Nearly 7 Years of AD PACKS Paying 2% (or more)Greetings Gai!Welcome to all of our New Members whohave joined ACX recently. We're gladyou did.Paying 2% (or more) for Nearly 7 YearsThe current Ad Pack / Ad Panel plan wasdeveloped (and patented) about 7 yearsago by mathematical genius F. Mann. Hisalgorithm is real and it always works. the program that ran thispowerful system was called JustBeenPaid.Millions of people around the worldparticipated and made a lot of money.At that time, the Ad Packs paid 2% until150% was paid back...... and then when four Ad Packs expired,they converted into one Ad Panel thateventually paid another 150% Rebate.That is a total of 300%, folks!That is exactly how the ACX System usesF. Mann's program......EXCEPT we've added a few bonus features.NOW ACX added a Media System that isbasically the same, but rather thanviewing advertisements, Members canview entertaining online media toearn DSC.Plus, ACX has the VARIABLE DSC RATE thatgives Members the opportunity to earn from3% to 10% a day!!!The original Ad Pack / Ad Panel Systemhas been expanded into something great.BUT WAIT!!! There's More!The LATEST Addition to the ACX Systemis the MONSOON PAY PLAN!In our opinion, we have taken the bestin F. Mann's original plan and made iteven better:- Pay 2% For Life... WITHOUT a Restart!Do you understand what this means?You can earn 2% a day for life, withoutworrying about...- Filling Panels- Variable DSC Rate changes- Resets or RestartsLong-time Members LOVE the Monsoon!And, now with the New 30/70 Rule, DSCwill NEVER go down... EVER!Just build up your DSC until you canwithdraw the Daily or Weekly amountyou want.... FOR LIFE!!!! Right Now... TODAY!ACX has funding choices that includePayPal, Bitcoin, and Credit Cards, allthrough our reliable payment processors.There is no reason not to fund yourACX account right now - it's so easy!ACX is the "Perfect System" to makemoney online!Thanks for being part of the ACX Dream Team.Always working for your success!ACX Management Team===================P.S. Here are some very important points we think shouldbe in every update we write:1- ACX Monsoon is the best system ever - earn5% per month, every month for LIFE:$50 per Month for Life = $333 Initial Purchase*$100 per Month for Life = $667 Initial Purchase$250 per Month for Life = $1,667 Initial Purchase$500 per Month for Life = $3,333 Initial Purchase$1000 per Month for Life = $6,667 Initial Purchase$2500 per Month for Life = $16,667 Initial Purchase$5000 per Month for Life = $33,333 Initial Purchase2- ACX Support Team is available 24/7 by clicking onthe LIVE CHAT feature. Our goal is to provide you withhelp to make your experience at ACX enjoyable andprofitable as quickly as possible.3- All today's requested withdrawals are being worked on.We will inform you as often as possible of any withdrawalbatches we have completed, as they happen - this will helpyou request withdrawals for the smaller payment processors.You can review these notifications in your Message Center,under Support News - the link is near the bottom of on theACX Dashboard in the Member Area.4- ClickDraw Winners are updated weekly - see them all at ACX Management invites you to take the time to fullyunderstand ACX - the following documents are availablein the Member Area Menu under "Popular":What is ACX?ACX Simple RecipeTrust400% StrategyPatented Pay SystemTake the ACX ChallengeBetter than an HYIPBetter than JustBeenPaidManage Your ACX BusinessMoney Management GuidePut Your Money to WorkPanel ExchageVariable DSCNew Reset SystemStart with Zero MoneyUnlimited Earning Potential2% per Day for Life50 Ways to Save 100's a Month6- If you speak a language in addition to English and wouldlike to help other ACX Members, we are always looking GlobalRepresentatives who will take time to assist members in their"first" language. In exchange for help, ACX offers manybenefits to Global Reps that can add more income andopportunities. Read more here: We think the easiest way for All Members to Share ACXis by using affiliate websites. These are pages that aredesigned to introduce ACX in a way that people will want
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