The construction of the Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical Project (NSRP) requires a huge number of workers and logistics mobilized to the area. At the peak time, an estimated 35,000 - 40,000 workers will be temporarily relocated from other provinces to TinhGia District. These workers are mostly man workers working for hundreds of NSRP contractors and subcontractors. A large proportion of them are required to live in worker camps constructed by contractors. Due to the crowded living condition and lack of knowledge among both workers and community members about healthy hygienic behaviors, communicable diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and STIs are likely to be spread throughout workers and communities. Understanding that this issue would pose a threat to the workforce as well as neighboring community, NSRP contracted ThanhHoa Red Cross (THRC) to implement Worker Camp Health Awareness Project. Under the HSSES Community Awareness Component of the Community Health Program, this project is designed to mitigate the risk of communicable disease outbreak potentially caused by the interaction between the NSRP Project Workforce and the surrounding communities, as well as its negative impacts on the construction progress of NSRP Project