to gather the bank statements, list dịch - So as I understand it, you want me to gather the bank statements, list Việt làm thế nào để nói

So as I understand it, you want me

So as I understand it, you want me to gather the bank statements, list of properties and so on to find out just what exactly Dumbledore embezzled, so we know what we want back." – stated Valerius Jenks.

"Exactly." – smiled Harry.

"I'll do that then." – said the man, as he stood up and gathered the papers littering the table – "Until we meet again, Mr. Potter."

"Absolutely." – beamed Harry as he watched the man go out of the room.

'Well, that went smoothly… now all that is left is to wait…' – thought Harry and followed his new solicitor out of the room and into the village – 'I suppose I should go and find George… speaking of the twins… I hope Fred is doing okay…'

Harry buttoned up his winter cloak and put on the gloves before stepping out onto the snow covered street. He was walking towards 'Madam Puddyfoot's' coffee shop, when he heard a quiet voice nearby.

$Darn it… Why iss it sso cold here?$ - complained the voice – $I wanna be ssomewhere warm and dry…$

Harry moved in the direction of the voice, but didn't see anyone.

"Weird…" – he muttered and was about to forget it and go on, when he heard it again.

$Down here, you dolt!$ - this time the voice was louder and did indeed seem to come from the ground.

Harry looked down and jumped back a bit when he saw the large black serpent coiled in the ground.

$Erm… Hello…$ - he said, slipping into Parseltongue (A/N: I think it's spelled like that, but let me know if I'm wrong).

$A sspeaker? Here?$ - the snake was surprised – $A happy occurrence… take me away from here! I'm cold!$

Harry couldn't figure out what to do. On one hand he couldn't just leave the snake out on the street to freeze to death, on the other hand only a few people knew about him being a Parselmouth, and so bringing the snake into the castle would pose a few difficulties.

$Okay, I'll take you with me… but the people in the castle don't know I can speak with sserpentss, sso you'll have to keep out of ssight…$

So he picked up the serpentine body and wrapped it around himself, so that the snake wouldn't be seen unless someone ordered Harry to strip.

$Oh, good… warm$ - the snake practically moaned as she coiled around the boy's warm body.

Harry chuckled softly and then brought his attention back to his surroundings. People were walking around in pairs, some girls even shot him quick flirtatious glances that had Harry blush a bit before he remembered that he was disguised as Fred and Fred, even to his 12 year old mind, was a very handsome teenager. So he paid the girls no attention, especially since for one, he himself didn't really know how to communicate with them properly, nor did he really have a desire to, and for two – he was not sure if Fred even liked girls.

While Harry was dealing with his problems, Fred was having a total blast. He knew once Harry returned he would be subjected to some sort of payback, but in the meantime, Fred was on the loose. The disguised ginger accepted to play chess with Ron and being very familiar with the way his brother liked playing, he absolutely destroyed the boy's strategy. Oh of course he still lost, but he did so in the most ridiculous way ever. He kept making moves Ron wasn't anticipating, thus riling the boy up unfortunately not to the extent that he'd throw the game.

"You know, Ron," – he said when they were finished playing – "I noticed something very strange lately…"

"Oh?" – it was painfully obvious how the younger Weasley instantly paid attention.

"Yeah… I think…" – he paused for dramatic effect – "… that Dumbledore is a pedophile!"

"WHAT?" – screeched Ron as he jumped out of his chair – "You take that back right now!"

"Erm… I don't think I will…" – calmly drawled Fred.

"Harry," – Ron practically pleaded, looking around to make sure there was no one there – "You could get in real trouble for saying stuff like that." – there was a wild look in the boy's eyes, like he was expected to be punished or something.

Fred filed away his brother's weird reaction for further consideration:

"Okay, mate, chill… but you have to admit with how he always says 'my boy' this and 'my boy' that…the man just creeps me out…"

"I… I gotta go…" – mumbled Ron and practically ran out of the common room.

'Well, that definitely was weird…' – thought Fred and returning to planning his newest prank against Dumbles.

Being a ghost was definitely not fun, decided Hermione Jean Granger as she floated around the school.

'I suppose the only good thing I got is that now I don't have to be afraid of that old goat manipulating me… or worse' – thought the newest ghostly resident of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft & Wizardry – 'Now if only there was a way to get Ron from under that curse the old goat has him under… dirty old pedophile…'

%^Miss Granger, please, quit loitering. You were the one to ask me to assist you in learning to interact with the living world, so do not waste my time. Even if I'm already dead and have nothing but spare time, I can still find more productive way to spend it.^%

%^I'm sorry, sir.^% - responded Hermione, as she floated over to where the Bloody Baron, or Richard Gryffindor-Slytherin actually, was waiting for her impatiently - %^So how do I do it?^%

%^It will be a long and rigorous road, young lioness. It will at least take you several years until you can even begin interacting with the living the way us Hogwarts ghosts do.^% - said the spirit of Salazar & Godric's son.

%^That long?^% - gasped Hermione's transparent form - %^Is there a reason it will take me that long to learn?^%

%^Indeed there is.^% - sighed the ancient ghost - %^You are quite a rare case. Children as young as you don't usually become ghosts, they always move one. You and Myrtle are exceptions due to the way you died. It took her around three years to learn and she was in her fifth year of school, her magical core was more mature and stable…^%

%^So then I'll be invisible until I've accumulated enough energy to make my magical core stable?^% - she asked, still confused.

%^No, you're dead. You no longer have a magical core. You need to accumulate energy, that is correct. But what you need to strengthen is your very soul. Since technically that's exactly what you are – a soul without a body… like the rest of us.^% - patiently said the Baron. Usually he did not like dealing with new spirits, Myrtle was a watery nuisance and Peeves… well that was an entirely different thing. Still, he found himself somewhat fond of the muggleborn witch - %^There is however another reason for it taking so long. And that reason is your very blood.^%

%^Oh, no^% - exclaimed Hermione making a face - %^More of that pureblood crap?^%

%^It's not crap child!^% - said the ghost, his voice icy - %^You should not speak of what you do not understand…^%

And thus the ghost of the Slytherin House proceeded to enlighten the ghost by the name of Hermione Granger about the things no one ever mentioned while the girl was alive. That thing being the all-important question: 'Just how valuable is a wizard's ancestry?'

In the headmaster office Albus Dumbledore was not having the best day… or the best week… or even the best month. Usually when he felt like this, he would relieve the tension the usual way, especially since he had two… no, now it was one semi-willing pawn to take. But ever since the Granger girl died he has been under the scrutiny of the Governors. Of course he framed Lockhart for the deeds, but no one really believed him. He was still out of job and with no defense professor. It couldn't have been worse. Even the Potter boy spent more and more time with that useless squib Longbottom and Malfoy's spawn of all people. The Weasley twins were acceptable, they were Weasleys after all, even if not the Weasleys Dumbledore would prefer. For a moment he contemplated ordering Ronald to visit him in his office, from where he could take the boy to his private chambers and vent his frustrations. But of course with the bad luck he's been having recently, it wouldn't be impossible for someone notice something wrong with the boy, or even catch them in the act… No… that was not acceptable… especially since then he would lose Molly's support and that could only mean a disaster for him, since the woman knew a lot of his secrets.

'I suppose it's time Mr. Potter and I have a chat…' – he decided – 'It really is a shame he is too important to satisfy some of my baser needs… he is such a handsome boy after all… I think a trip to Knockturn Alley is in order after all…' – with that old man used a portkey and disappeared from his office.

The Hat, sitting on the shelf, and the phoenix exchanged a glance. The old man was getting more and more crazy with practically every day. Something had to be done and they knew just the person to go to. Now all they needed was a plan.

The portraits were likewise disgusted with their headmaster. Phineas Black rolled his eyes:

"Someone really needs to take that loon down." – said the man from inside his frame.

"Yes, well…" – drawled the Hat – "I have my money on young Potter, but he is a bit young right now I thing… give it time…"

"Time?" – snorted Black – "And in that time how many other people he'll use do you think?.. If you think the boy's our best bet, then at least tell him about the old coot's depravities. Make sure he's prepared."

"I suppose you're right… but how do we tell him? I'm a Hat…Fawkes a phoenix… you're a portrait…"

"Exactly. Who says I need to stay in this frame all the time? I'll talk to the kid…"

That decided, the one-time headmaster of Hogwarts made his track through other paintings, carefully choosing only the landscapes just to be on the safe side, to the Gryffindor Tower.

Author's Note: Yeah, I know Dumbledore as a pedophile is really not as original and I did see it in other stories, however the way he calls people 'my boy' or 'my girl' just screams pedophile to me
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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Như vậy như tôi hiểu nó, bạn muốn tôi để thu thập các báo cáo ngân hàng, danh sách và trên để tìm hiểu chỉ những gì chính xác Dumbledore tham ô, vì vậy chúng tôi biết những gì chúng tôi muốn trở lại."-nói Valerius Jenks."Chính xác."-cười Harry."Tôi sẽ làm điều đó sau đó."-cho biết người đàn ông, khi ông đứng dậy và thu thập các giấy tờ xả rác bảng-"cho đến khi chúng tôi đáp ứng một lần nữa, ông Potter.""Chắc chắn rồi."-beamed Harry như ông dõi người đàn ông đi ra khỏi phòng.'Vâng, đó đã đi suốt... bây giờ tất cả những gì còn lại là để chờ đợi...'-nghĩ rằng Harry và sau đó là luật sư mới của mình ra khỏi phòng và vào làng-' tôi giả sử tôi nên đi và tìm thấy George... phát biểu của các em sinh đôi... Tôi hy vọng Fred làm okay...'Harry buttoned mặc áo choàng mùa đông của mình và đặt trên Găng tay trước khi bước vào tuyết bao phủ đường phố. Ông đã đi bộ hướng tới các cửa hàng cà phê 'Madam Puddyfoot của', khi ông nghe một giọng nói yên tĩnh gần đó.$Darn nó... Tại sao iss nó lạnh sso đây? $ - phàn nàn tiếng nói-$I muốn là ssomewhere ấm và khô... $Harry di chuyển theo hướng của những tiếng nói, nhưng không nhìn thấy bất cứ ai."Lạ..."-ông muttered và quên nó và đi vào, dự định khi ông nghe nó một lần nữa.$Down ở đây, bạn dolt! $ - thời gian này, tiếng nói to hơn và đã thực sự có vẻ đến từ mặt đất.Harry nhìn xuống và nhảy trở lại một chút khi nhìn thấy con rắn màu đen lớn cuộn trong lòng đất.$Erm... Xin chào... $ - ông nói, Trượt vào Parseltongue (A / N: tôi nghĩ rằng nó có đánh vần như thế, nhưng cho tôi biết nếu tôi là sai).$A sspeaker? Đây? $ - con rắn đã ngạc nhiên-$A xuất hiện hạnh phúc... đưa tôi ra khỏi đây! Tôi đang lạnh! $Harry không thể tìm ra phải làm gì. Một mặt ông không thể chỉ cần bỏ qua con rắn trên đường phố để đóng băng đến chết, mặt khác chỉ có một vài người biết về anh ta là một Slytherin, và do đó mang lại cho con rắn vào lâu đài sẽ đưa ra một vài khó khăn.$Okay, tôi sẽ đưa bạn với tôi... nhưng mọi người trong lâu đài không biết tôi có thể nói chuyện với sserpentss, bạn sẽ cần phải giữ cho ra khỏi ssight... $ ssoVì vậy, ông đã chọn lên cơ thể serpentine và quấn nó quanh mình, do đó, rằng con rắn sẽ không được nhìn thấy trừ khi ai đó ra lệnh cho Harry để dải.$Oh, tốt... ấm$ - con rắn thực tế moaned như cô cuộn xung quanh cơ thể ấm áp của cậu bé.Harry chuckled nhẹ nhàng và sau đó đưa sự chú ý của ông về môi trường xung quanh của mình. Người đã đi bộ quanh từng cặp, một số cô gái thậm chí bắn anh ta nhanh chóng glances flirtatious có Harry blush một chút trước khi ông nhớ lại rằng ông được ngụy trang như là Fred và Fred, thậm chí để tâm trí của mình năm 12 tuổi, đã là một thiếu niên rất đẹp trai. Vì vậy ông trả các cô gái không có sự chú ý, đặc biệt là kể từ khi đối với một, ông đã tự mình thực sự không biết làm thế nào để giao tiếp với họ đúng cách, cũng không phải đã làm ông thực sự có một mong muốn, và cho hai-ông đã không chắc chắn nếu Fred thậm chí thích cô gái.While Harry was dealing with his problems, Fred was having a total blast. He knew once Harry returned he would be subjected to some sort of payback, but in the meantime, Fred was on the loose. The disguised ginger accepted to play chess with Ron and being very familiar with the way his brother liked playing, he absolutely destroyed the boy's strategy. Oh of course he still lost, but he did so in the most ridiculous way ever. He kept making moves Ron wasn't anticipating, thus riling the boy up unfortunately not to the extent that he'd throw the game."You know, Ron," – he said when they were finished playing – "I noticed something very strange lately…""Oh?" – it was painfully obvious how the younger Weasley instantly paid attention."Yeah… I think…" – he paused for dramatic effect – "… that Dumbledore is a pedophile!""WHAT?" – screeched Ron as he jumped out of his chair – "You take that back right now!""Erm… I don't think I will…" – calmly drawled Fred."Harry," – Ron practically pleaded, looking around to make sure there was no one there – "You could get in real trouble for saying stuff like that." – there was a wild look in the boy's eyes, like he was expected to be punished or something.Fred filed away his brother's weird reaction for further consideration:"Okay, mate, chill… but you have to admit with how he always says 'my boy' this and 'my boy' that…the man just creeps me out…""I… I gotta go…" – mumbled Ron and practically ran out of the common room.'Well, that definitely was weird…' – thought Fred and returning to planning his newest prank against Dumbles.Being a ghost was definitely not fun, decided Hermione Jean Granger as she floated around the school.'I suppose the only good thing I got is that now I don't have to be afraid of that old goat manipulating me… or worse' – thought the newest ghostly resident of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft & Wizardry – 'Now if only there was a way to get Ron from under that curse the old goat has him under… dirty old pedophile…'%^Miss Granger, please, quit loitering. You were the one to ask me to assist you in learning to interact with the living world, so do not waste my time. Even if I'm already dead and have nothing but spare time, I can still find more productive way to spend it.^%%^I'm sorry, sir.^% - responded Hermione, as she floated over to where the Bloody Baron, or Richard Gryffindor-Slytherin actually, was waiting for her impatiently - %^So how do I do it?^%%^It will be a long and rigorous road, young lioness. It will at least take you several years until you can even begin interacting with the living the way us Hogwarts ghosts do.^% - said the spirit of Salazar & Godric's son.%^That long?^% - gasped Hermione's transparent form - %^Is there a reason it will take me that long to learn?^%%^Indeed there is.^% - sighed the ancient ghost - %^You are quite a rare case. Children as young as you don't usually become ghosts, they always move one. You and Myrtle are exceptions due to the way you died. It took her around three years to learn and she was in her fifth year of school, her magical core was more mature and stable…^%%^So then I'll be invisible until I've accumulated enough energy to make my magical core stable?^% - she asked, still confused.%^No, you're dead. You no longer have a magical core. You need to accumulate energy, that is correct. But what you need to strengthen is your very soul. Since technically that's exactly what you are – a soul without a body… like the rest of us.^% - patiently said the Baron. Usually he did not like dealing with new spirits, Myrtle was a watery nuisance and Peeves… well that was an entirely different thing. Still, he found himself somewhat fond of the muggleborn witch - %^There is however another reason for it taking so long. And that reason is your very blood.^%%^Oh, no^% - exclaimed Hermione making a face - %^More of that pureblood crap?^%%^It's not crap child!^% - said the ghost, his voice icy - %^You should not speak of what you do not understand…^%And thus the ghost of the Slytherin House proceeded to enlighten the ghost by the name of Hermione Granger about the things no one ever mentioned while the girl was alive. That thing being the all-important question: 'Just how valuable is a wizard's ancestry?'In the headmaster office Albus Dumbledore was not having the best day… or the best week… or even the best month. Usually when he felt like this, he would relieve the tension the usual way, especially since he had two… no, now it was one semi-willing pawn to take. But ever since the Granger girl died he has been under the scrutiny of the Governors. Of course he framed Lockhart for the deeds, but no one really believed him. He was still out of job and with no defense professor. It couldn't have been worse. Even the Potter boy spent more and more time with that useless squib Longbottom and Malfoy's spawn of all people. The Weasley twins were acceptable, they were Weasleys after all, even if not the Weasleys Dumbledore would prefer. For a moment he contemplated ordering Ronald to visit him in his office, from where he could take the boy to his private chambers and vent his frustrations. But of course with the bad luck he's been having recently, it wouldn't be impossible for someone notice something wrong with the boy, or even catch them in the act… No… that was not acceptable… especially since then he would lose Molly's support and that could only mean a disaster for him, since the woman knew a lot of his secrets.'I suppose it's time Mr. Potter and I have a chat…' – he decided – 'It really is a shame he is too important to satisfy some of my baser needs… he is such a handsome boy after all… I think a trip to Knockturn Alley is in order after all…' – with that old man used a portkey and disappeared from his office.The Hat, sitting on the shelf, and the phoenix exchanged a glance. The old man was getting more and more crazy with practically every day. Something had to be done and they knew just the person to go to. Now all they needed was a plan.The portraits were likewise disgusted with their headmaster. Phineas Black rolled his eyes:"Someone really needs to take that loon down." – said the man from inside his frame."Yes, well…" – drawled the Hat – "I have my money on young Potter, but he is a bit young right now I thing… give it time…""Time?" – snorted Black – "And in that time how many other people he'll use do you think?.. If you think the boy's our best bet, then at least tell him about the old coot's depravities. Make sure he's prepared.""I suppose you're right… but how do we tell him? I'm a Hat…Fawkes a phoenix… you're a portrait…""Exactly. Who says I need to stay in this frame all the time? I'll talk to the kid…"That decided, the one-time headmaster of Hogwarts made his track through other paintings, carefully choosing only the landscapes just to be on the safe side, to the Gryffindor Tower.Author's Note: Yeah, I know Dumbledore as a pedophile is really not as original and I did see it in other stories, however the way he calls people 'my boy' or 'my girl' just screams pedophile to me
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