V HISTORY0.1 - Completed Duel world section. After months of delaying  dịch - V HISTORY0.1 - Completed Duel world section. After months of delaying  Việt làm thế nào để nói

V HISTORY0.1 - Completed Duel world


0.1 - Completed Duel world section. After months of delaying it too. Will
soon be starting work on the other sections.

0.2 - Started and did a chunky portion of the WC mode duelists, corrected a lot
of spelling/translation mistakes and some game mistakes. Will keep at the
WC mode duelitsts - its my priority, then a deck section.

0.3 - Sorry for the delayed update - I have exams coming up and I haven't had
too much time. As I'm ill today I have some time to kill - so I continued with
the WC duelists. I plan to launch the deck section next update - I'm compiling
different things to see how the fare.

0.4 - I've been busy over Crimbo, so the updates to the guide got pushed to the
back of my mind - Sorry! Anyway, I got round to adding a couple more WCT
duelists and the deck section is UP! There are only one or two decks there
but this will continue to grow over the coming months. Thanks to everyone
who has contributed this update, all of whom's names can be found after their
work. A couple of minor spelling corrections and the like were made too.
Other than that, I wish everyone a very happy New Year and hope 2009 is even
better than 2008!

WCT 08 is the newest in the annual releases of Yugioh World Championships. It
features the all new Duel World, which is pretty much why I bought this game.
This is a game which features HEAVILY on dueling, so if you don't like having a
flimsy to non-existant sotryline, you may want to try Spirit Caller/Nightmare
Troubadour. In duel world, you'll battle through several levels, unlocking new
cards as you go. You'll also unlock new duelists who can be fought in the same
way as last years game.

You can go online, an you can download a different card each day (pre-decided)-
handy indeed as opposed to the 3 monthly rotating cards from last year. You can
download new duelists and puzzles each month, new ban lists every so often, and
online players ghosts, who are real life people building their own decks. When
you download a ghost however, it will be the CPU using their deck your playing
against, not the actual person.

One VERY dissapointing thing is that you cannot DS Wireless link to any past
game, so if you were getting all your Forbiddens and UR cards on WCT07/SC, be
in for a shock.

Anyway, I'm going to start with the Duel World section, so lets go there now.

OK, this is it. This is a first on any YGO game. Let me just breifly explain
how this place works.

You'll be sent to a world called "Grace" first of all. Ignore anything on the
screen and touch the little arrow in the bottom right hand corner. This is the
screen where we can go to the shop, edit the deck, save (important because you
cannot save on the map) and quit to go to the other mode. You can also access
your wardrobe and records here.

Anyway, back to the world Grace. You'll see a few monster roaming around, which
are Sonic Shooter, Skull Servant and Nightmare Penguin, as well as a Colosseum
and a tent. You may also notice some ripples on the pool.

The tent is where you can go if you ever get stuck and you feel this guide is
a little lacking. The woman in there though often talks in very ambiguous
detail, so its usually a waste of 50DP. The Colosseum is probably one of the
funnest parts of the game - you can have duels using structure decks VS other
real life strucutre decks, from Dragons Roar, to rise of the Dragon lords, with
2 exclusive Japanese decks too. I recommend that you stay here and familisarise
yourself with all 13 of them - which may take a good couple of hours worth of
gameplay. Each time you beat Amazoness Paladin with a deck, you'll notice a
"*" above it. If you beat her with all 13, you get every single card with the
word "Amazoness" in its name and Amazon Archer. You'll also get plenty of DP
from your duels, as well as Bastion Misawa in the other mode of play as an
opponent and I you also get a new duel disk. A few of these cards are going to
go straight into our deck, because they will help us get a deck worth dueling

This a deck list of your starter deck:


Chamberlain of the Six Samurai
Elemental Hero Clayman,
Great Angus
Harpie Girl (take this out)
Queen's Knight x2
Renge - Gatekeeper of Dark World
Sonic Duck x2
Space Mambo
Tri-Horned Dragon (take this out)
Black Ptera (and this)
Decoy Dragon (and this)
Goblin Elite Attack Force
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu
Majestic Mech - Ohka
Old Vindictive Magician
Swift Birdman Joe
Vortex King


Axe of Despair
Back to Square One
Broken Bamboo Sword (take out)
Dack Factory of Mass Production (you may want to, you may not want to)
Enemy Controller
Hammer Shot
Lucky Iron Axe
Mind Control (take out)
Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword (take out)
Stray Lambs x2, (take one out)
Twister x2 (take one out)


Chain Detonation
Dust Tornado
Magic Drain
Negate Attack
2x Trap Hole

Not spectacular, but it is better than most structure decks people have seen

I suggest going and buying 15 packs of Fiery Rage and spending the rest on
White Light Ruler because by the end of this world, I want to have an Alkana
Knight Joker/Pseudo-Beatdown deck.

Good Cards to put in this deck from those packs:

Magician of Faith / Mystical Space Typhoon (if you get really lucky)
Axe of Despair
Graceful Dice (only one though)
Tremendous Fire
Mystical Elf
Ultimate Offering
Magic Arm Shield
Spellbinding Circle
Tribute to the Doomed
Malevolent Nuzzler
Rush Recklessly

If you choose to buy the other packs instead, these are what you might pull:

Widespread Ruin
Black Pendant
Robbin' Goblin
Trap Hole
Time Machine
Kunai With chain
Mirror Force
Gravekeeper's Servant
Mask of Darkness
Double Coston / Dark Magician
Dust Tornado
Magic Cylinder
Cyber-Tech Aligator
Dimensional Prison
Fairy Box
Solemn Wishes

Edit as you wish. Other packs will beomce available later on, but thats NOT my
FAQ, please do not email me about it. I will assume if you are following my
guide you will NOT be stopping to go and unlock more packs in WC mode.

Anyway, lets start off with the easiest and work our way up. You WILL want to
beat each character 5 times to unlock the packs from this sotry mode. Also,
before that, I suggest doing the Structure Duel with Amazoness Paladin in
the Colosseum. For those who have trouble with her, here are my strategies:

Dragon's Roar: Don't use unecessary spells and traps, you need to keep these
zones freefor more important things. This deck is an absolute pain to use if
your not a skilled dragon player. Try and get against an easy deck (eg
Machine's Revolt), and storm out your lower level monsters. If you draw Red
Eyes Black Chick on Turn one with REBD, hats off to you.

Blaze of Destruction: Backfire is yoru friend. Don't be afradid to sacrifice
some monsters for this, because this is what this deck is about. Restrict
their attacks with Level Limit-Area B. Just do nto go against Fury from the
Deep, because their monsters can bypass yoru LLAB if they have their Legendary
Ocean out, and can destroy them.

Fury from the deep: ALO means most of your monsters will either become 4* or
3*, giving you either the advantage to bypass LLAB, or to summon with no
sacrifice. Just get out the stronger monsters, but don't use the Neo-Daedalus'
abilities unless you know you can one shot your opponent afterwards. Pretty
easy to use.

Warriors Triumph: Well, IMHO, this is the second easiest deck to use, so just
play it like a normal duel. You shouldn't have too many problems beating
the opponent with this.

A quick note about Marauding Captain: If there are 2 or 3 of them on the field
at the same time, then none of your warrior monsters can be attacked. Pretty

Spellcaster's Judgement: Easiest deck to use. With so many supporting cards,
you can't go wrong with this; unless you get a bad draw.

Invincible Fortress: Rather fun to use. Get out Canyon quickly, set plenty
of monsters with high DEF, the ones with low DEF but higher ATK could be used
as pseudo-attackers, but don't do anything rash. If you can get out Exxod, you
will probably win if you also have Guardian Sphinx. At that point, you can
say gg. No monsters + 1000 damage each turn = nasty.

Lord of the Storm: Use your Harpies Wisely! Harpie lady 1 is the best one,
because as well as the field boost, it gives 300 ATK points to every monster
in this deck. There are a few things that can mess you up here. There are
certain cards to avoid. Simorgh Bird of Divinity is bad because if you get a
crap draw, your screwed. And your opponent doesnt exactly have a hard job
countering it. Don't summon Harpie Girl, she isn't worth it. Sonic Shooter
isn't either. Never set Slate Warrior - he is strong enough without the boost.
There is no point in using the Ninja cards either. Avoid doing these, and
you've got a good chance at winning.

Dinosaur's Rage: Fun to kick the crap out of Paladin with. If you get out your
Super Conductor Tyranno, unless there is LLAB on the field, your opponent can
pretty much say gg. If you play without doing anything stupid, you should do

Machine's Re-Volt: Arrrggh, this deck is a bugger to use. If your new to the
Yu-Gi-Oh franchise, you'll struggle with this deck. Your main cards are the
3 coloured (I'm British, I spell it with a U, get over it) gadgets, Red, Yellow
and Green, all allowing another to be added to the hand. Now, it takes 3 turns
to get them out, and they are very fragile, so you'll have great dificulty
getting them to stay there. You want them our becuase they power up most of
the monsters in this deck, most notably, Ancient Gear Gajiltron Dragon, your
best card. If you can get out your 5*+
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V HISTORY0.1 - Completed Duel world section. After months of delaying it too. Willsoon be starting work on the other sections.0.2 - Started and did a chunky portion of the WC mode duelists, corrected a lotof spelling/translation mistakes and some game mistakes. Will keep at theWC mode duelitsts - its my priority, then a deck section.0.3 - Sorry for the delayed update - I have exams coming up and I haven't hadtoo much time. As I'm ill today I have some time to kill - so I continued withthe WC duelists. I plan to launch the deck section next update - I'm compilingdifferent things to see how the fare.0.4 - I've been busy over Crimbo, so the updates to the guide got pushed to theback of my mind - Sorry! Anyway, I got round to adding a couple more WCTduelists and the deck section is UP! There are only one or two decks therebut this will continue to grow over the coming months. Thanks to everyonewho has contributed this update, all of whom's names can be found after theirwork. A couple of minor spelling corrections and the like were made too.Other than that, I wish everyone a very happy New Year and hope 2009 is evenbetter than 2008!________________________________________________________________________________OVERVIEWWCT 08 is the newest in the annual releases of Yugioh World Championships. Itfeatures the all new Duel World, which is pretty much why I bought this game.This is a game which features HEAVILY on dueling, so if you don't like having aflimsy to non-existant sotryline, you may want to try Spirit Caller/NightmareTroubadour. In duel world, you'll battle through several levels, unlocking newcards as you go. You'll also unlock new duelists who can be fought in the sameway as last years game.You can go online, an you can download a different card each day (pre-decided)-handy indeed as opposed to the 3 monthly rotating cards from last year. You candownload new duelists and puzzles each month, new ban lists every so often, andonline players ghosts, who are real life people building their own decks. Whenyou download a ghost however, it will be the CPU using their deck your playingagainst, not the actual person.One VERY dissapointing thing is that you cannot DS Wireless link to any pastgame, so if you were getting all your Forbiddens and UR cards on WCT07/SC, bein for a shock.Anyway, I'm going to start with the Duel World section, so lets go there now.________________________________________________________________________________DUEL WORLDOK, this is it. This is a first on any YGO game. Let me just breifly explainhow this place works. ===================||THE WORLD OF GRACE|| ===================You'll be sent to a world called "Grace" first of all. Ignore anything on thescreen and touch the little arrow in the bottom right hand corner. This is thescreen where we can go to the shop, edit the deck, save (important because youcannot save on the map) and quit to go to the other mode. You can also accessyour wardrobe and records here.Anyway, back to the world Grace. You'll see a few monster roaming around, whichare Sonic Shooter, Skull Servant and Nightmare Penguin, as well as a Colosseumand a tent. You may also notice some ripples on the pool.The tent is where you can go if you ever get stuck and you feel this guide isa little lacking. The woman in there though often talks in very ambiguousdetail, so its usually a waste of 50DP. The Colosseum is probably one of thefunnest parts of the game - you can have duels using structure decks VS otherreal life strucutre decks, from Dragons Roar, to rise of the Dragon lords, with2 exclusive Japanese decks too. I recommend that you stay here and familisariseyourself with all 13 of them - which may take a good couple of hours worth ofgameplay. Each time you beat Amazoness Paladin with a deck, you'll notice a"*" above it. If you beat her with all 13, you get every single card with theword "Amazoness" in its name and Amazon Archer. You'll also get plenty of DPfrom your duels, as well as Bastion Misawa in the other mode of play as anopponent and I you also get a new duel disk. A few of these cards are going togo straight into our deck, because they will help us get a deck worth duelingwith.This a deck list of your starter deck:Monsters:Chamberlain of the Six SamuraiElemental Hero Clayman,Great AngusHarpie Girl (take this out)Queen's Knight x2Renge - Gatekeeper of Dark WorldSonic Duck x2Space MamboTri-Horned Dragon (take this out)Black Ptera (and this)Decoy Dragon (and this)Goblin Elite Attack ForceGyroidIron Blacksmith KotetsuMajestic Mech - OhkaOld Vindictive MagicianSwift Birdman JoeVortex KingSpells:Axe of DespairBack to Square OneBroken Bamboo Sword (take out)Dack Factory of Mass Production (you may want to, you may not want to)Enemy ControllerHammer ShotLucky Iron AxeMind Control (take out)Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword (take out)Stray Lambs x2, (take one out)Twister x2 (take one out)Traps:BirthrightChain DetonationDust TornadoMagic DrainNegate Attack2x Trap HoleNot spectacular, but it is better than most structure decks people have seenbefore.I suggest going and buying 15 packs of Fiery Rage and spending the rest onWhite Light Ruler because by the end of this world, I want to have an AlkanaKnight Joker/Pseudo-Beatdown deck.Good Cards to put in this deck from those packs:Magician of Faith / Mystical Space Typhoon (if you get really lucky)Axe of DespairGraceful Dice (only one though)Tremendous FireMystical ElfFissureUltimate OfferingMagic Arm ShieldSpellbinding CircleTribute to the DoomedMalevolent NuzzlerRush RecklesslyReinforcementsIf you choose to buy the other packs instead, these are what you might pull:SanganWidespread RuinBlack PendantRobbin' GoblinTrap HoleTime MachineKunai With chainMirror ForceGravekeeper's ServantWabokuMetalmorphMask of DarknessDouble Coston / Dark MagicianDust TornadoMagic CylinderCyber-Tech AligatorDimensional PrisonFairy BoxSolemn WishesEdit as you wish. Other packs will beomce available later on, but thats NOT myFAQ, please do not email me about it. I will assume if you are following myguide you will NOT be stopping to go and unlock more packs in WC mode.Anyway, lets start off with the easiest and work our way up. You WILL want tobeat each character 5 times to unlock the packs from this sotry mode. Also,before that, I suggest doing the Structure Duel with Amazoness Paladin inthe Colosseum. For those who have trouble with her, here are my strategies:Dragon's Roar: Don't use unecessary spells and traps, you need to keep thesezones freefor more important things. This deck is an absolute pain to use ifyour not a skilled dragon player. Try and get against an easy deck (egMachine's Revolt), and storm out your lower level monsters. If you draw RedEyes Black Chick on Turn one with REBD, hats off to you.Blaze of Destruction: Backfire is yoru friend. Don't be afradid to sacrificesome monsters for this, because this is what this deck is about. Restricttheir attacks with Level Limit-Area B. Just do nto go against Fury from theDeep, because their monsters can bypass yoru LLAB if they have their LegendaryOcean out, and can destroy them.Fury from the deep: ALO means most of your monsters will either become 4* or3*, giving you either the advantage to bypass LLAB, or to summon with nosacrifice. Just get out the stronger monsters, but don't use the Neo-Daedalus'abilities unless you know you can one shot your opponent afterwards. Pretty
easy to use.

Warriors Triumph: Well, IMHO, this is the second easiest deck to use, so just
play it like a normal duel. You shouldn't have too many problems beating
the opponent with this.

A quick note about Marauding Captain: If there are 2 or 3 of them on the field
at the same time, then none of your warrior monsters can be attacked. Pretty

Spellcaster's Judgement: Easiest deck to use. With so many supporting cards,
you can't go wrong with this; unless you get a bad draw.

Invincible Fortress: Rather fun to use. Get out Canyon quickly, set plenty
of monsters with high DEF, the ones with low DEF but higher ATK could be used
as pseudo-attackers, but don't do anything rash. If you can get out Exxod, you
will probably win if you also have Guardian Sphinx. At that point, you can
say gg. No monsters + 1000 damage each turn = nasty.

Lord of the Storm: Use your Harpies Wisely! Harpie lady 1 is the best one,
because as well as the field boost, it gives 300 ATK points to every monster
in this deck. There are a few things that can mess you up here. There are
certain cards to avoid. Simorgh Bird of Divinity is bad because if you get a
crap draw, your screwed. And your opponent doesnt exactly have a hard job
countering it. Don't summon Harpie Girl, she isn't worth it. Sonic Shooter
isn't either. Never set Slate Warrior - he is strong enough without the boost.
There is no point in using the Ninja cards either. Avoid doing these, and
you've got a good chance at winning.

Dinosaur's Rage: Fun to kick the crap out of Paladin with. If you get out your
Super Conductor Tyranno, unless there is LLAB on the field, your opponent can
pretty much say gg. If you play without doing anything stupid, you should do

Machine's Re-Volt: Arrrggh, this deck is a bugger to use. If your new to the
Yu-Gi-Oh franchise, you'll struggle with this deck. Your main cards are the
3 coloured (I'm British, I spell it with a U, get over it) gadgets, Red, Yellow
and Green, all allowing another to be added to the hand. Now, it takes 3 turns
to get them out, and they are very fragile, so you'll have great dificulty
getting them to stay there. You want them our becuase they power up most of
the monsters in this deck, most notably, Ancient Gear Gajiltron Dragon, your
best card. If you can get out your 5*+
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Các ngôn ngữ khác
Hỗ trợ công cụ dịch thuật: Albania, Amharic, Anh, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ba Lan, Ba Tư, Bantu, Basque, Belarus, Bengal, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Bồ Đào Nha, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Corsi, Creole (Haiti), Croatia, Do Thái, Estonia, Filipino, Frisia, Gael Scotland, Galicia, George, Gujarat, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Hungary, Hy Lạp, Hà Lan, Hà Lan (Nam Phi), Hàn, Iceland, Igbo, Ireland, Java, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Klingon, Kurd, Kyrgyz, Latinh, Latvia, Litva, Luxembourg, Lào, Macedonia, Malagasy, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Myanmar, Mã Lai, Mông Cổ, Na Uy, Nepal, Nga, Nhật, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Pháp, Phát hiện ngôn ngữ, Phần Lan, Punjab, Quốc tế ngữ, Rumani, Samoa, Serbia, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenia, Somali, Sunda, Swahili, Séc, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thái, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Thụy Điển, Tiếng Indonesia, Tiếng Ý, Trung, Trung (Phồn thể), Turkmen, Tây Ban Nha, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Việt, Xứ Wales, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, Đan Mạch, Đức, Ả Rập, dịch ngôn ngữ.

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